Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hamas Murders Civilians Again

This story just pisses me off, even though I've read almost the same damn story too many times. Some goddamned Palestinians ambushed a car full of civilians near Hebron, shot them then finished them off at close range. Two of the victims were women and one of them was pregnant. Why these four victims were murdered? Probably because they were Jews driving down the wrong road at the wrong time.

In a statement, Gaza Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said the group "praises the Hebron operation". Later, Hamas military wing spokesman Abu Obeida told The Associated Press late Tuesday that Hamas carried out the attack.
Well fuck you Hamas, Abu and Sami. Human beings would not murder unarmed civilians like this. But I guess the cowards in Hamas can't stand up and fight like men. Instead they must ambush women then shoot them when they lie wounded and bleeding. Such a glorious act for their filthy god allah.

But I save my strongest fuck you for Western leftists who support Hamas and their demonic ilk. I give a lesser fuck you to Obama and the skid marks in the US government that push Israel to talk to Palestinians about peace. There will be peace when the goddamned Palestinians are bulldozed into the Mediterraean.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Britannia Rules The Waves No Longer

The UK and French navies have both fallen on hard times and now are planning on sharing aircraft carriers. The Royal navy is down to 88 ships and the French navy is down to 44 ships. By contrast the US Navy has 289 ships, the Russian navy has 136 ships, the Chinese navy has 138 ships and the Japanese navy has 76 ships.

I didn't know France had a navy. What would they ever do with it? It must be some tradition thing. Dunno?

This is interesting because French aircraft can't operate off Royal navy carriers nor can the UK aircraft operate off the French carrier. Hmmm?

Don't pout and be cross with me Molly. Britannia has fallen into history, soon to be only myth to your great grandchildren.

Home or Millstone

The DOW almost dropped below 10k today, loosing value continually as the day wore on. Optimism for economic recovery would be Dow 10600. We aren't going to see that number any time soon, unless of course the market is manipulated by sinister forces.

A BoA study suggests that the number of households created has declined and will remain low until 2013, assuming that unemployment dips to 7%. The Jackson Hole club thinks we'll have 6 more years of high unemployment, 2010 + 6 =2017 by my reckoning. So what's the chance of more households being created by 2013?
Home prices may fall another 20-25% according to BoA's judgement based upon supply and demand. And that doesn't factor in deflation. So that nestegg that you call your home is a millstone around your neck. If you can't rent or sell the house then you are stuck where you are. Else you give the keys to the bank. Then what?

Our best hope is DOW 7000 and home prices back to 1980 values. Worst case is DOW 0 and piles of rubble strewn across a blood soaked Dark Age landscape.

Buy a sword.

Insane Policy

Living on the margins, as my family does, paying an additional 2% federal tax when the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire next year, will hurt my family. We will spend even less (if such a thing is possible) and something will have to go in our budget.
Increasing the tax rate on the middle class in the midst of a depression is insane policy. That won't stop Washington from doing it. Perhaps a civil war is our only option now. Else total destruction of our families.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Stupid can't figure this out. Michelle wonder what gonna happen.

And this clown is the Leader of the Free World? God help us!

US Dollar is Dead

Global Banks and corporations are quietly switching from dollars and euros to the renminbi for trade. The days of the dollar as a global reserve currency are numbered. Nobody wants to be stuck trading with a dead currency when the Troubles begin.

In Mao we trust.

Sorry Stupid americans

Russian Prime Minister Putin announced that the new Vostochny cosmodrome will be operational in 2018. The Russians intend to launch astronauts and cargo to the former International Space Station Russian Space Station. You see, the space station is useless to you if you can't get men and supplies to it. No one but the Russians will have this capability once the US Space Shuttles are retired next year. Maybe US astronauts will get invited to the party, maybe not. The decision will be Russia's to decide.

Sorry stupid americans.

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Living Poor and Enjoying It

I've been thinking about living poor lately.

Two years ago I had a good paying engineering job with Delphi. We were upper middle class and lived well below our station in life because I'm cheap and I've been through hard times in my youth. We were paying down mortgage debt with extra payments and stuffing cash into my 401k and savings for rainy days.

The rainy days came and I went for 9 months before getting a job. The work is great but I drive an hour one way and only make about 2/3 of what I was making before. So we have fallen to lower middle class pay and a lower middle class lifestyle. I'm still cheap, so we live like the lower class folk.

Everything we purchase is cash. I don't use credit cards unless I can pay it off in a month. I don't purchase cars on credit, instead I buy good used cars for cash. Roof, water heater, washer; all bought with cash. What is my credit score? I don't know or care. I don't need a loan from a bankster.

We make the mortgage payment, buy food, repair things as they break and replace socks with holes in them. Hole in the my pants? I don't care. The grandboys have decent clothes and get a few new toys from time to time. They live as well as I did as a child. But we sure don't live like most of the McMansion set in the US.

I have grown accustomed to living poor and like it. We don't have to keep up with anyone. It's nice to not have a "want" constantly gnawing inside. I can walk past any sale advertisement or end cap sale sign without desire. It don't mean nothin'. I don't envy the guy in the new SUV or the couple with the new 4000 sqaure foot home. I know that things aren't worth what they paid for it today and I cringe when I imagine the upkeep costs.

The best part of living poor is that I don't have far to fall when it all collapses. I am not my possessions, nor my 'station in society', nor my job. I don't judge myself that way nor do I care what those who judge by those standards care. If I wind up living in a box some where, I am still me.

Materially speaking, I have nothing to prove. The things in this life that I hold dear are my loved ones and some ideas that I will fight and die for. You can hold those at face value, unlike government and bankster's promises, the value of your McMansion or your equity position in the NYSE.

Thanks to God's grace I'm richer than most by living poor and enjoying it.


Hoping for Something to Change

The NYT summarized where the US economy stands as "Policy Options Dwindle as Economic Fears Grow". The Fed and government have shot their wad and have nothing left but "hoping something changes".

As an engineer I know what hope will get you and it isn't pretty. The reality is that once you try something and it fails you better, by God, toss that something and come up with a new plan. Trying the same something over and over again while expecting a different outcome is, by definition, insanity.

This Depression now has a life of it's own and it will continue if left unmolested. That's the way of things.

The common man sees what's going on, shuns risk and won't be the something that changes to turn the economy around. For the average guy, deflation is here, now. His wages, house, investments and everything else has lost value. Even his sentiment about his future has deflated.

If you doubt deflation is here now then go to a few yard sales. Most of the items for sale can be had for pennies on the ten dollars. My wife is shocked at what she can buy for next to nothing these days at local yard sales.

Bernanke's concern about future deflation is already a lost cause because it is here now. And we are one crisis away from an investor flight from Treasuries to commodities that will initiate the hyperinflation that will wipe the Ponzi scheme, that the global economy has become, from the face of the earth.

The Fed will buy T-bills and print money in a futile effort to stop the stampede from Treasuries. But it will fail. The government will try wage and price controls to stop hyperinflation, but it will fail. The crisis will go on until it can no longer go on, then something will change. If history is our guide then that something will probably involve blood running in the streets.

As you go forth in the new week remember our new national battle cry;  


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Study in Contrast

Little girl on a bike. A girl's bike at that! This metrosexual has on his capri pants, sketchers and a gay, colorful helmet in case he falls and goes boom.

This little bitch would inspire lawyers and queers to have meetings, file papers then pile in the back of a limo to diddle each other.

This affirmative action drone has had everything handed to him by others his entire life because of the color of his skin.

There is nothing that this pathetic creature could say or do to make me follow him anywhere at any time.

Man on a bike. A Harley at that! No helmet, just a ball cap. Proudly flying his country's flag.

This man would inspire men of arms to march to the sound of the guns and change the world forever.

This is a self-made man who earned all he has based upon merit.

I could consider following this man.


When the Troubles come

My wife says that I think too much about what's going on in this country and she's probably right. Because what has been going on for the past couple of years cannot be understood through reasoning, unless one succumbs to conspiracy theory. As an engineer I know alot about system failures, I've dealt with them for 27 years. It's difficult to make a robust system collapse completely on it's own without high level tampering. In the case of our economic collapse, the question becomes was the tampering accidental or malicious.

Unfortunately I'm leaning to the belief that something sinister has occurred, and is continuing to occur. This theory is shaking my belief system, with regards to my relationship to fellow americans, to it's very core. I take this change very seriously as it will have severe ramifications regarding the almost certain coming Troubles.

I have watched as far too many good men, who did the right thing their entire life, are systematically being destroyed. These men, who went to work every day, earned modest wages, bought homes, paid their bills, lived modest lifestyles, paid their taxes and raised families are being looted then tossed in the trashcan by their fellow countrymen, corporations and government.

Corporations and government say that these men should go back to school to learn new skills applicable to the "new economy" so they can become employable. Who's kidding who? These mostly 50 year old men will lose a lifetime of accumulated wealth while trying to maintain a minimal lifestyle and never do meaningful work at a living wage ever again. They will retire and die in poverty after a lifetime of work.

Now, nobody ever promised that life is fair. Bad things happen to good people all the time. But it is different when powerful people conspire to destroy men's work, loot their modest wealth then toss them into poverty to age and die. This suggests that all bonds between men are broken and evil has descended on the land. Historically this scenario always ends badly for the people of the land.

My late 50s neighbor lost his job two years ago and hasn't found work anywhere. His wife and daughters left him, seeking some future elsewhere. He has stopped caring about everything. He no longer bathes, cleans his house or mows the grass. He rarely leaves the house. This week we learned that his house will be auctioned in a sherriff's sale in September. He will be evicted by americans, at gun point if necessary. He will live only God knows where while his house sits vacant, rotting two doors down from mine.

How does this serve society? For a man to become garbage and his home to become a crumbling ruin in two years. Meanwhile the leader of this society goes on seven vacations, golfs daily and eats lobster, lobster and more lobster.

As I wrote earlier, there are ramifications when the bonds between men are torn asunder. Is there still a Constitution in this country? Is there an economic relationship between citizen, corporation and government? Can a relationship exist if it all is predicated upon lies? Does a fair system of justice and law exist in america anymore? Do individual americans have any value at all in modern society? Are there any valid relationships in america anymore? Is modern american society moral?

I'm beginning to ponder these questions and am troubled by my conclusions. If the answer to all these questions is no then what are my obligations? If society will put my neighbor on the street and take a lifetime of his possessions then go eat lobster on vacation while his house sits empty and rotting, am I obligated to such a society in any way? Is such a society moral?

Apparently we are all on own now. It doesn't matter if you paid into the system for decades or never, tried all your life or never, are old or young. It is just you against society. And you have no value at all, or at least, less than some obscure fish species in the California central valley.

This will all matter when the Troubles begin. Men will have to make horrific decisions about their obligations in a crisis. Many will ask God then understand that their only obligation is to their own family. When food and shelter becomes the only things that matter then the decisions made about obligations will have terrible consequences for this country.

Law is fungible absent moral authority. Once moral authority disappears then we revert to State of Nature with all it's implications. God will hold us blameless if we behave within His state of nature, absent moral State of Law. In the US I believe that we are losing moral authority and our State of Law is crumbling. Every man must read Hobbes Levithan and understand man's obligations under God.

So I am still thinking and asking God about what I shall do when the Troubles come.


Russian SVR agent Anya Kuschenko is back in the news, posing for a photo shoot in Moscow for the magazine Heat. This video clearly depicts Anya's triple bait that apparently opened any door in the West. Perhaps Anya set Russia on fire this summer with her heat.

Bernanke Spaketh

Bernanke says he is prepared to use unconventional stimulus to revive the soft US economy pictured above. Here you can see one of the stimuli being applied to the US economy. Although it looks like it's guts are being pulled out by a bankster, as a politician watches, this is, in fact, a stimulation to revive confidence while reducing uncertainty.

The DOW rose 160 points after HFTbots analyzed Bernanke's remarks then prepared for more investor haircuts on the market margins next week.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Thinking, Wondering and Looking

Yep. I've gone over to the dark side...politically speaking.

Republicans and Democrats are both owned by global klepto-corporations that are run by elites who only care about wealth and power. Capitalism, democracy, communism and socialism are all illusions meant to make people believe that they have a say about their life. It's all a lie.

We are all dairy cows to be fed and milked until our udders become unproductive, then we are slaughtered.

We are but consumers whose sole purpose is to work hard for just enough to pay the rent, the transportation, the utilities, the food and a few other consumer goods. Taxes are skimmed off of everything as our governments provide spectacles to make us bond with our immediate neighbors and accept the taxes as our obligation to each other. Booze, drugs, entertainment and religion are flooded into our lives to distract us from life on the "farm". The smartest and most compliant are bought off by the klepto-corporations to herd the rest.

Political parties and causes are used to keep us fighting each other rather than the klepto-corporations. Jews vs. Muslims, Russians vs Americans, Colts vs Bengals, conservatives vs. liberals, black vs. white, Dell vs. HP, Hutu vs. Tutsi. It's all contrived and carefully orchestrated to divide, conquer and distract.

We live in a factory farm.

For the past 100 years, America was the pilot line to develop the technology and model that would be deployed throughout the global factory farm. China was the testbed for learning how to control vast numbers of people and Russia was the place to test things that could never see the light of day.

In 2001 the global factory farm model was ready to deploy. Chaos, war, the breakdown of all alliances, the global economic crisis. All meant to attenuate Americans while bringing millions up to some "new normal" living standard of the new "global consumer".

The global leaders who own the klepto-corporations will live like gods and their compliant managers will live well while most of the world makes just enough to consume.

Far-fetched? Lugh gone nuts? Hell, I don't know. I can't explain what's been going on for the last ten years. Nothing is normal anymore, and it gets weirder every day. The world that I grew up in and thought that I understood vanished and I feel like I live in Superman's bizarro world.

The only way to fight the elites and their klepto-corporations is to embrace anarchy. Yep. Go Galt. And I'm leaning in that direction.
Now I'm too old to man the ramparts. I can do my share of non-compliance by kicking the milk can over and shitting in the milk stall. Maybe stomping on the managers foot as he milks me or going mad cow when it's time to put me down.
But what I can do is teach the calves about the farm and how to turn a well run farm into a free range. Maybe some young bull will gore an elite or two, maybe some heifer will stampede a herd who trample the elites to roadkill.

So Lugh is thinking and wondering and looking for answers

Opportunity and Disaster

Oh oh. The headline read "Massive Solar Storm to Hit Earth in 2012". Will a repeat of the 1859 Carrington event wipe out the world's electrical grids and have us living like 18th century folk? Some people are worried that Solar Cycle 24 could bring a "perfect storm" to earth in 2013. Should we be worried?

Well kids, we're lucky if meteorologists can get the weather forecast right for next week. Astronomers can't predict sunspots or coronal mass projections days ahead. So what we're talking about here is statistical prophecy. The witches' promise.

It's funny how the US and mankind are facing economic doom right now, yet it is Mayan prophecies and chances of solar flares that capture man's attention. Yes Linda there is a tiny chance that our star could fart and fry our electrical grids. But there's a much higher probability that Obama and his gang have torched our economy so badly that our grandchildren will live third world lifestyles. Perhaps their grandchildren as well.

In any event, whatever happens will provide opportunity to those who dare and disaster to those sit around hoping for "the one we've been waiting for".

As always...buy more ammo and get some range time in.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yawning at Racism Charges

"We are going to take on the barbarism of war, the decadence of racism, and the scourge of poverty, that the Ku Klux -- I meant to say the Tea Party," Fauntroy told a news conference today at the National Press Club. "You all forgive me, but I -- you have to use them interchangeably." -Reverend Walter Fauntroy

 I don't have to do anything and I'm bored with your sermon, reverend-grifter. Now fuck off!

US Economy August 26, 2010

The world awaits Bernanke's speech tomorrow when he discusses the Fed's uncertainty about this roadkill.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Putin Inspires Men and Women

Here is the manly Russian Prime Minister taking skin samples from whales with a crossbow. Notice there's no Sea Shepherd or Greenpeace buzzing around Putin. He would just shoot them with the crossbow, or call in an airstrike. Putin is a descendant of Vikings and is not to be fucked with, period.

Vlad inspires men and women with his raw manliness, while our metrosexual president makes us cringe. Well, some of us anyway. Creepy Western elites love queers and their queer ways. I suspect all queers secretly want to destroy themselves...forever...and dwell in the outer darkness of annwyn for eternity.

Влади́мир Пу́тин is no creepy Western elite. When Vlad isn't shooting wild animals, arming Islamocommunists, killing dissenters, punking Obama or riding a Harley, he is riding 26 year old gymnist, Alina Kabaeva. Cute, cute, cute. And very bendy too!

These before and after photos are testimony to Vlad's ability to tame a wild beast, in fact, turn a ferocious beast into a smiling kitty. Most 58 year old rodeo cowboys couldn't handle this 8 second ride let alone put a smile on her face.

I have a theory that the mysterious dark matter that is accelerating the universe in entropy to it's ultimate death is the souls of evil beings that are fleeing God. I'm no astrophycist but I am a homegrown philosopher.


Now We Have Fire Tornadoes? God is Really Pissed

More Gloomy Economic News

Roubini, the prophet of the 2007 economic crash, says third quarter growth will be below 1% and there's a 40% chance the economy will tip into a double-dip recession. Roach says the double dip is here now.

Morgan Stanley says that global sovereign debt defaults are inevitable. US debt to GDP is 53% but US debt to revenue is 358%. Not good!

Roubini is clearly afraid to speak the truth. We are not working under a normal business cycle so this is not a recession but a deepening depression. Maybe he wants to maintain some public optimism so he doesn't stampede the herd.

Morgan Stanley's report suggests no growth for decades, so revenue cannot increase to levels sufficient to pay down debt, especially in the US. So either taxes rise dramatically or the dollar is debased to repay debt. Both methods kill the US economy in the short and long term.

Mort Zuckerman thinks american optimism is over and wonders if the post-WW2 economy is dead, forever. Sherman Okst thinks the inmates are in charge of the economy asylum with backwards wages, big government, corporatocracy in an world of scarce resources. He has some ideas that will be ignored.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning

Tomorrow we say goodbye to my former boss who's off on a new adventure, back in the northeast. The lad hired me and taught me the battery business. He gave me full responsibility and authority to do my thing. I hope he learned a few things from me as well. I wish him well in his new job. Maybe our paths will cross again, maybe not. You never know in this life.

I was thinking this morning on the way to work about all the people that come into your life and then leave. Some are dead, some are living, even the awful are missed in some ways. Time rehabilitates even the worst relationships, mostly.

How many people have I known in the past 60 years? I can't even guess. I've found that all relationships are a function of shared interests; love, work, hobbies and vices. When the shared interest vanishes, the relationship vanishes too. People are fickle, they will come and go from your life on a whim.

The Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning

Wheels off the Recovery, Depression is On

Home sales dropped 27% in July to a 15 year low as banks won't lend and people won't buy, no matter how low the price. The US now has a 12 month supply of housing sitting empty with no takers. There just is no confidence in this government or business leadership left in america.

The DOW reacted negatively, with stocks declining for two straight weeks, reaching a six week low on slightly above average trading. Investors are down about 4% for the year, as we enter the September gloom. DOW 10600 is gone and today stocks dipped below 10000 briefly.Smart money continues to flee stocks for bonds, seeking the lower returns but safety of bonds. Irish sovereign debt was downgraded after market close today, guaranteeing another market bloodbath Wednesday.

"The wheels are coming off the recovery. You're seeing no aggregate demand at all. You have $12 trillion in stimulus and the best you can do 2 to 2.5 percent gross domestic product ... you should be at 7 or 8 percent."

But Obama shill, Joe Biden says that the "recovery is moving in the right direction".

Positive gross domestic product readings and other mildly hopeful signs are masking an ugly truth: The US economy is in a 1930s-style Depression, Gluskin Sheff economist David Rosenberg said Tuesday.

Well Keith and Joe, the wheels have been off the economy since 2008 and like Dave says, we are in a depression. Is that the direction that Joe had all along?

Buy more ammo.

What Racism?

The Iowa state fair has a new attraction this year called Beat Whitey Night. Apparently some lucky white fairgoers get picked out by a group of young negro men and women, are verbally harassed until they talk back, then the "disrespected" negro youths jump them as a group and beat them senseless. If the police respond they too are hectored and attacked by negro women when they turn their backs on them.

My daughters described this same scenario in their high school a decade ago. The negros would congregate in a self-segregated hallway, bump into an isolated white, demand an apology and unless a prompt humble apology was received, several negro bitches would jump the white person and give them a beating. When the school authorities investigated, the race card was invoked instantly and the investigation ended.

When asked if the "Beat Whitey Night" attacks had racial overtones, State Rep. Ako Abdul Samad said he was uncertain and "Unfortunately, like any other city, you have certain parts of town that individuals congregate in," Abdul-Samad said. "You have those that go into that area with no problem, and those who cannot." 

Hmmm. Is Abdul telling whites that they don't have any business going through da hood to the fair? Is he saying that, if you're white, you might get a beating, so stay the hell out? Or else?

Too many negro youth in this country act like either tribal Rwandans or a band of primates. Any attempt to civilize them is wasted, time, energy and money. It's time to put the race bait industry and these feral youth out of business permanently in this country. We need a three strike rule that includes a death penalty, no matter the crime, after three felony arrests. Otherwise vast swaths of american cities will become permanent no-go zones run by Abdul and his NOI/BP gangs.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Putting Things in Perspective

I'm guilty of being dark and cynical. I do look for good news, really I do.


As someone pointed out the other day, one billion working Chinese produce a GDP of $5T while 150 million working Americans produce a GDP of $14T. Each American worker generates 19 times more wealth than each Chinese worker. Now THAT'S productivity.

Islam is Hypocrisy

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has a lot of nerve. This frontman for the Cordoba mosque-shrine is carrying around a lot of baggage, including stating in 2005, "We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non Muslims."

There are no innocents as far as islam is concerned Feisal. Muslims have a history of killing, raping, slavery and theft that is unparalleled in world history. Muslims kill far more muslims than those killed by americans. The US would have to go on a decades long, worldwide rampage to catch up with muslim crimes against humanity.

Further, the imam stated  "What complicates the discussion, intra-Islamically, is the fact that the West has not been cognizant and has not addressed the issues of its own contribution to much injustice in the Arab and Muslim world."

To muslims I'd say, clean up your own filthy house before casting stones at the West. Islam is injustice, towards women, the rest of humanity and even against it's own youth. Muslims treat their own women as hoarded breeding sows while using their sons as human bombs.

I'm tired of being lectured by leaders of a "religion" that has documented rules regarding the fucking of animals.


Holy moly, this article will scare the hell out of you. Well, at least make you consider calling your financial adviser in the morning.

The DOW is still dropping on one bad news story after another. Retail buyers are leaving stocks for bonds, helping create a bond bubble that will burst. He recommends commodities, as in hard commodities, not paper. September is always an awful month for the markets and we are frontrunning the month with daily losses. Gulp!

I'm long on ammunition.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Economy Notes

I believe that we are in an economic depression which is defined as "a sustained, long-term downturn in economic activity in one or more economies. It is a more severe downturn than a recession, which is seen as part of a normal business cycle".
The economic downturn that started in December 2007 is now in it's third year and shows no sign of ending. Despite some very serious attempts to stimulate the economy it gets worse every day. Economists have no tools left in their arsenal and are at a loss as to what they should try next.
No one, including lying politicians, believes this is a normal business cycle. This depression is different. This is the first Global Depression and is the result of the folly of global elites who believe that they are gods.

I believe we are experiencing deflation, which is defined as a "decrease in the general price level of goods and services". Wages, real estate, company values, stock and many commodity prices have all declined significantly. Some items such as food, fuel and medical services have increased as they are necessities. But generally the value of everything else has declined and shows no sign of improving in the current depression.

I suspect that the Fed will start printing trillions of new dollars to boost the economy out of depression and deflation. I believe this will lead to the crash of the dollar and ultimately every currency in the world. This crash will result in hyperinflation, which is defined as "the loss of faith in the currency. Prices rise in a hyperinflationary environment just like in an inflationary environment, but they rise not because people want more money for their labor or for commodities, but because people are trying to get out of the currency. It’s not that they want more money—they want less of the currency: So they will pay anything for a good which is not the currency-GL". I believe this hyperinflation will be unlike anything the world has ever seen, since it will be impossible to define the value of currency or anything else.

Since all markets are no longer local but global, nothing will escape this economic apocalypse. No government, company nor individual can escape the reckoning to come. Only criminal enterprises will thrive, and only the fittest of these.

We Lobsters Never Knew

Gotham is infested with bedbugs. And foreigners. Could there possible be a correlation between the two? Maybe if Customs put both foreigners and their baggage in an irradiation chamber for a while the source of the infestation could be eliminated. But crap! I forgot that we don't have a border or Customs on most of the southern border. So much for that idea.

But wait! The Persians just fueled their nuclear reactor and the Israelis didn't bomb it. The Persian centrifuges are still enriching uranium. If the dune coons don't have nuclear bombs yet, they will have soon. Maybe New Yorkers should just wait until the Persians nuke the City. That will end the bedbug infestation...and the foreigner problem that started it. Maybe Bloomberg should pay the Iranians for pest control. He could drop off the payment at the Cordoba mosque-memorial, that incidentally will be built with foreign labor, doing jobs americans won't do.

Al Qaeda is counting on a Iran-Israel war. They might be waiting a long time. The West doesn't do "war" anymore, haven't since 1945. Now that's not to say that the Persians won't commit Acts of War. But Israel is just as feminized as the rest of the West and will behave like the West, lashing out with military force only to fizzle and turn soldiers into nannies, nuturing little barbarians who plant bombs in the hallway.
Al Qaeda should use the approach that the Russians employed against the West. Use the educational system to soften the target over generations then let the niggas and feminists rot the country from inside. Today's six year olds will be detonating car bombs in Israel, Europe and the US in a little over a decade, making Bagdad look tame by comparison. The global leadership elites seem Ok with this development as they fly above it all then retire to gated communities guarded by well paid mercenaries.

So who is the real enemy today, and for that matter, tomorrow. Is it those tiny little bedmates? Foreigners and their foreign parasites? Persian dune coons with their uranium taunts? Mysterious masked Al Qaeda muslims with their car bombs and swords? The Gramscian rot of a deeply divided Western culture? Or global leadership elites that enable all of the above.

Slowly bring the kettle to a boil and the lobster never even knows that it's being boiled to death.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bioyuck in America

It's another boring day in the office, performing mundane tasks and watching the women chatting mindlessly about nothing. The office psycho slips unnoticed into one of the women's cubicle, takes her water bottle to a hidden place and pumps his seed into her bottle. He stealthily puts her bottle back in her cubicle then giggles and watches as she drinks.

WTF is wrong with people? First we have the Maryland guy with the semen squirter and now this California guy providing flavored water. At three former workplaces there was always some guy(s) that picked their boogers and wiped them on the wall above the urinal. At one workplace there was some guy that wiped shit on the wall of the stall. Why? The US is full of some sick mofos.

I think we need to bring back the stocks and put these psychos in them for a week. The rest of the psychos can come see them and, perhaps, shoot, and pour and wipe their fetish on these psychos.

Dark Times Indeed

The CBO advises that the US economy is facing dark times. Others say we're stuck in a 20 year depression that "...will soon go into an accelerated and precipitous decline which will make the 2007 to early 2009 downturn seem like a walk in the park”.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

America is a Goner-And More

The US economy is dead in the water. The only reason that the economy hasn't slipped beneath the waves is that it is stuck on a reef, it's hull ripped open and keel broken. New unemployment increased last week even as manufacturing and retail sales decreased. Once again government officials were "surprised" and the news was "unexpected" even though 2Q GDP fell to 2.4% soon to be revised downward to 1% or less. The DOW has fallen below the 10,600 support levels, going negative for the year.

Home prices continued to fall and homeowners think their home value hasn't hit bottom yet. This is the face of deflation in a depression. The awful truth is sinking in that the american dream is dead for most of us. Up to a quarter of americans say they will never buy a home while those who are buying homes will slip underwater on their mortgage.

The last US combat troops quietly slipped out of Iraq at night, leaving the country to 50,000 US trainers and support personnel. The remaining troops might pull out next year or stay for another decade.

Many think Obama worships the moon god, allah. Democrats are split over a mosque-memorial at ground zero. C'mon america, plug the former WTC hole with a muslim shrine, it will be so healing for the world. Let the dying responders build it to help pay their medical bills.

It looks like the government has been caught lying about oil in the Gulf. But we should buy and eat tasty Gulf seafood. Yum.

Prince Tampon provided hygeine tips to the Brits saying "Snub the tub. If everybody in a four-person family replaced one bath a week with a five-minute shower, you could save between £5 and £15 per year off your energy bill." Wash once per week? Really?

And the Obamas are getting ready for their sixth vacation of the year. Hmmm. We are in a freaking depression and this islamocommunist is going on his sixth vacation....spending our money. Martha's Vineyard? Do they have sharks there?

I've driven away readers with my cynical postings and dark musings. Oh well, it's all for me anyway.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Band Perry: If I Die Young

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First Lady and the Tramp

Engineered Economic Collapse

Giordano elaborates on some economic themes that I believe as well. The global banksters have created this economic mess for their own power and our government is in on the crime. I have no time to editorialize and probably couldn't expound on Giordano's therories.

Monday, August 16, 2010

USMC doing what they do....well

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bushehr Gets Fuel August 21

The Russians say that they will deliver 82 tons of fuel for Iran's nuclear reactor on August 21. The Bushehr reactor could go into production a few weeks later. Israel has never allowed an Islamic reactor to go online, destroying both Iraq and Syria's reactors before they were fueled. Will they make it three for three or roll the dice on the next holocaust?
If Israel bombs Bushehr then all hell may break loose.Hezbollah will deluge Israel with missiles, Iran may fire missiles at US bases in the Gulf and we could see the Straits of Hormuz closed down. Maybe not. Some think that the Iranian nuclear program will lead to an Iranian nuclear bomb which they will use.
I should care but I don't. The US has not and will not deal with it. The Jews gotta do what the Jews gotta do. I'll root for Abraham's tribe but sooner or later the Persians are gonna burn them. It's written in The Book.

Delouse the House

Democrats brought cooties to the Whitehouse is my guess. Smelly, dirty hippies every last one of em!

Talking with Drug Peddling Killers

Karzai wants to review the police action in Afghanistan. Obama has agreed to discuss civilian casualties with Karzai, who says "The war on terrorism should not be won in the villages of Afghanistan, there should be a strategic review of the method of fighting terrorism."

Well, first of all the Obama administration says that there is no war on terrorism. Secondly, if the Afghan people wouldn't give aid and comfort to the Taliban then Western forces wouldn't have to kill them in the villages. Finally, since the Taliban won't deploy military units in the field, instead hiding amongst the civilian population or pretending to be civilians, then it's impossible to fight them without killing a few civilians in the villages.

How does one differentiate combatants from civilians in Afghanistan? Since the Taliban don't wear uniforms and strip weapons from the dead, who can tell? Who can say whether civilian casualties are killed or wounded by coalition action or Taliban action? No one can even agree how many "civilians" have been killed in the last nine years. Estimates range from 4000 to 32000 dead. But we do know that 1226 US soldiers have died.

Petraeus' winning hearts and minds campaign has been proven to be nonsense as Iraqis are switching to Al Qaeda as the payoffs from the US dwindle and stop. It won't work in Afghanistan either as the opium trade is just too profitable. So this bullshit needs to stop now. Either kill as many Afghans as you have to or get out of this backwards shithole.

Let's put this "war" in perspective. In 2001, Al Qaeda intentionally slaughtered 3000 US civilians without warning with the help of the legitimate Afghan government i.e.the Taliban. As I see it, every goddamned Afghan forfeited his life, and the lives of his women and children, when they allowed the Taliban and Al Qaeda to wage war on american civilians from Afghanistan.
Our "civilized standards" wouldn't allow our leadership to teach the world a lesson about slaughtering americans. I would have intentionally killed 3 million Afghans as a message and killed all 30 million of them if they didn't beg me top stop.

The Afghans are mongol barbarians who grow and peddle misery (i.e drugs), practice barbaric isalm and are irrelevant to the future of the world. Obama should either fight and kill them or get our troops out of this shithole now, instead of discussing strategy with Karzai then negotiating with the Taliban for a July 2011 pullout. But Obama is a goddamned talker not a doer, so our troops are going to bleed and die for another year as they get blown to pieces by bombs and sneak attacks. Continuing this farce is just a waste of time, lives and money that we don't have.

Talking to drug peddling killers is a fool's errand.

Ask the Chinese for Help

Pakistan is suffering from some real wrath of allah floods. It couldn't happen to a nicer people. The article says the floods are causing economic problems "just when the US needs Pakistan's steadfast cooperation against Islamist extremism". Yeah right. The US sends billions of dollars to the Pakistanis who in turn provide aid and comfort to the Taliban. Pakistan is killing US soldiers in Afghanistan through the Taliban.
The Pakistani mongols have always sided with their Chinese buddies and always caused problems for the US. Maybe they should ask the Chinese to save them.
We should cut off aid and let the Pakistanis eat their nuclear weapons. They spent a fortune building their Islamic bombs so if they're poor it's because of stupid decisions that they made. The world won't miss 20 or 30 million Pakistanis.


This article is just sad. A little more than a year ago I wondered if this would be me and my family. God brought me opportunity and I am blessed.

Bruigville Tax Receipt Troubles Deepen

Last wek Chrysler and GM reduced their property assessment by millions of dollars in bruigville to reflect, what they believe, is the actual value of their property. The net effect to city and county government, as well a two schools, is a $20M decline in property tax receipts. This news stunned local government and they are negotiating with both companies.

The news is troubling on several accounts. Firstly, this re-assessment means that both companies see less value of their plants and equipment which suggests that both will be reducing or eliminating operations locally. In the case of Chrysler, plants and equipment will be permanently idled, reducing employment significantly. GM will probably shutdown all operations and demolish their plant due to their inability to sell what soon could be a environmental Superfund site. This means that all employment will be terminated in the next couple of years.
 So property tax receipts from both companies will continue to decline while income tax receipts from employees of both firms will also decline. Additionally, sales tax receipts will fall as employees become unemployed. Eventually, terminated employees will migrate away from the community causing further tax receipt losses.
This spiral will cause a crisis for both government and schools which will destroy the community eventually.

Secondly, both Chrysler and GM sought and obtained tax abatement for their facility and equipment over the past 30 years. These abatement's lowered property taxes for five years which slowly returned to normal rates. In essence, the government hoped that the abatement's would be an investment that would pay off in the long run through increased employment and tax revenue. Instead, the local government was suckered out of much needed cash then left with nothing once services and infrastructure was added to support these companies.

Now the city, county and schools will have to drastically reduce services and shed employees. There is no way this revenue can be increased through increased taxes because the job base will not support it. There is no more money to be had unless the government wants to drive every city resident into poverty through taxes.

Laying off city and county workers, as well as teachers, will only make the city's 13% unemployment rate higher.  More small businesses will shed workers or go out of business as local incomes drop yet again. The tax base will decline more and government will have to shed more jobs. The vicious circle goes round and round.

I don't know where all this is leading but it doesn't look encouraging for bruigville. I have watched cities die here in this region and it is not pretty. I never thought I'd see my hometown die. With high tech electronics, powertrain and advanced alloy manufacturing employers, I thought the city would thrive for the rest of my life. But high tech electonics is now a commodity that is fleeing to offshore manufacturers and US automotive powertrain jobs have dwindled as Japanese robotic equipment has reduced the number of employees required to do the work. Alloy manufacturing is stable but is a small employer in the city. All of the other manufacturing firms have died or left the city years ago and with them all of the tool and die shops, suppliers and trucking firms. There is nothing on the horizon to backfill these lost jobs.

What remains of Delphi remains in the city for awhile but most of it's employees live in other counties and cities. Bruigville sees little tax revenue from this engineering facility or it's employees. They drive in to work then leave. With all of their manufacturing facilities offshore, there is little reason for Delphi to remain here. I expect them to shutdown and move within the next few years.

So, 130 years of manufacturing excellence will disappear, never to return. And with it the middle class incomes and lifestyles. Bruigville will dwindle from 50,000 residents making middle class wages to perhaps half that making poverty wages. Medical facilities and nursing homes will thrive for a couple of decades servicing UAW retirees. Once the boomers die off the city will collapse to become a small farming community with a small retail base to support it.

And that's the optimistic scenario. If the depression deepens or if pensions, social security and medicare fail then Bruigville becomes an abandoned graveyard, a monument to the folly of mankind.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Better Living Through Chemistry

Great news for sluts. Now ya'll can go rutting like a bitch in heat and not have to worry about bothersome birth control pills, spermicides, condoms or messy facials. Just pop a pill on Monday, after hookin up over the weekend, kill the weed in your womb and send the soul back to God. Better living through chemisty.

The Crunch at Work This Week

It was crunch time yesterday at work. My team relocated half of the R&D lab test systems last week and I had commited to being done by week's end. Typical when moving ten year old electronic systems with lots of electrical wiring we ran into problems that threatened to delay return of the equipment to researchers.

I have a technician that works for me who had spent the previous day and a half calibrating one of the systems. It took him twelve hours to calibrate 28 test channels. He was off work yesterday so I had to jump in to complete the calibration in between addressing other problems. I don't perform calibrations often but in six hours I calibrated 36 test channels.

WTF? When the engineering supervisor can do three times the work of the technician who usually does the work something is very wrong. And it can't be the distractions, because I was interrupted often answering researcher questions and dealing with other equipment problems. I think there might be work ethic issues such as making it to work and then actually doing work once at work.

My boss complains about this guy's absenteeism, poor work performance and goofing off but he won't let me fire him. My Indian-american boss hired this under-qualified African-american technician to "add some color to our group", so only he can fire him. What's a Anglo-Celtic-american engineering supervisor to do in this new diverse work environment? The rest of my team gripes about him and the disparity in attendance policy and work performance. I guess that we're all just racists for expecting equal outcomes.

Dominance and Submission

Our president is a tyrant thug. Last week while celebrating the start of Ramadan, Barack said  "the rituals of Ramadan remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings."

What shared principles is he talking about? The justice of women held as virtual slaves by the menfolk? The progress of trying to kill or enslave non-muslims continuously for the last 1400 years? The tolerance of not allowing other faiths to worship in Dar al Islam? The dignity of stoning women to death after being raped? And what of muslim's universal desire to kill non-muslim human beings, such as Jews, and steal their land?

Islam is an abomination to justice, progress, tolerance and human dignity. The "religion" is nothing more than a cover for tyrannical criminals who want to rule human beings as demons from hell. The only reason that Barack would embrace this religion is because he is a tyrant-criminal megalomaniac.

The Kenyan-Indonesian US president supports the construction of the Cordoba mosque near the hole in the ground that used to be the WTC on the principle of religious freedom. Sounds fair eh? And it would be if Islamic dogma wasn't the cause of the hole in the ground. But Islamic dogma caused this crime against humanity therefore building this shrine is an abomination.

Notice how muslims are absolutely obsessed with building their mosque shrines on top of the conquered people's religious shrines. Hagia Sophia, the Temple Mount and countless other religious places sport in your face "holiest muslim places" shouting "we conquered you, we built our shrine on yours, now submit". And as american gangstas tell the white girls, once you go black there's no going back. Once a place or person is muslim it is muslim forever, on penalty of death.

Muslims constantly harp that non-muslims must be "sensitive" to their religion's requirements. How about a little "do unto others as you would have done unto you". How insensitive is it to build a mosque two blocks from where muslims slaughtered more than 2000 non-muslim, non-combatants because they weren't muslims?

Islam has always been about dominance and lies wrapped in the words of a deity. Allah is a fabrication of a lying tyrant thug named Mohammed who wished to dominate the tribes of the arabian peninsula. Criminals have universally embraced this "religion" because it provides justification for their predatory machinations. Slavery, murder, rape, theft and constant warfare are the currency of this "religion". The perfect cover for evil men and their evil deeds.

Let me be clear, anyone who supports the construction of this mosque in Manhattan is a tyrannical criminal and deserves the universal fate of both tyrant and criminal. Notice how, typical of every tyrant-thug, Barack and others who support this mosque don't care if 68% of americans are opposed to the construction. Slaves must submit to the domination of their betters.

Get used to dominance and submission.


Friday, August 13, 2010

America Is at Risk of Boiling Over-Good Read

Noonan nails it pretty good here. Good read.

The Coming Storm

Most of what I'm writing about these days is economic, which is strange in itself as I find that sort of thing boring. Money is but a tool to me, not an end in itself. But geopolitics has taken a back seat to the economic problems in this country so that's what I'm focusing on these days. Many people think a change in the makeup of the House this Fall will start to fix our troubles. I'm doubtful. The economy is such a wreck and our society is a disaster. The election won't fix either of these problems as Republicans are mostly democrat-lite.

Terrorists, Iran, illegal immigrants, oil spills, etc are all just noise when compared to the economic peril we are facing. I think our weak financial situation is causing some problems with thew aforementioned issues but when our economy goes balls up, nothing else will much matter.

The root problem, as I see it, is our fucked up society. We have abandoned God's laws. Even if you are non-religious, we have abandoned 150,000 years of human tradition by trying to reinvent human nature. In any event, there will be suffering.

I can't change what's coming and will suffer too. All I can do is watch for the coming storm then deal with it as I may.

Hindenberg Omen

The Hindenberg Omen. Sounds ominous eh? We've met the 5 pre-conditions for a stock market crash within 120 days.Tyler says, "It is time to batten down the hatches - something big is coming." Maybe all the birds will come home to roost this time.

Note to self: Batten hatches. Load more ammo. Get some range time in this weekend.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Lot of Destruction

Five million homes have been foreclosed on in the last year and a half. That's five percent of the estimated 110.7 million US homes. Most of those homes are rotting in neighborhoods near you, never to be occupied again. The foreclosure rate is steady or increasing as 20 percent of US homes are worth less than their mortgage.

Let's do some math. In September 2008 the nominal value of the US real estate market was $20T with $10T in mortgages. So half the market was mortgages. If houses have lost 30% of their value then the 2010 value is ~$14T. Ok.  So $7T worth of real estate  is mortgaged for $10T. If 5% of mortgages were foreclosed then $500B vanished as banks wrote off the loss. Now we have $7T worth of real estate with mortgages of $9.5T.

If 20% of home values are less than their mortgage then $1.9T worth of mortgages may be worthless (as well as the real estate). The math works out pretty well then.

So here we are with about 27 million homes worth nothing and $2T in potential mortgage losses. Add in $6T in equity losses and now you're talking some serious deflation. Poof! $8T vanished. That's a lot of destruction!

Obama vs. Amadenijad Cage Match

Obama to have a face-to-face chat with Ahmadenijad? Really? I hope the Barack goes to Tehran, gets kidnapped and ends up like the Roman emperor Valerian who, eventually became a stuffed foot stool. Then Ed McMann Joe Biden can become president to amuse us for two years.

But Iran is just theater of the absurd all these 31 years. The Shah, the ayatollah, the Iran-Iraq war, Hezbollah, the nuclear program is just a steamy distraction while our own kith and kin have stolen our wealth and freedom. Yep, I'm saying we've had more to fear from our citizen-brothers than batshit crazy Iranians.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

School Starts for the Little Guy

The grandson starts kindergarten tomorrow. Early August and school already. Why can't we let them enjoy the month of August? The high temperature will be 92F tomorrow so school air conditioners will be sucking up the kWhs (and our tax dollars as well). Just more stupidity, for the children of course. More like subsidized day care by my reckoning.

Wednesday Web Walk

Nice scalping in the DOW today! Investors lost all their gains for the year on above average trading volume. The market has bought the double dip in this depression no matter what the government and banksters say.

A few interesting commentaries on the US financial Ponzi scheme and bankruptcy here, here and here if you like that sort of thing. Nothing new really, just restating what I've been saying with far more data and finesse.

The Congress thinks it might want to rethink the government's role in home ownership. That will work out well, perhaps the government will put homeless people in the millions of empty foreclosed homes or make payments for unemployed homeowners.

Second quarter growth was far worse than recently announced by the administration. It turns out that Q2 GDP was probably only 1%. Obama and gang keep pitching lies but they just won't stick anymore. Even the press is turning on the magic negro these days.

Al Gore still thinks we're all gonna die from global warming that the global elites can earn fantastic profits and gain total power over the people of the earth, but not this year. Man-bear-pig is going to have his chakra rubbed some more by unwilling massage therapists and try again next year. Maybe a dad or boyfriend will stab this piece of shit in the heart too. We can always hope!
And speaking of groping and molesting, where was Al in May 2008. This sounds like the former VPs modus operandi. That's some groping when it causes "severe physical injury". That duck must have wrung her titty with his wing pretty good.

Russia and China told the US to piss up a rope today as they delivered gasoline to Iran despite american sanctions. It's funny watching america's "global partners" insult americans even while they are helping Iran create a weapon that will harm them. Insult then injury is so human nature.

Stupid americans thought they lived in a diverse, post-history world where they could all live like gods without fear from anyone or anything. Well history is still being written and some sense opportunity. It excites them and makes them dream. Dreams of the smell of burnt american cities and watching humbled americans suffer as they have suffered... as they rule the world.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Getting What is Deserved

 Muslims should build their mosque victory memorial near the hole in the ground in Manhattan.
The american president should bow to Wahhabist King Faisal in submission.

The Sons of Iraq bribed by US payoffs should abandon the Anbar Awakening and take Al Qaeda bribes now that US combat forces are leaving the theater.

Iran should develop both nuclear weapons and strategic rockets to deliver them then threaten those who would complain with mass graves.

The West should negotiate with the Taliban to save face when Western forces leave Afghanistan after losing the "war".

And so, here we are almost a decade after Al Qaeda brought slaughter to america, withdrawing from Dar Al Islam in defeat. After spending trillions of dollars and shedding much blood we have nothing to show for it but shame. So let the muslims build their victory mosque near the site of their slaughter. We're both getting what we deserve.

And these modern day barbarians will be back for more Western blood. 

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Lughnasa 2010

The Assembly of Lugh was celebrated today at the bruig with food, drink and pleasant conversation by our extended family. In ancient times, the first harvest was celebrated in a midsummer festival with food, dancing and drink, much like the tradition of county fairs in the red states. We celebrated the sixth birthday of the oldest grandson as we do each year here at the bruig.


Drill The Healed Gulf

BP still holds the lease on the Macondo Prospect and some think they may drill the lease yet again. Good. Humans need cheap energy to thrive and oil still has more energy bang for the buck than solar cells and windmills.

This article suggests that the damage to the Gulf was principally in the eye of the beholder. Beaches are clean, pelicans are seen in the air and the marshes have new growth. God's creation is more wondrous than humans can even begin to comprehend. Our godless media and elites think that they are in charge, indeed they think they are gods. They believe that they can change God's creation then heal it. They are ignorant.


The Terminator Goes Ghey

In the photo, Govinator Arnold demonstrates ghey rectal stimulation techniques to a Bay Area audience. It's "the right thing to do". Fucking yuck!

Friday, August 06, 2010

First Ho

The First Ho's vacation in Spain cost $375,000 but like Obama said in the State of the Union address, we must all sacrifice.

The wife and I spent $37.50 on our vacation this week. We stayed at home but splurged and had a meal at a restaurant. We sacrificed...

Words just fail at times like this.


Damn fine work boys! I appreciate your job well done.


Mohammed in a raft with a stick of dyn-o-mite

The July 28 attack on the M Star in the Strait of Hormuz was an epic fail attack to drive up the price of oil. Obama and Al Qaeda are in a race to see who can destroy the US first. Denting a supertanker is just pathetic and not even in the same league as Obama's attacks on america. Mohammed in a raft with a stick of dyn-o-mite is just freakin ridiculous. C'mon towelheads, try harder.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Of Men and Assclowns

                                             This is a man, doing man's work.

After a terrible drought in Russia this summer, Prime Minister Putin cancelled all wheat exports driving the worldwide price of wheat up significantly. The Russians expect to harvest only 75% of last years 100 megatons of wheat. Russians are looking out for Russians, as it should be.

                    This is an assclown, doing nothing of interest to anyone but himself.

Al Franken, former SNL jackass Stuart Smalley, couldn't maintain the dignity of the Senate confirmation vote that confirmed leftist Elena Kagan today, acting like a complete assclown while Mitch McConnell spoke.

You know what? I think this is the best show I've ever done. And you know what? I deserve it! [ turns to his mirror ] Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me! 

No Al. I never could stand you. In fact, if Al Qaeda was sawing off your faggot head, I'd laugh my ass off.

There Will Be Blood

I've been pondering what's going to happen in this country when the dollar goes bust. It will happen, it's a matter of when not if at this point.

Congress extended unemployment for another 26 weeks but this too will run out and we'll have about 14 million unemployed people in this country with no prospect of ever finding work. The country can't keep borrowing and printing $83B every six months to string the unemployed along forever so eventually the program will stop. All of those people will have zero income, thus will lose their housing, food and all their possessions. They will be angry trolls living under bridges, in boxes and abandoned buildings.

Some will qualify for food stamps and join the 41 million households already enrolled. With state and federal revenues declining, eventually this program will just run out of funding and toss those folks on the street. This entitled mob will go batshit crazy until they die of starvation, exposure and disease

The old and infirm will die in droves through rationed health care and the collapse of social security. Most of these people will die quietly at home of starvation or disease.

Mobs will loot and burn until nothing is left. Many rioters won't survive the first week as the mob turns on itself and kill each other for their plunder. Drunk and high the mob will be elated until the food runs out and they starve to death.

The real trouble will come from the young unemployed who now prey on the welfare moms for sustenance. Nutured in the hard streets, often gang affiliated, these gangstas will be the only order in poor, urban areas that the police abandon completely as local governments furlough workers.
These gangs will invade more affluent areas in search of booty and slaves. Yes slaves, because trafficking in humans is profitable whenever societies collapse. Kidnapping for ransom will become common as it is in most of the third world. A constant stream of fresh, young white women and girls will be necessary to service gangs, perhaps even becoming currency.

Pampered white suburbanites don't stand a chance against these predatory gangs. They will be like a herd of gazelles against a pride of lions. Gangs will go door to door, kill the men, take the food, jewelery, guns and women and move on. This will go on until the food is all gone and they starve to death lying on a pile of stolen jewelery.

Rural areas will fare better as people know who their neighbors are and can band together for defense. They can grow food and survive. But outsiders aren't welcome, as they are a danger.

Those who survive the first winter will inherit what's left of this country. But there will be blood.

Ford Gets It's Bailout

Now comes Ford to the taxpayer for loan guarantees. The US auto industry died last year but is staggering around like a zombie unwilling to crawl in it's grave. Toyota outsells GM in the US and is the world's largest auto manufacturer. In many markets, including the city where I work, new Toyotas outnumber the former Big Three's new cars on the road by 10 to 1.

On the campaign trail Obama told the Marxist faithful:

"Don't bet against the American worker. Don't loose faith in the American people. Don't loose faith in American industry. We are coming back,"

Buying union votes with taxpayer subsidies to keep dead companies out of the grave is not a business plan. This has nothing to do with faith in american workers or people. It has to do with the lack of faith in the leadership of this country and the utter destruction of american industry for short term economic and power gains.

The Gagging and Tears are a Feature

The upcoming unemployment data looks worse so get ready to hear about the next surprise from the government. Either these bureaucrats live in the thickest cocoon in the universe or they are lying like rugs.

Big government editorialist Paul Krugman says our elites don't care about american workers anymore.Really? I didn't know that people were supposed to care about anyone but themselves and their own narrow interests in this world...ever. Our education system must have failed Paul, and every other liberal jackass in this country.

The DOW is unphased by bad economic data as the HFT bots are busily running the market up and above the 10600 support as commanded by Obama's cadres. With flagging consumer confidence and a plunging ISM value there is no reality for the enthusiasm. Expect to take a haircut after the "elections".

Rumor has it that Obama is considering mortgage relief for the Fannie/Freddie clients whose mortgages are underwater. The administration could write-off $800M without congressional approval to buy votes. The US looks more like a third world African republic every day.

The government reported that 41 million US households are on food stamps. That's 25% of all US households, according to 2000 census data! That's a whole lot of democrat votes for ACORN to mail in.

Social Security advises that it is paying out more than taking in this year.Tim Geithner said the fund would improve next year with the improvement in the economy for three years then go in the red permanently. Improvement of the economy? Look at the photo in the link. You can actually see the unicorns and rainbows shooting right out of Astrue, Solis, Geithner and Sebeilius' asses.
Ok, more like shit stains in their shorts since they know the truth that the social security trust fund is empty, the government is broke and there aren't enough tax receipts in this broken fucking economy to continue to pay old folks what they were promised. Not to worry though, Sebeilius will start killing them with rationed Obamacare.Say goodbye to grandma while you still can.

Pundits are noticing the gulf between the political class and mainstream americans.Ya think? I don't think it matters anymore because our leadership is going to cram it down our throats the way many fashionable white women like to take their black studs. The gagging and tears are a feature not a bug, inevitably you will swallow it whole and beg for some more.