Sunday, December 30, 2007

Disgusted with Politicians

I am so disgusted with all politicians, of both parties, at all levels that I can't bear to listen very closely to any of them for more than a few seconds. They are all self-centered, lying bastards with less credibility than car salesmen.

I have always believed that I have a duty to vote, even though I suspect my vote is meaningless. Some years voting has been easier than others because of the clear difference of the opinions of candidates on issues that are important to me. More often, I hold my nose and vote for a candidate that I despise less than the other candidate.

My choice for President, Newt Gingerich decided not to run. So I have no horse in the race.

The Republican candidates in this Presidential election range from pathetic to worst. Here's my short take on the herd:
  • McCain is nuts. Worse yet, he is an open border nut.
  • Huckabee is a Baptist hick socialist pretending to be a conservative.
  • Romney is an uber car salesman that is fake to the core.
  • Giliani is a corrupt, big-city lawyer.
  • Thompson is lacking vitality.
If I had to choose one of these candidates, it would have to be Thompson. But he doesn't have a chance in hell of winning primaries or the party nomination. So I still don't have a horse in this race.

My fellow Republicans in states that matter will decide who the candidate will be and I will only be able to vote against the Democrat nominee next November. How motivating is that?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

God's gift

My wife has done it again. She has created a wonderful Christmas out of a little money, some timely communication, judicious shopping and hard work. Despite having a miserable cold, utter exhaustion and very little time she got the job done.

God does his work through her, giving yet another gift to a tired world. Thank you God for the gift of this wonderful woman in my life.

Merry Christmas sweetheart.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Gift of a Grandson

The gift of a grandson can do wonders for an aging man. He teaches me to see the world through his innocent eyes and get in touch with the child that I once was. I thank God for the gift of this boy`s life.

I`m looking forward to spending as much time with him this Christmas as I can.

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Winter Solstice

The solstice is here, the longest night of the year. To ancient people the sun had been dying for months as witnessed by the shorter days and the death of vegetation. The cold had settled upon the land. Confined to their shelters to find warmth against the wet and cold, ancient people needed reassurance that the dark and cold would retreat and the sun would be reborn.

Tomorrow the sun is reborn. The cycle of birth and death begins anew. Ring out the solstice bells.


The One

Chaos and order
We are born into the world as inquisitive adventurers, full of hope and devoid of experience. The only order that we desire is the delivery of what we want in the moment that we want it. Food when we're hungry, comfort when we're afraid or access to the thing that just caught our attention.

As we gain experience we see the utility of order but seek the adventure of chaos. Order limits possibilities while chaos offers possibilities and hope. A child thinks to himself, I want to fly and I deserve to fly so I'll just jump off the couch and fly. The bruising reality of the order of the laws of physics imposes limits on the hopes and possibilities of the children of sound minds.

Youth views order as tyranny and chaos as an ally. Tis adventurous to get stoned, drive 100 mph and have unprotected sex with one of those mysterious girl creatures. Who are those boring parents to tell me otherwise?

Adults abhor chaos as they have seen the aftermath of carnage when order subsides. Adults go to great lengths to impose order once they see the benefits of a steady job, a warm house, food in the pantry and a few beloved hobbies to amuse themselves during leisure time.

Adults try to order every aspect of their life. Work schedule, sleep time, diet, budgets and the consistency of grass in the lawn. Everything can be orderly and predictable if one will only work at it. And it seems to be possible until their children are born into their life..

Adults try to educate children with their wisdom of the utility of order. But children, being creatures of chaos, resist their parents and in doing so bring chaos into the parent's otherwise orderly life.

Every aspect of the parent's orderly life is attacked and ground down for 25 years until these parents begin to believe that chaos is inevitable. Parents initially work harder to provide resources to insatiable children. High standards are lowered as grades falter, antisocial acts are committed and resources are turned into smoldering ruins.

Parents initially fight the chaos and believe that order can be reinstated. Great sums of energy are expended in a futile battle to impose order on chaotic children. The best that can be expected is an uneasy truce between parents and children. Chaos mitigated or delayed.

Wise adults learn to segregate chaos and find a few aspects of their life where order can aspire. Perhaps a given chore, hobby or duty can be orderly and provide comfort in an otherwise chaotic world. Energy is rationed to those causes that seem winnable. The rest are left to varying degrees of chaos.

Mature adults learn that chaos is inevitable and make accommodations with it. Health and vitality fail, things fall apart and human nature is mostly dark. The tree that you plant and nurture for shade and beauty grows wild and rains dead branches down on your rotting house and ever-growing lawn. The children that your rear as a comfort in your old age rain trouble and chaos in your life. Tis better to accept it than fight the truth.

Eventually accommodation becomes surrender. Chaos is victorious. The mature adult sees his body failing even as everything he has worked for his entire life falls apart. Mortar falls from between the bricks, the flower bed is overgrown with weeds, the car rusts and flesh becomes weak and wrinkled.

A wise adult embraces chaos as a part of God's plan. Chaos is part of the One just as order is the other part of the One. Neither can exist without the other. Eat the well prepared and laid out meal knowing that the next day it will be feces. They are One and the same.

Hope and Despair

We are all born with boundless hope for a better future. The hungry infant hopes for the warm, wet nipple. The wet, cold child hopes for the warmth of the family hearth. The lonely teen hopes for the companionship of her young lover's strong embrace. A young man hopes to find a good job and loving wife to raise beloved children. An old woman hopes her spouse lives long to provide safety and comfort in her old age.

Hope is possibilities yet possibilities need chaos to come into existence. But all hopes end in an orderly outcome. So hope is born of chaos and grows into order.

But order is constantly under attack by chaos. Hope, being the grown child of chaos, is attacked by the chaos that spawned it. Mom runs away with a biker, the home is ruined by the storm, the lover finds another, the job is out-sourced and the old man dies young. Hope dims then fades as the sum of chaos saps the will of the besieged.

The nature of chaos and resulting failure of hope leads to cynicism. The cynic learns from experience that everything falls apart and that life's outcomes are mostly bad. The new house starts rotting as soon as one moves in, the job in a growth industry becomes obsolete as soon as you are vested in retirement, the beloved child grows up to be an addicted sociopath and the lively young man that you bedded becomes a mean-spirited, impotent drunk who dies at 50.

The cynic is a realist who honestly observes the world around him and expects little to prepare him for the pain from chaos that is sure to come. So cynicism is a protective device. But cynicism in extreme can make one bitter and subject to despair.

When all hope flees from one's life then the result is despair. The certainty that tomorrow offers new horrors from chaos demoralizes the human spirit. It becomes more difficult to see the many tiny events that should give hope to those who would see. Those tiny events are there every minute of every day. The child who tries something new, the woman who becomes a wife, a mother who rocks her child to sleep, the visit to the elderly woman who lives alone and the soldier who stands between the tyrant and the weak.

Hope and despair are also part of the One. Neither can exist without the other. They provide balance if considered in equal parts.

The One, God's Plan

Order-chaos, hope-despair are God's pairs that make life bearable. Complete order would be as dull as utter chaos would be over-stimulating. Endless hope would be as unfulfilling as boundless despair.

T'would be better for the cynic to make his peace with chaos and find hope in the many tiny hopeful events that happen every minute of every day. The cynic can expect the worst but look for the best to make life bearable. Don't expect perfection, just look for balance. That seems to be God's plan.

God is talking to me...I just need to listen.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Clintons Reach Out to the Global Elites

Bill Clinton told a reporter today that when Hillary is elected "Well, the first thing she intends to do, because you can do this without passing a bill, the first thing she intends to do is to send me and former President Bush and a number of other people around the world to tell them that America is open for business and cooperation again,"

No news here. It sounds like Hillary plans on getting her philandering, spotlight hogging, big-mouthed husband out of the country so she can bask in the power of the presidency. No surprises there. Bill wouldn't make a good hostess considering his inability to keep his hands off the hired help.

America will be open to business when Hillary becomes el presidente? I'm confused. Is America closed now? Perhaps Bill means that American technology will be available for the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Maybe the Clintons intends to import more foreign goods while exporting more jobs. How does this help the American people?

And what about this cooperation that Bill is ready to restore. Do the Clintons intend to cooperate with Islamists and let them run wild blowing up embassies, ships and barracks as they were wont to do during Bill's reign? Should we expect to see North Korea restart their nuclear weapons program? Or will Hillary just defer to the UN on every issue, every time? Is this in the best interest of John and Jane America?

And by the way, what is wrong with Bush41? Why is George the Elder hanging out with the former molester and perjurer in chief? Has the old boy gone senile or has he been beguiled by Bill's charisma? Hasn't George learned that you are judged by the company you keep?

Update: Bush41 spokeman says he wasn't consulted nor is he interested in Bill's roadtrip.

I'm not surprised that the Clintons are already reaching out to the global elites. They have no interest in the dreams and aspirations of common Americans. We are but pawns in their power games.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Global Warming... my Ass

I got off work this morning and was greeted by about six inches of fresh snow whipped by 30 mph wind gusts and a frosty wind chill of 14F. The high temperature today will be 24F and the low temperature tonight will be 12F.

Um yeah Al...the global warming is gonna kill us all.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Brave New World

The Bush41 policy crew has taken back US foreign policy as seen by recent events.

In Iraq the military has struck deals with the tribal leaders to give them official blessings to run their area as they see fit. In return they are expected to stop attacks on American troops and stop collaborating with Al Qaeda.

Israel has to make accommodations with it's muslim neighbors without any expectations of civility. The US will buy arms for both sides and hector both sides evenly even though the muslims are clearly terrorists.

North Korea will be trusted to stop their nuclear weapons program even as they proliferate WMD and engage in global criminal conspiracies.

Iran will be treated as just another nation pursuing lawful national policies. No sanctions for developing long range, ballistic nuclear missiles, threatening and meddling in other nation's affairs or terrorism.

The US will concede sovereignty to global government in support of the carbon induced global warming fraud at the upcoming Copenhagen conference in 2009.

The war against the axis of evil is over. There will no more moral accountability for the thugs that run the world's thugocracies. No leadership, just go along to get along to make the world safe for commerce.

The leadership elites of the world have decided that individual humans are no longer worth caring about. All that matters is money and power. Individuals are just resources to be managed and used to further their wealth and power. Welcome to our Brave New World.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The US Military Wins America Loses

It appears that the US military has won the war in Iraq. No thanks to the fickle American people and their elected representatives.

Casualties are down, refugees are returning and commerce is increasing. Al Qaeda has been militarily and politically defeated in the Iraqi theater. But America has lost the war as the government of Iraq will be some Islamic, tribal thugocracy that will perpetuate hatred for the West.

We have kicked the can down the road for awhile but the West will have to deal irreconcilable islam eventually.

History will decide if toppling a tyrant to fight Al Qaeda in the heart of the middle east was a positive or negative approach in the war against barbarism. It will be a history of a few uniformed Americans who cared enough to lay it all on the line so the self-centered billions can play with their toys. God bless them all.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Tax Carbon and Control Mankind?

The global elites are meeting in Bali this week to determine if they can establish control over the future of mankind. They insist that a global carbon tax is necessary to fight climate change. This is truly the stuff of nightmares.

Just a few quotes from the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works tells the whole story:

“A climate change response must have at its heart a redistribution of wealth and resources,” said Emma Brindal, a climate justice campaigner coordinator for Friends of the Earth.

French President Jacques Chirac said the UN’s Kyoto Protocol represented "the first component of an authentic global governance."

Former EU Environment Minister Margot Wallstrom said, "Kyoto is about the economy, about leveling the playing field for big businesses worldwide."

Former Colorado Senator Tim Wirth reportedly said in 1990, "We've got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing — in terms of economic policy and environmental policy."

MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen warned about these types of carbon regulations earlier this year. "Controlling carbon is a bureaucrat's dream. If you control carbon, you control life," Lindzen said in March 2007.

Critics charge that proposed tax and regulatory “solutions” were more important to the promoters of man-made climate fears than the accuracy of their science.

In other words, these elitist jackals want to change your behavior by taxing what they dislike and use the revenue that they steal as they see fit. A bureaucrat's dream come true indeed.
And, like the EU, they don't need a parliamentary vote by representatives of the people. No, they just issue a bureaucratic edict. Tax business and they pass the cost on to consumers. Viola! Billions in revenue to spend and lavish as they please with no oversight.

Our American colonial forebears experienced this form of government and decided that taxation without representation was tyranny and that they would rather live free or die.

This power grab in the name of fighting climate change is nothing less than tyranny. Get ready to submit or fight.

Al Gore: Global Stalinist

You can always tell a real Stalinst by his words. Today Al revealed his Marxist/Stalinist roots when he declared "My own country, the United States is principally responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali. We all know that," Gore said to loud applause. "But my country is not the only one that can take steps to ensure that we move forward from Bali with progress and with hope."

There you have the magical Marxist word, progress. Every Marxist/Stalinist of every stripe always invokes their holy mantle of progress.

But progress for whom? Why themselves of course. Marxists know that they are smarter and far more important than anyone else on this planet. All of us commoners need to defer to their superior intellect and judgment. The progress must always be moving towards their total control over the masses.
If not, well the gulag for you.

Al doesn't have the power to physically put his critics in gulag. But, he can declare that anyone who disagrees with his views is somehow against the planet and hence all of humankind. Only Al and his cult members are smart enough to save the planet and humanity. All that us prols need to do is defer to their superior Stalinist planning and give them control over our wealth. They will save us and take care of us. Just like old mass-murdering uncle Joe Stalin.

Al Gore is a power hungry fraud, just like Joe Stalin. He is mad for power and would say or do anything for power. I can only hope that he will suffer a fatal aneurysm during one of his rage speeches to hasten the day when I can make a pilgrimage to Tennessee to piss on his snowy grave.