Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dominance and Submission

Our president is a tyrant thug. Last week while celebrating the start of Ramadan, Barack said  "the rituals of Ramadan remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings."

What shared principles is he talking about? The justice of women held as virtual slaves by the menfolk? The progress of trying to kill or enslave non-muslims continuously for the last 1400 years? The tolerance of not allowing other faiths to worship in Dar al Islam? The dignity of stoning women to death after being raped? And what of muslim's universal desire to kill non-muslim human beings, such as Jews, and steal their land?

Islam is an abomination to justice, progress, tolerance and human dignity. The "religion" is nothing more than a cover for tyrannical criminals who want to rule human beings as demons from hell. The only reason that Barack would embrace this religion is because he is a tyrant-criminal megalomaniac.

The Kenyan-Indonesian US president supports the construction of the Cordoba mosque near the hole in the ground that used to be the WTC on the principle of religious freedom. Sounds fair eh? And it would be if Islamic dogma wasn't the cause of the hole in the ground. But Islamic dogma caused this crime against humanity therefore building this shrine is an abomination.

Notice how muslims are absolutely obsessed with building their mosque shrines on top of the conquered people's religious shrines. Hagia Sophia, the Temple Mount and countless other religious places sport in your face "holiest muslim places" shouting "we conquered you, we built our shrine on yours, now submit". And as american gangstas tell the white girls, once you go black there's no going back. Once a place or person is muslim it is muslim forever, on penalty of death.

Muslims constantly harp that non-muslims must be "sensitive" to their religion's requirements. How about a little "do unto others as you would have done unto you". How insensitive is it to build a mosque two blocks from where muslims slaughtered more than 2000 non-muslim, non-combatants because they weren't muslims?

Islam has always been about dominance and lies wrapped in the words of a deity. Allah is a fabrication of a lying tyrant thug named Mohammed who wished to dominate the tribes of the arabian peninsula. Criminals have universally embraced this "religion" because it provides justification for their predatory machinations. Slavery, murder, rape, theft and constant warfare are the currency of this "religion". The perfect cover for evil men and their evil deeds.

Let me be clear, anyone who supports the construction of this mosque in Manhattan is a tyrannical criminal and deserves the universal fate of both tyrant and criminal. Notice how, typical of every tyrant-thug, Barack and others who support this mosque don't care if 68% of americans are opposed to the construction. Slaves must submit to the domination of their betters.

Get used to dominance and submission.



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