Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bushehr Gets Fuel August 21

The Russians say that they will deliver 82 tons of fuel for Iran's nuclear reactor on August 21. The Bushehr reactor could go into production a few weeks later. Israel has never allowed an Islamic reactor to go online, destroying both Iraq and Syria's reactors before they were fueled. Will they make it three for three or roll the dice on the next holocaust?
If Israel bombs Bushehr then all hell may break loose.Hezbollah will deluge Israel with missiles, Iran may fire missiles at US bases in the Gulf and we could see the Straits of Hormuz closed down. Maybe not. Some think that the Iranian nuclear program will lead to an Iranian nuclear bomb which they will use.
I should care but I don't. The US has not and will not deal with it. The Jews gotta do what the Jews gotta do. I'll root for Abraham's tribe but sooner or later the Persians are gonna burn them. It's written in The Book.


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