Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Crunch at Work This Week

It was crunch time yesterday at work. My team relocated half of the R&D lab test systems last week and I had commited to being done by week's end. Typical when moving ten year old electronic systems with lots of electrical wiring we ran into problems that threatened to delay return of the equipment to researchers.

I have a technician that works for me who had spent the previous day and a half calibrating one of the systems. It took him twelve hours to calibrate 28 test channels. He was off work yesterday so I had to jump in to complete the calibration in between addressing other problems. I don't perform calibrations often but in six hours I calibrated 36 test channels.

WTF? When the engineering supervisor can do three times the work of the technician who usually does the work something is very wrong. And it can't be the distractions, because I was interrupted often answering researcher questions and dealing with other equipment problems. I think there might be work ethic issues such as making it to work and then actually doing work once at work.

My boss complains about this guy's absenteeism, poor work performance and goofing off but he won't let me fire him. My Indian-american boss hired this under-qualified African-american technician to "add some color to our group", so only he can fire him. What's a Anglo-Celtic-american engineering supervisor to do in this new diverse work environment? The rest of my team gripes about him and the disparity in attendance policy and work performance. I guess that we're all just racists for expecting equal outcomes.


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