Sunday, August 02, 2009

No Summer at the Bruig

2009 will go on the record here at the bruig as the year without a summer. The temperatures have been typical of late May or September all summer long. The sun just isn't delivering enough energy here to deliver summer day time temperatures.

The garden vegetables rushed to maturity then growth paused and everything has gone to seed. In a normal year we harvest more asparagus than we can eat however this year we only had a few handfuls of spears. The tomato plants stopped growing a couple of weeks ago and are behaving like it is late September. Radishes planted for late season harvest produced small fruit then went to seed early. The garden is finished two months early this year. Not good!

I haven't had to mow the yard for a month! The grass just stopped growing in July. In the 30 years that I've lived in the bruig this has never happened. I have seen August droughts that have made the lawn go dormant but we are not in drought here at the bruig.

Weeds are few and stunted, going to seed at a quarter their normal height.

In a normal summer we use the pool daily from June 20 until Labor Day however this year the water temperature was only comfortable for 3 days of swimming. Low night time temperatures keep the water temperature below 70F.

I usually put my jacket in the closet in May and don't take it out until September. I've worn a jacket almost every morning this summer to ward off the early morning chill.

Unless something changes, we won't have a summer in my part of the globe this year. Do you think these facts will deter the global warming cultists? I don't think a little ice age would deter those zealots. And as algore said, it's all about global governance anyway. Tyrants, wealth and power are at the root of the global warming scam.