Saturday, August 21, 2010

We Lobsters Never Knew

Gotham is infested with bedbugs. And foreigners. Could there possible be a correlation between the two? Maybe if Customs put both foreigners and their baggage in an irradiation chamber for a while the source of the infestation could be eliminated. But crap! I forgot that we don't have a border or Customs on most of the southern border. So much for that idea.

But wait! The Persians just fueled their nuclear reactor and the Israelis didn't bomb it. The Persian centrifuges are still enriching uranium. If the dune coons don't have nuclear bombs yet, they will have soon. Maybe New Yorkers should just wait until the Persians nuke the City. That will end the bedbug infestation...and the foreigner problem that started it. Maybe Bloomberg should pay the Iranians for pest control. He could drop off the payment at the Cordoba mosque-memorial, that incidentally will be built with foreign labor, doing jobs americans won't do.

Al Qaeda is counting on a Iran-Israel war. They might be waiting a long time. The West doesn't do "war" anymore, haven't since 1945. Now that's not to say that the Persians won't commit Acts of War. But Israel is just as feminized as the rest of the West and will behave like the West, lashing out with military force only to fizzle and turn soldiers into nannies, nuturing little barbarians who plant bombs in the hallway.
Al Qaeda should use the approach that the Russians employed against the West. Use the educational system to soften the target over generations then let the niggas and feminists rot the country from inside. Today's six year olds will be detonating car bombs in Israel, Europe and the US in a little over a decade, making Bagdad look tame by comparison. The global leadership elites seem Ok with this development as they fly above it all then retire to gated communities guarded by well paid mercenaries.

So who is the real enemy today, and for that matter, tomorrow. Is it those tiny little bedmates? Foreigners and their foreign parasites? Persian dune coons with their uranium taunts? Mysterious masked Al Qaeda muslims with their car bombs and swords? The Gramscian rot of a deeply divided Western culture? Or global leadership elites that enable all of the above.

Slowly bring the kettle to a boil and the lobster never even knows that it's being boiled to death.


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