Saturday, August 28, 2010

Study in Contrast

Little girl on a bike. A girl's bike at that! This metrosexual has on his capri pants, sketchers and a gay, colorful helmet in case he falls and goes boom.

This little bitch would inspire lawyers and queers to have meetings, file papers then pile in the back of a limo to diddle each other.

This affirmative action drone has had everything handed to him by others his entire life because of the color of his skin.

There is nothing that this pathetic creature could say or do to make me follow him anywhere at any time.

Man on a bike. A Harley at that! No helmet, just a ball cap. Proudly flying his country's flag.

This man would inspire men of arms to march to the sound of the guns and change the world forever.

This is a self-made man who earned all he has based upon merit.

I could consider following this man.



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