Thursday, August 05, 2010

There Will Be Blood

I've been pondering what's going to happen in this country when the dollar goes bust. It will happen, it's a matter of when not if at this point.

Congress extended unemployment for another 26 weeks but this too will run out and we'll have about 14 million unemployed people in this country with no prospect of ever finding work. The country can't keep borrowing and printing $83B every six months to string the unemployed along forever so eventually the program will stop. All of those people will have zero income, thus will lose their housing, food and all their possessions. They will be angry trolls living under bridges, in boxes and abandoned buildings.

Some will qualify for food stamps and join the 41 million households already enrolled. With state and federal revenues declining, eventually this program will just run out of funding and toss those folks on the street. This entitled mob will go batshit crazy until they die of starvation, exposure and disease

The old and infirm will die in droves through rationed health care and the collapse of social security. Most of these people will die quietly at home of starvation or disease.

Mobs will loot and burn until nothing is left. Many rioters won't survive the first week as the mob turns on itself and kill each other for their plunder. Drunk and high the mob will be elated until the food runs out and they starve to death.

The real trouble will come from the young unemployed who now prey on the welfare moms for sustenance. Nutured in the hard streets, often gang affiliated, these gangstas will be the only order in poor, urban areas that the police abandon completely as local governments furlough workers.
These gangs will invade more affluent areas in search of booty and slaves. Yes slaves, because trafficking in humans is profitable whenever societies collapse. Kidnapping for ransom will become common as it is in most of the third world. A constant stream of fresh, young white women and girls will be necessary to service gangs, perhaps even becoming currency.

Pampered white suburbanites don't stand a chance against these predatory gangs. They will be like a herd of gazelles against a pride of lions. Gangs will go door to door, kill the men, take the food, jewelery, guns and women and move on. This will go on until the food is all gone and they starve to death lying on a pile of stolen jewelery.

Rural areas will fare better as people know who their neighbors are and can band together for defense. They can grow food and survive. But outsiders aren't welcome, as they are a danger.

Those who survive the first winter will inherit what's left of this country. But there will be blood.


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