Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ban on Child Labor on Family Farms

Department of Labor wants to ban child labor on family farms. No more handling animals older than six months, no more power takeoffs more than 20hp and in fact no more power screwdrivers. This is insane!

I worked on a friend's dairy farm on occasion as a child as young as ten. I herded cows, shoveled cow shit, used a tractor to push silage, planted, tilled and harvested corn. I wasn't abused or hurt. In fact, it was good for me.

This government has to go.

EPA Crucifies Companies

How about the first guy we find in the Turkish village is Al Armendariz? Another case of government run amok with a sneering Democrat giggling about crucifying people. I tell you what Al. We run our government, not sneering, egotistical pricks. Now where's the cross?

Jungle Justice

Now I get it. Zimmerman had black roots. Well, shoot the nigga then! He has as much value as any other nigga on the street. Baby, child, teen, adult, man or woman. Blacks just shoot first then worry about it later. It's just a black thing. Nothing to worry about.

The facts that Zimmerman tried to help blacks or even had them living in the house don't mean shit. He killed a gansta in the making and for that he must pay. Besides, he wasn't black enough. He needed that dark, black complexion and the kinky, edgy afro. Like Trayvon. He ain't nigga enough!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Anya is Back

Anya Kushchenko is back in the news. Armed and leathery, Anya is rumored to be a Putin concubine. Surely her ass has been photo-shopped, air brushed and manipulated beyond human comprehension.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sarah and The Worm

Secret agent/whoremonger Chaney checking Sarah Palin's backside in 2008. Probably another sneering Democrat.

Sarah's bottom has had the second highest hit count behind normal distribution curves. I get at least one hit a day on Sarah's butt, even though I got nothing. No citations, no photos...nothing. But people want to know about it.

Everything about Chaney says "Prick". The grim disposition, the haircut, the goatee. His wife and children must be so proud of him, especially if he has a daughter the age of the whore he was boinking.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Talk

John Derbyshire was fired by National Review for writing The Talk: Non-Black Version. Apparently the truth is unacceptable amongst conservatives. And that is one of the reasons that I can't call myself a conservative. I can't find anything that Derbyshire wrote that isn't truthful about the subject. Especially after reading this story about racists robbing and beating a white teen in Chicago this week.

I'll be having The Talk with my grandsons as appropriate over the years. The oldest has already witnessed some of it firsthand in preschool. I'll teach them what they need to know to protect themselves from the beasts that roam freely amongst us.

Friday Asshats

Zimmerman's head was bloodied by gangsta Trayvon pretty good. Was the hoodied nigga trying to kill the spik? Who knows what he was thinking. But the important thing here is that blacks want to be able to loot houses by overturning stand your ground defense laws.

Steve Zwick wants to burn your house down if you don't believe in AGW. Come on over Steve. Bring your can of gas and I'll stand my ground. We'll see who wins the debate.

Then there's the case of Hadith Caesar, the car looter who craps in the backseat of your car, apparently for amusement. Recycle that shit Hadith. Yeah. Eat it.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

$800 Poontang

Here's the $800 a night poontang that cost at least one Secret Service agent his job. Was she worth it? Well, probably most field agents make about $75k a year. Losing a good job over a piece of ass is never worth it, especially a hooker.

Most people couldn't afford an $800 hooker on $75k. The government must've covered the expense somehow. Taxpayers are suckers anyway. Fuck em! Especially in the Obama regime.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tornado Count 4/14/12

442 tornadoes as of April 14, 2012 with a maximum of 479. Well above the 75th percentile.

What would the Russians do?

Discovery astronaut Dr.Anna Fisher had advice for a boy today, study Russian. Only Russia and China have the ability to put astronauts in space. The US is broke, both economically and spiritually.

In other news, when the US Secret Service wasn't busy fucking whores in Columbia, they took a moment to examine comments by Ted Nugent about Obama. Eleven "agents" and twenty whores! I hope they gargled.

China may be helping North Korea with mobile ICBMs that, perhaps, maybe might be nuclear tipped and aimed at the US. But they are North Koreans, which is synonymous with clown posses. Maybe they'd accidentally hit California with a missile.

Florida prosecutor Angela Corey seems to already have blown the prosecution of Zimmerman. Trayvon will just be another dead gangsta casing the honky townhouses with burglary tools in his hoodie pocket and scattered skittles in a pool of his own blood.

Meanwhile spooky Farrakhan warns whites that our "end has come". Really? 47 million blacks are going to "end" 232 million whites? How? Voodoo? Odd how Farrakhan, Panthers and Trayvon can threaten whites but Ted can't call Obama a coyote without cum splattered agents "examining" his comments.

What would the Russians do?

Monday, April 16, 2012

It's coming

Secret Service rips off whores, GSA loots public Treasury, religious leaders incite murder. Ain't this country great? Obama has terrific leadership skills, for a freaking banana republic. And america has truly become a banana republic, corrupt to the core and devoid of all traces of morality and civilization. Half of this country is inhabited by insane hellspawn intent on the country's destruction. It's coming.

As Long as She Draws a Breathe

Her male friend is dead, hit by a car. But she lies beside him on a busy LA street. Who says animals are uncaring, thoughtless beasts? "Grace" is in good hands now and will have a good home. But will she still remember "him"? I think she will as long as she draws a breathe.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


The US is still above the 75th percentile for tornadoes in 2012. And it's just the beginning of the season. The count is five times the minimum already.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

And now the mob rules

Mayor Bloomberg is an elitist jackass. The billionaire mayor says that "self-defense is a license to kill". That's easy to spout if you have police protection AND the finest personal security team that money can buy 24/7. THAT makes Bloomberg the ultimate hypocrite.

Mayor Bloomberg wouldn't care a whit if an unarmed John Public was menaced, beaten or killed. If attacked he'd just let his security team blow the "terrorists" away with Heckler-Koch automatic weapons then whip up a public relations campaign to justify their actions. The corruption of the leadership class in this country is absolute.

George Zimmerman was an idiot. No one walks a neighborhood watch by themselves, especially armed. That's an invitation for trouble. On the other hand, Trayvon was an idiot for assaulting Zimmerman and scaring the crap out of him. They both got what they were looking for. Trouble.

Florida caved to blacks by charging Zimmerman with second degree murder despite a no retreat self-defense law on the books. The mob wins out. I don't know how this will end but I suspect either kangaroo court or Zimmerman gets assassinated coming or going to court. In any event, his life is over.

But this event has triggered the bigger story, which is blacks feel like they are profiled. Of course they are. And rightfully so because blacks are responsible for criminal behavior many times more than their percentage of the population warrants. Any sane person would be concerned if they saw a saggin and baggin, hoodie-clad, chip-on-the-shoulder black strutting around. Moreso if a mob was wilding in the street. Profile? You betcha. It's all about attitude.

Gun sales are through the roof now and will go up as whites feel threatened. There are ever more places that whites won't go and blacks are profiled. Trust is collapsing as elites disparage security concerns of everyday people. And now the mob rules.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Walk or Ride the Bus

Half the East Coast refining capacity is gone. Welcome to the new global economy.

DOW Plunges 4.5%

In five days the DOW lost 4.5% of it's value. WTF? We're back to mid January values, losing 600 points. Another 500 points and we're back to where we started on January 1st. It seems that all that "confidence" in the US and EU economies fell apart pretty damn quick. Spanish and Italian debt, poor employment data, high gasoline prices, tension with Iran, Obama's Marxist agenda. The same old, same old shit over and over.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Darkness Threatens Mankind

Saturday the Pope declared that darkness threatens mankind. Well of course it does. Race, class, belief, wealth, sex and power have separated us and pitched us into darkness. Our leadership encourages this, even the US president divides us into tribes to conquer and crush us. There is no humanity left in us and I believe that we are lost as a species. Lost in the darkness.

Saturday, April 07, 2012


So THAT'S the approach the lying Obama government is going to take. 88 million people just aren't "participating" in the work force. Unemployment is 8.2% and the economy is great as it creates only 120,000 new jobs in March. Those 88 million people are paying for living expenses with their cash hoard? Or, were they barely surviving on government handouts, rapidly diminishing savings and living with working relatives until they just run out of road.

So a third of the potential US labor force is out of work, apparently forever, but the Obama economy is great. We'll just forget about the non-participants. We don't need or care about them.

Friday, April 06, 2012

Fly Over States


Senator Dick Durbin, the pick pocket from the People's Republic of Illinois, always with his hand in your pocket says we need to buy hybrids or die. Apparently from recent storms in Dallas. Of course, what he means is global warming will kill us all. But what he really wants is to get his grubby little fingers on carbon taxes so he can hand them out to his crony-capitalist friends to buy his re-election.

We ought to just decorate trees with these cocksuckers. And they are just cocksuckers. They'd swallow if that's what it took to get money to peddle influence. The most depraved crack whore in Chicago has more dignity than Dick and the political class in this country.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

The Former Superpower

Obama better start aggressively dismantling the US military before 2019 when national debt interest exceeds national defense costs. Forget about the F-35 program, 11 carrier battle groups and new infantry fighting vehicles. The US needs to deploy a $200B per year military modeled on the remains of the Soviet Union's forces after their demise.

If the US is going to pay it's debts then it's time to stop pretending that the US is a global policeman and a superpower. We don't need it and we certainly can't sustain it.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012


We had one of these dogs. A lab-pit bull mix named Toby that my daughter took in. Basically a lab on steroids, over a hundred pounds of the toughest beasts on the face of the earth. I never worried for a minute when Toby was watching over us. Justin and Nicole never needed to worry either.

One time, Trayvon the gangsta male groundhog challenged Toby to a fight. Toby ripped off and ate both his front legs then left him to bleed out in our back yard. He didn't tolerate trespassers... period. I'm sure that Kilo didn't abide marauding gangsta niggas either. Not even a bullet in the head would deter this angel on four legs. 

There is no greater love than that of a loved dog.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Biden is an Idiot

Joe is an imbecile. Speaking to cops and firemen he said:

"The first guy who’s going to have a problem is the guy whose $3 million home is on fire and you can’t get a truck out there. The first guy that’s going to have a problem is the person who has real assets and finds their house burglarized or robbed, or their Porsche is stolen"

Huh? Does the clown think that firemen will be on the scene before the fire or cops on the scene before the house is robbed? Nope. That's what home owner's insurance is for. Firemen and cops always show up after the fact.

And what the hell is going on with Joe and the use of "ya'll"? Oh, that's right. He's speaking to them in their "native language". Blow me Joe.

Sunday, April 01, 2012


The new owners take over at my company next week. We'll get a peak at their organization charts and find out what's important to them...and what's not. I think I'll still be there but I may lose my guys to another group and be re-assigned to other tasks.

Meanwhile my neighborhood is changing. The foreclosure house was recently remodeled and is for rent. Hopefully the new neighbors will be decent folk. The other rental  apparently is occupied by drug dealers and thieves. Another house is for sale by the children and now available at a new "lower" price. Of the nine houses in our court, three are available. That's huge change!

All I can do is accept the changes and hope for the best.