Sunday, August 15, 2010

Talking with Drug Peddling Killers

Karzai wants to review the police action in Afghanistan. Obama has agreed to discuss civilian casualties with Karzai, who says "The war on terrorism should not be won in the villages of Afghanistan, there should be a strategic review of the method of fighting terrorism."

Well, first of all the Obama administration says that there is no war on terrorism. Secondly, if the Afghan people wouldn't give aid and comfort to the Taliban then Western forces wouldn't have to kill them in the villages. Finally, since the Taliban won't deploy military units in the field, instead hiding amongst the civilian population or pretending to be civilians, then it's impossible to fight them without killing a few civilians in the villages.

How does one differentiate combatants from civilians in Afghanistan? Since the Taliban don't wear uniforms and strip weapons from the dead, who can tell? Who can say whether civilian casualties are killed or wounded by coalition action or Taliban action? No one can even agree how many "civilians" have been killed in the last nine years. Estimates range from 4000 to 32000 dead. But we do know that 1226 US soldiers have died.

Petraeus' winning hearts and minds campaign has been proven to be nonsense as Iraqis are switching to Al Qaeda as the payoffs from the US dwindle and stop. It won't work in Afghanistan either as the opium trade is just too profitable. So this bullshit needs to stop now. Either kill as many Afghans as you have to or get out of this backwards shithole.

Let's put this "war" in perspective. In 2001, Al Qaeda intentionally slaughtered 3000 US civilians without warning with the help of the legitimate Afghan government i.e.the Taliban. As I see it, every goddamned Afghan forfeited his life, and the lives of his women and children, when they allowed the Taliban and Al Qaeda to wage war on american civilians from Afghanistan.
Our "civilized standards" wouldn't allow our leadership to teach the world a lesson about slaughtering americans. I would have intentionally killed 3 million Afghans as a message and killed all 30 million of them if they didn't beg me top stop.

The Afghans are mongol barbarians who grow and peddle misery (i.e drugs), practice barbaric isalm and are irrelevant to the future of the world. Obama should either fight and kill them or get our troops out of this shithole now, instead of discussing strategy with Karzai then negotiating with the Taliban for a July 2011 pullout. But Obama is a goddamned talker not a doer, so our troops are going to bleed and die for another year as they get blown to pieces by bombs and sneak attacks. Continuing this farce is just a waste of time, lives and money that we don't have.

Talking to drug peddling killers is a fool's errand.


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