Thursday, August 05, 2010

The Gagging and Tears are a Feature

The upcoming unemployment data looks worse so get ready to hear about the next surprise from the government. Either these bureaucrats live in the thickest cocoon in the universe or they are lying like rugs.

Big government editorialist Paul Krugman says our elites don't care about american workers anymore.Really? I didn't know that people were supposed to care about anyone but themselves and their own narrow interests in this world...ever. Our education system must have failed Paul, and every other liberal jackass in this country.

The DOW is unphased by bad economic data as the HFT bots are busily running the market up and above the 10600 support as commanded by Obama's cadres. With flagging consumer confidence and a plunging ISM value there is no reality for the enthusiasm. Expect to take a haircut after the "elections".

Rumor has it that Obama is considering mortgage relief for the Fannie/Freddie clients whose mortgages are underwater. The administration could write-off $800M without congressional approval to buy votes. The US looks more like a third world African republic every day.

The government reported that 41 million US households are on food stamps. That's 25% of all US households, according to 2000 census data! That's a whole lot of democrat votes for ACORN to mail in.

Social Security advises that it is paying out more than taking in this year.Tim Geithner said the fund would improve next year with the improvement in the economy for three years then go in the red permanently. Improvement of the economy? Look at the photo in the link. You can actually see the unicorns and rainbows shooting right out of Astrue, Solis, Geithner and Sebeilius' asses.
Ok, more like shit stains in their shorts since they know the truth that the social security trust fund is empty, the government is broke and there aren't enough tax receipts in this broken fucking economy to continue to pay old folks what they were promised. Not to worry though, Sebeilius will start killing them with rationed Obamacare.Say goodbye to grandma while you still can.

Pundits are noticing the gulf between the political class and mainstream americans.Ya think? I don't think it matters anymore because our leadership is going to cram it down our throats the way many fashionable white women like to take their black studs. The gagging and tears are a feature not a bug, inevitably you will swallow it whole and beg for some more.


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