Wednesday, October 31, 2012

CDC Birth Data

CDC revealed that 41% of babies born in 2011 were born out of wedlock. That's a lot of bastards and evidence of civilizational collapse. But you can't just blame the loose women who give up the goods without holding out for a wedding. Men these days are worthless pieces of shit.

And the US birth rate is the lowest ever reported. The economy is a big reason I suppose.

Chengdu Starts Test Flights

The Chinese started test flights on the Chengdu J-31 today. Very impressive gains in a very short time. The aircraft should go into service somewhere late in the decade.

So far 37 F-35s have been delivered to DOD. Twelve system development and 25 low rate initial production. The Lightning is further along than the Chengdu. If we can afford it.

Halloween 2013

Halloween was a bomb again. Only nine trick-or-treaters this year, four relatives, two friend's kids and three kids from a neighborhood church. Grandson wasn't too keen on Halloween either. "Too cold and wet" he said. I suppose I'll continue to decorate (minimally) and celebrate's a bomb.

Samhuin 2013

Samhuin 2013. A small fire for a chilly, rainy and bleak Celtic New Year's eve, probably indoors as the forecast calls for rain. Nothing is settled, as was the traditional Celtic way. The election, the fiscal cliff and the recession embedded in the depression all lie ahead of us. We'll all be poorer and less free in the new year. The world is under unprecedented assault by the dark forces of evil. Our blemished leaders stand over a ruin yet claim that all is well.

The foreboding raven of disaster awaits us in the new year.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I Resign My Watch

Once upon a time, long ago and far away, I thought that I was part of something. My work, country, politics, a set of religious beliefs, friends, culture and family. I truly believed that I made a difference, that the aggregate of my beliefs made a difference. I thought that, if my deeds were noble and honest, that I could rally others to share those beliefs that I embraced. Thirty years ago I had dreams for myself, my family and the country.

Now,  I know better. I'm part of nothing except a few religious beliefs and my core family. Work is mostly irrelevant. No one listens or cares. It's just a job that barely pays slave wages. Just show up and get paid or get fired and go away. Shrug. This country is a dysfunctional set of mobs, like lemmings headed for the cliff. I care as much about east coast victims of Sandy as I do about Egyptians, Syrians and Chinese. Which is to say, not at all. I'm a conservative but neither a Republican nor Democrat, neither party represents me more than just a little. Friends fell away as interests changed and culture is unrecognizable in this age.

Once I thought that if I stood my watch and did my best that civilization would continue for another day, week or year. Surrounded by millions of workers and patriots, the US would go on for a thousand years. Now I'm standing in the ruins of the late Roman empire as it crumbles around me more so every day. There is no leadership, only secrets and lies. And the secret is that all of our college educated leadership don't have a clue how to lead. They are incompetent fakes and therein lies the reason for the crumbling empire.

At the company's recent quarterly meeting the HR director said that over the next few weeks that they would roll out the annual appraisal process and discuss goals for the next year, including the employees long term goals. Absurd. The company has no goal other than finding a customer so we don't go bankrupt. And the company has never given me any direction or instructions, ever. What are reasonable goals for a dying company that has no work? And me, a 62 year old engineer? What are my career aspirations? Well, I hope to get paid for another 219 weeks and then retire. I neither want to work too hard nor too long each day nor do I want stress that just might kill me. I'd really like to train a younger man everything that I've learned over my 44 year work life. But there is no younger man to train in a dying company in the late Roman empire.

Four years ago when Delphi let me go I had hope and dreams. All that is gone. I belong to God and my family now as I long to retire. The empire and it's subjects are on their own. I resign my watch.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Roundup Full Moon in October

Obama murdered those former SEALS in Benghazi. The buck stops with the Empty Chair.

Fiat is pondering moving the Jeep family of products to sites in Italy and/or China for export to North America. Obama is a disaster for american jobs.

Obama is a racist who only cares about communities of color getting votes from non-whites. He claims that

"My target is anybody who is out there, wants to work but doesn't have the skill set to do it. When you look, a lot of those communities are communities of color and we're going to be putting in resources to make sure that we are training those folks up. And, by the way, that's good for America generally. If we don't have black and Hispanic kids who can compete, you know that's the fastest growing population, and that's our future workforce and America will decline economically unless everybody is able to get the opportunities that they deserve."

Fuck you Obama. America is in terminal decline already. Florida has reduced test requirements for both blacks and hispanics. How are you going to train communities of color to compete?

Secretary of Business in an Obama second term. Don't we already have a Secretary of Commerce? Obama is a fucking idiot. Who is going to be his Secretary? Sandra Fluke the whore who demands free condoms?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

PAX Lampfhota

The DOW looks to go sub 13k tomorrow as the economy is on a recession trajectory due to the looming iCliff. The October 5% stock price run-up was unsustainable bullshit. Traders won't be on the floor at the NYSE tomorrow. Skynet will do the trading. The Peoples Republic of the East Coast will go dark and wet,
with traders dog paddling around with turds, tampons and condoms as they dodge falling trees and electric wires. Bermuda had 37 foot waves today.

Some think the markets will fall another 5% as companies try to focus lawmakers on the iCliff. We could see DOW 12k before year end, wiping out gains for the year.

Only God knows what will happen over the next few days and weeks in the dying republic. I couldn't venture a clue, except that nothing good will happen. It'll all be bad to worse. And no-one cares. DOD, CIA, State and the Empty Chair all left 4 americans to die in Libya. Who else would they offer up?

I'm in full lockdown mode since last night's home invasion. DEFCON 1. Things are deployed about the bruig to maintain peace and order. PAX Lampfhota is in force.

That Finger

No thanks. I don't want to sniff your finger. I know where it's been.
Oh, you mean that. No thanks. I know where it's been too.
Ok. You really mean it that way. That'll win win over your fans.

What was that?

This neighborhood was a peaceful place for 35 years until the folks 3 doors down had a home invasion last night. This event will change things forever.

About 2200 hours last night a pair of unknown men beat on my back door. I thought that my grandson was playing a trick on me. So I turned on the light, pulled the shade aside and was surprised to see a couple of very frightened men. I opened the door just a few inches, blocked it with my foot while keeping my hand on the knob in case of trouble. The man nearest the door moved towards it as if he wanted inside as he breathlessly spoke. I raised a rubber mallet I had been using to repair a headboard and told him to back off. He didn't immediately move so I moved it in front of his face and told him to back off and step back from the door. He complied.

He told me he was my neighbor two houses down, three black me had broken in the house, with guns, and had his daughter. I told my wife to call the police. He wanted in my house but I said no. go around to the front and watch. As I made my way through the house my wife handed me the phone to talk to the police. I went to the garage to meet up with the men out front as I relayed information to the police dispatcher.

The middle 30s man was a white trash renter whose two teenage daughters exclusively dated black kids. He said the black men had stolen his safe and he didn't know if they were still in the house. I asked where his daughter was but he didn't know. How odd that he didn't know. I would know where my daughter was!

My wife came to the garage with a 12 gauge shotgun. The father asked if he could use the shotgun. I said no. He was still a variable in this drama. The daughter ran out of the house with her black boyfriend to join up with the other men in the street. The police showed up a few minutes later, swarming the house. No one was these.

Everything was odd about this home invasion. The men coming to the back door instead of the front. The father fleeing the house instead of watching over his daughter. All of this commingled with the history at the house. I told my wife that the black kids were the source of the problem. Clearly they had let it slip that the father had a safe in the house. The rest is predictable, scavenging niggers will be scavenging niggers.

I went out to talk to the police after they were done inside. I found a butcher knife in the middle of the street as I walked over and pointed it out to the police. Knives were never just lying about in the neighborhood. I suspect that one of the kids dropped it as they ran to the father. More drama. I provided the detective with my take on the event and asked them to check my yard for any evidence. I didn't trust anyone involved in this suspicious home invasion. The detective commented that this burglary was suspicious and that there was more to the story than anyone would share.

Far too often, young blacks and violent crime go hand-in-hand. You can call me a racist but I've seen this crap my entire life. Inviting blacks into your life is like inviting a vampire into your home. You will die from the experience.

This neighborhood has changed forever. My treatment of visitors will be far more serious from now on. And there will always be an available weapon nearby.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Movies:Timing is Everything

 You can put a bow tie on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Jewish libtard Harvey Weinstein's movie SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama bin Laden will be released a couple of days before the election. The smirking pig is a generous Obama donor in the bag for the Empty Chair. Of course the cast says the release timing has nothing to do with the election. Chicago Puerto Rican Freddy Rodriguez refers to Republicans as the "opposing party". Huh? Freddy, I know you're just an actor but try to develop your mind at least a tiny bit.

 But much of the east coast won't see the film as they'll be busy preparing to dog paddle around in their cesspools for a couple of days.

Hi Sandy

I'll be popping corn and kicking back Monday evening to enjoy watching liberal Obama voters dog paddling right in the heart of the Megapolis as Sandy pays a visit. This could be wrath of God stuff...or not. But it couldn't happen to a more deserving people.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama Commited Treason

Read it all. Obama knew about the murder of americans in Benghazi and refused military support. Obama is a piece of shit and commited high treason. More here.

One Trillion in Welfare

Great news! The 16,807,795 american households living under the poverty line received, on average, $61,194 in federal benefits. Gee, that's nice. It's good that we support the poor in this country, especially in the midst of the iDepression.

But if you take the $22,350 poverty level wages and add the $61,194 in federal benefits, you end up with an income of $83,554. That's about 25% more than I make in a year. So, why do I bother to go to work?

"A congressional report from CRS recently revealed that the United States now spends more on means-tested welfare than any other item in the federal budget—including Social Security, Medicare, or national defense. Including state contributions to the roughly 80 federal poverty programs, the total amount spent in 2011 was approximately $1 trillion. Federal spending alone on these programs was up 32 percent since 2008."

So, I earn 75% of what the beneficiaries of these government programs get and I pay taxes to support it. Apparently these folks are far more deserving than my family. Well as Marx said, "from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs". My ability to earn a little more must mean I can give those who need more...much more.

I'm sick of living in this Marxist shithole.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Martian Rescue?

How's this gonna work out for you? Wages, bond rates and federal expenditures peak about 1980 then drift downward for the next 32 years. CPI is range bound but the definition has changed over the years (energy and food no longer count these days). Thinking about retiring? Who's gonna pay for it? You with stock and bond earnings? Or the minimum wage earners with their payroll taxes?

But who's reading these days?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What can I say?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Trillion for Welfare

As the US government toys with the idea of becoming a socialist state, in 2011 the Feds spent $1.03B on various welfare programs. Welfare costs have gone up 32% under the Obama regime. I'm not surprised. Almost half of the country doesn't work. People have to live somewhere and eat something.

I'm barely working and making a barely middle class salary, but I still pay about $4000 in federal income taxes. Four years ago I earned a third more and paid $8000 in federal income taxes. That will never happen again in my life.

I'll never be able to support this welfare state ever again. Where is the money going to come from?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama Calls for Assault Weapon Ban

Obama finally got to say it, "seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced." But wait, there's more. The Marxist shoeshine boy wants to go even further when he said "Because frankly, in my hometown of Chicago, there's an awful lot of violence and they're not using AK-47s. They're using cheap handguns." Yep. Obama wants to ban handguns as well.

We know that when guns are outlawed then only outlaws will have guns. 

Last night thousands of tweeters threatened to assassinate Romney. Will the Secret Service investigate even one of these threats by outlaws?

Violent crimes are up 17% in the US reversing a 20 year long term trend. But you can bet your ass that as a lawful citizen that the authorities would be kicking in your door to confiscate your legal weapons that have never been used in a crime if Obama gets his way. Then the armed niggas and white trash show up to pillage your stuff.

Fuck Obama. He's got to go. Vote Romney.

Satan Speaks

Sociopath and smooth liar, Obama only cares about a certain type of american. Everything about Obama is about crony capitalism, favoritism and buying votes. He would say or do anything for his power seeking goal. I was disgusted by his performance.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Riots When Obama Loses

Some demoncrats plan on rioting when Romney is elected President. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. But when I read crap like this it gets my attention.

“If obama dont get re-elected & romney wins .. on life every white persons getting pistol whipped and im startin a riot.”

Really? Niggas gonna be busy. Let's say, for discussion sake, that 16% of the US population is black and 63% is non-Hispanic white. So "every white person getting pistol whipped"? And since not every black will be whippin, that means every nigga is going to have to pistol whip, say, 40 whites. Think that's got a chance of happening?

Maybe inner city blacks will riot, burn their hoods down, loot and catch a few hapless whites who then get pistol whipped. But many whites will go to bed on election night (and a few nights afterwards) with a locked and loaded firearm beside the bed. If a rioting mob descends on their neighborhood, there will be bloodshed.

Hopefully this is all talk but some people listen to talk and make contingency plans.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Get Really Small

Lugh is bored. Romney or Obama, US or China, market economy or communism. It's all the same now. The world is uniformly fucked up from bow to stern and well beyond any hope. But you can't fence time and in the end we're all dead. I just want a little quiet, some rest, to shuffle through the leaves on a empty, warm autumn afternoon. Tonight I want to get really small, turn my back on this world and put all my cares to bed.

Who Is Lara Logan?

Lara Logan, CBS 60 Minutes investigative reporter. Like most the MSM, I don't trust them as they are selling mostly bullshit and lies. I watched a video of Lara at the BGA luncheon on October 2, 2012. I don't know what I think of her. She seems to get the existential threat posed by Islamists and the fraudulent nature of the war against the Taliban/Al Qaeda. But then she embeds herself with the Taliban in Afghanistan and with the Muslim Brotherhood in Tahir Square (where she gets finger fucked for a half hour or so). WTF?

Lara knew what these savage barbarians were like in 2001. She knows nothing has changed in 11 years. Why would she put herself in obvious danger just to get a story that 1) anybody who pays any attention knows what these savages nature truly are and 2) nobody cares about this war any more? No one cares about the truth about what happened to the War on Terror or the obvious attack on US intelligence in Benghazi.

Lara makes a impassioned plea against Islamists but, then, grins in pride when she recalls embedding with the Taliban. So odd. I wonder if she would have grinned when she recalled getting finger fucked by the Ikhwan? She seems to secretly admire these bad boys even as she tells the civilized white men in suits how the bad boys are coming to kill them all. I don't get it. Lara hovers above it all like a disembodied spirit.

Lara is a pretty woman and throughout history most men would have done anything in their power to protect her from danger. But we live in a new world where men send her to death or sexual abuse without a thought. And Lara is what? A woman, a man, something in between. She pretends to be a mother with children who need her, then pulls on pants to traipse into the Kunar wastelands or Tahir Square for bad boy adventure.

I don't trust Lara because I don't know what she is and I don't know what she truly believes in. Where do her interests lie? With the edgy bad boys or with her children?

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

White Life

Dr. Eben Alexander slipped into a coma where he says he had an out of body experience where he went to the clouds, met a beautiful, shimmering blue eyed woman and heard a rain-like chant. Now he believes in the Afterlife.

I died, was ejected from my body, initially felt regret as my life flashed in front of me then was compelled by answers to everything delivered by an impossible number of unseen beings. No white light, no clouds, no chants and beautiful blue eyed woman. Only compulsion to knowledge. Perhaps that was the belief of rising higher. Or maybe it was just a feeling of separation from the now rotting meat that I used to be and gladly let go. Just as I quickly let my regrets go. But way back then I had my life ahead of me, now it's mostly behind me.

Oh, I'm certain that there is a white life after. I caught a glimpse of it but I don't know what comes after. I have the typical Celtic belief of progressions through life forms from simplest to most complex. But is the human form most complex? I dunno. I suspect that there is no reckoning of time in the white life. But again, I dunno.

Death is natural. I'm not afraid of it.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Got Milk?

                         No Hillary, the Voice isn't coming from there.

Empty Chair Heads for Queerwood

The Empty Chair is headed to Hollywood to turn around the panic. I don't watch TV or go to movies so I really don't know or care about any of it. All I hear is that media is full of whores and queers, since that would be disgusting, I stay away.

I'm actually shocked and appalled that anyone would even touch an actress-whore or female-celebrity, let alone kiss or fuck her. God knows where these sleazy cum-bags have been. It's a damn good thing that they don't hang around where I am. I'd set them on fire to purify them.

I don't get out much and I'm better for it. It's better that most people just stay the hell away from me. 

Yet Closer to the End

In a mere 12 weeks either Sequestration or the Fiscal Cliff will knock on the door of the US congress. But first we have to have an election then we have to have lame ducks wandering about for a few weeks. Thank God it's only the US economy at stake, otherwise it might be important enough of an issue that we figure out a solution beforehand. But since we haven't had a budget for the last four years, I think that tells us everything that we need to know.

Everyone has downgraded growth for the US economy in 2013. Maybe 1.5% to 2.0% at best. So when Goldman-Sachs games the possible outcomes for the Fiscal Cliff, nothing looks good.

Here's the assumptions. All bad, some worse. Any way you cut it you'll take home less in the future. Both collectively as a nation and individually. Taxes will rise when the Bush tax cuts expire and benefits will decline when you lose your job in the certain coming recession. And none of it will solve the nation's debt problem.

Goldman's best case is no growth in 2013. Their next best case is a slight recession by taxing the rich and fucking the unemployed (yeah, that's right, taxing the rich = fucking the poor....nice). Then there's the ugly case, a full recession ala EU unemployment rates of 25% on top of the 25% already unemployed/underemployed in the previous iDepression. Replete with social collapse, robbery, murder, home invasions as desperate people become really desperate. Maybe you're better off being unemployed so you can sit at home to protect the place from roaming bands of plundering Vikings.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Rosenberg on Jobs Data

Gluskin-Sheff's Rosenberg has a Ripley's Believe It Or Not moment with generally unreliable Household Survey jobs data. But it seems that the retail sector is providing 423,000 part time jobs to the equivalent of the entire electronics and appliance store payroll. That's a lot of hopes and dreams.

Santa is going to be very busy before the US goes off the fiscal cliff otherwise there will be bleeding and gnashing of teeth and rending of garments.

Spend em while you got em folks. Goldman thinks you're probably fucked in 2013.

Will a civilized society even exist?

Wretchard had a great piece on Tears in Heaven today. He writes about Tingles Matthews demanding that Jack Welch "prove" that BLS lied about recent unemployment data. He goes on to say:

"A society with ample legitimacy doesn’t ask those questions. The official statistics are almost universally believed. People take what they read in the newspapers to be fact. They follow the orders of law enforcement officers by long habit. They would no more doubt the solemn pronouncements of high officials like the Secretary of State than their own eyes.

Legitimacy means trust."

Well, that's the problem these days. I don't trust this government or the media anymore. Sooner or later the majority of americans start thinking that everything has the legitimacy of the Detroit Police or lil bitch  Snoop Dog. Then what? Will a civilized society even exist?


The ever diminishing company that I work at cut six employees in September. With few customers, little work until next year and reduced investor funding we are under pressure to reduce costs. The company went after about $500,000 worth of savings for senior employee salaries.

Unless we find some customers one of our sites will run out of road come April. That work will all migrate overseas resulting in a huge loss for taxpayers and a small but significant loss to US GDP. It will mean one more product that won't ever be Made in America again. If the US economy was robust, an investor with deep pockets and time could be found to keep the company going until the market comes around. But none are out there. And as resources diminish the chances of this thing succeeding are growing ever more remote.

About 40 jobs are in peril and about half of us are nearing retirement so will most likely never work again. Nobody is going to hire 60+ year old engineers from a failed company. Most of us will take early retirement with it's reduced income and struggle with how to get affordable medical insurance. It's the "new normal" economy.

It becomes more difficult every morning to get up at 4:30 in the morning, hop in the car to drive 50 miles and find something to do all day in a failing company that has no budgets for much of anything. Most maintenance is routinely foregone and no improvement projects are possible. Basically I just try to keep things going without spending any money. Nine hours later I drive another hour to get home without any major accomplishments. But I'm still making money, at least for another day, week or a few months.

We need a change in leadership

The media was critical of criticism of the recent NFP unemployment report that showed an 0.3% improvement in jobs. But wait a minute, what kind of jobs were created in this economy? The data clearly shows that 582,000 of the 873,000 jobs created were part time jobs. These low paying jobs, without benefits, aren't going to put people in housing, get them a vehicle, qualify them for credit or any of the trappings of wealth that enable a healthy, growing economy. These are food stamp jobs.

Look at the continuing economic crisis from the perspective of the number of americans on food stamps and disability. Nearly 15% of the US workforce is sitting idle and barely surviving , basically unable to participate in the economy. Does this look like an economy that is "improving"? Part time seasonal jobs as Christmas help certainly is not the jobs that are needed to heal the shambles economy in the US today.

In fact, this enormous increase in part time jobs actually damages the economy by suppressing wages for those who are lucky enough to have full time jobs. Median wages are down on average about 33% back to the level seen 20 years ago. Even as inflated prices for goods and services have risen 40%. Most americans have no disposable income available any more.

So let's cut the crap that the incumbent's economy is "on the mend". We need a change in leadership.

Friday, October 05, 2012

The Suckin Sound

Yeah. California's love/hate gasoline relationship is insane. They really deserve the rapine that they're getting today. It couldn't happen to a better people. But wait...the rest of the country is liable to feel the pain that California earned. Gasoline prices are likely to rise nationwide. We're screwed.

I'm Calling Bullshit

Obama and his gang are liars. The unemployment rate is not 7.8%. In fact it's probably closer to 11%. Former GE CEO Jack Welch claims Obama is manipulating the data. And at least two BLS economists are Obama campaign donors.

But let's look at the "best employment gains in 29 years". 582,000 of these jobs are part time jobs. So, of the 873,000 jobs created, 66.6% of the jobs were part time jobs.

So, this is the Obama October Surprise? The first time unemployment dropped to under 8% on his watch. I'm calling bullshit.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Federal School Menu

Federal law requires fruits and vegetables on school menus? Federal law? Now schools are considering trash cams? So, the FBI will come to school and bust a kid for not eating broccoli. Federal charges? How many years in prison will the first grader get? 5? Oh, that's right. He'll be put in JD but have an entry in his "permanent record" that he will carry around for the rest of his life. Why? Because Michelle Obama has a typical black horse ass. Yeah she built like a thousand big, fat black ass hippos that I've watched lumbering around.

Federal law? Well they got a million of them and that's why I just don't pay much attention.

Choomer Girl Votes

When the girls vote, the Choomer wants them to vote with their cunts. So if ya'll find a wet stylus in the booth, a gal just cancelled out your vote.

Monday, October 01, 2012

One Third of Jobs go to Illegal Aliens

One third of all jobs since 2009 have gone to illegal aliens. Why you ask? Because the jobs are low paying and Pedro is willing to relocate to get the minimum wage job. But Bob won't take the minimum wage job and has too much stuff to migrate. So Bob is shit out of luck. Pedro wins.

Rather than communities with families and a home with a shot at a middle class lifestyle, americans get a migrant worker lifestyle based, really, upon slavery. A run down shack in a ghetto neighborhood surrounded by packs of feral humans living like pack animals all making minimum wage. That's Obama's dream of his father. The shoeshine boy wants to turn america into a cesspool. And half of americans think that is a good idea.

So americans get run out of their own country by Obama's amnesty program. Fire the motherfucker!