Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Racism?

The Iowa state fair has a new attraction this year called Beat Whitey Night. Apparently some lucky white fairgoers get picked out by a group of young negro men and women, are verbally harassed until they talk back, then the "disrespected" negro youths jump them as a group and beat them senseless. If the police respond they too are hectored and attacked by negro women when they turn their backs on them.

My daughters described this same scenario in their high school a decade ago. The negros would congregate in a self-segregated hallway, bump into an isolated white, demand an apology and unless a prompt humble apology was received, several negro bitches would jump the white person and give them a beating. When the school authorities investigated, the race card was invoked instantly and the investigation ended.

When asked if the "Beat Whitey Night" attacks had racial overtones, State Rep. Ako Abdul Samad said he was uncertain and "Unfortunately, like any other city, you have certain parts of town that individuals congregate in," Abdul-Samad said. "You have those that go into that area with no problem, and those who cannot." 

Hmmm. Is Abdul telling whites that they don't have any business going through da hood to the fair? Is he saying that, if you're white, you might get a beating, so stay the hell out? Or else?

Too many negro youth in this country act like either tribal Rwandans or a band of primates. Any attempt to civilize them is wasted, time, energy and money. It's time to put the race bait industry and these feral youth out of business permanently in this country. We need a three strike rule that includes a death penalty, no matter the crime, after three felony arrests. Otherwise vast swaths of american cities will become permanent no-go zones run by Abdul and his NOI/BP gangs.


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