Monday, January 30, 2012

Obambi Swallows Whole

Her husband is a semiconductor engineer. I'm a semiconductor engineer. He has 10 years experience. I have 25 years experience. He can't find work in the semiconductor field, neither can I. Obambi finds that "interesting" because CEOs tell him they need skilled engineers. Well, they're lying Mr. President. The CEOs can't find engineers who'll work for ultra-low wages, no benefits and on contract, renewable every year like H1B1 slaves. I've talked to numerous Chinese, Korean and Japanese engineers who get this treatment.

You see Mr. Obambi, every CEO in the country is a fucking liar! They pull down multi-million dollar salaries, bonuses and endless perks for rat fucking their employees in this surplus labor market. Some day they'll need loyal, hardworking employees. I'm teaching my grandsons that management are all liars, you owe them no loyalty and give them as little work as you can for as much money as you get. Fuck them all!

My generation could have taught the next generation good things. Instead we're teaching them to never, ever trust a company or it's leaders. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Global Cooling

It looks like global cooling is coming our way. The sun and oceans have far more influence on climate than CO2. But scientists love their CO2 models. We'll know more in a generation if we can keep the scientist's minds open. But that's hard to do with their prejudices and consensus'.

Falling Apart

Everything is falling apart everywhere. I think the fact that everything is based upon lies these days make it impossible for ordinary people to figure out what they're supposed to do in almost any case.

I've had no specific direction or management since a boss quit in mid 2010. The replacement boss understood little about what our department did so he let us run it as we saw fit. But except for general operation we didn't know specifically what we were supposed to accomplish. So we carried on based upon a 18 month old assignment. When the replacement boss quit two months ago we carried on until a replacement was announced. But the replacement has no interest in the department, not even bothering to email or meet any of the staff. He won't respond to needs or even involve hisself in projects. Now what?

Obama inspired the overthrow of Mubarak in the Arab Spring. Eqypt elected an Islamist government that has taken americans hostage by not allowing them to leave the country. The country is broke and soon will be starving. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were bungled by consecutive administrations costing trillions without destroying the enemy or leaving an outcome that might be peaceful in the world. Islamists of various species are taking control everywhere. The US is even negotiating with the Taliban.

Incompetent, lying governments take ever more control, micromanaging every detail of our lives. But they show no ability to manage anything. How are ordinary people to figure out how to survive? How can children even figure out how to play without being arrested by malevolent authorities? Jon Corzine can steal billions of dollars without being arrested while ordinary people serve years in prison for stealing just a few dollars. Nothing makes sense anymore.

I'll not be one bit surprised if the the world comes to an end next December. It might even be a mercy if the the planets align and destroy mankind. We can't seem to shake the great evil that has blossomed and grown in the 20th century. I can't see a starting place to clean house in this miserable world.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Marine Manpower Cuts

Marines are up next for cuts. The Corps is planning on cutting 10% of manpower from 202,000 to 182,000 active forces. Roughly about 6 brigades, all points of spears because every Marine is a warrior. I'd leave the Marines alone but inter-service rivalry means cuts have to be roughly "equal".

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Army Anounces Proposed Cuts

The US Army is looking to cut combat brigades to 32 from 45 albeit larger units. Manpower cuts of 80,000 or 14% would leave the active Army at 490,000 soldiers, roughly 70,000 points of spears instead of 81,400. A loss of roughly two bigger BCTs of warriors. Marine cuts still need to be announced.

Europe is losing 2 BCTs in Germany after 67 years of occupation/facing off against the Russians. This is a reduction of 67% and will have a significant impact on the German economy. Roughly 6000 US soldiers won't be spending Euros on bread and beer in Germany anymore.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

State of Bullshit

Spengler rips out Obama's black heart and stomps it on the ground with a brief few graphs hopefully ending the lying bastard's re-election hopes. Mitch Daniels will provide postmortem  remarks after the liar's SOU lies. I will continue my tradition and won't listen to Obama speak. What's the point of listening to a liar? Spit

Monday, January 23, 2012


A near X flare and coronal mass ejection was detected today and is expected reach the earth tomorrow at about 0900EST. Proton density is already at 3 protons/cm3. Strong geomagnetic storms are expected and spacecraft may be "affected". This is a big-un.

Click image to watch the flare. The "snow" is protons hitting the SOHO detector.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Maybe US is not Too Bad

Evans-Pritchard has a different take on who is the worse off economically of the developed nations. The US is in the range of Germany, Canada and Australia at about 279% of total debt %GDP. Read it all.

Hunter Hayes-Storm Warning

This 20 year old kid is amazing. He wrote the song, played every instrument and clearly is talented.

I'll just keep doing what I do

I had a very busy week last week and the upcoming week will be worse. I finally have a boss although he hasn't bothered to make contact with any of his team for a week. If I were the boss I would send an email, meet with the team, something to show that I cared at all. But that's me.

The company board is mired in a battle to decide whether to proceed with Chapter 11 reorganization then take it private or allow an investor to inject cash to keep it public. Staff have been moved to support production and the company wants to hire. But we really know nothing specific so the rumors fly about the place like crazy. I'll just keep doing what I do.

The company is sort of like the country right now. Everyone knows that things can't go on like they have for the last four years. It's broke (in every way). But we struggle with a successor and a path forward. Gigantic egos, harsh words, dirty laundry and endless posturing void of clear communication. Nothing that an ordinary guy can build any kind of a future on.

Romney, Gingrich or Santorum? I think Santorum is too young. Gingrich is the bold candidate. Romney is the middle choice, almost a RINO. I suspect it will be Romney. Then hopefully it will be anyone but Obama.

Meanwhile I'll just keep doing what I do.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Obama Hates Americans

Two stories from last week clearly show how deeply Obama hates americans.

In the first story, Obama has shown his open admiration for OWS with it's tent camps full of rape, drug abuse and filthy living conditions. The DC camps have been over run by rats as bales of straw and pallets have been used to insulate tents from the cold ground. Rats love to nest in the straw while they munch on garbage littering the camps. Of course civilization is well aware of the diseases spread by rats and the health problems that they pose. And DC has passed a law that makes trapping rats illegal. Instead they must be live-trapped in families and relocated. Surrounding states will put an end to that, so get ready for bubonic plague outbreaks in DC. Obama shrugs.

Then there is the story of the Keystone XL pipeline forbidden by Obama. The project to build the pipeline through the US to Oklahoma is a story about jobs and energy independence, at least dependence on a nation that is friendly to the US. Obama killed the pipeline because Republicans like it and Environmentalists don't. So he panders to tree-huggers to buy votes. Canadians shrugged and said that they'll build the pipeline to their West coast and sell oil to the Communist Chinese. So americans are double fucked so Obama can get elected and hate americans even more.

So Obama gives us disease and takes away jobs, forcing greater energy dependence on people who hate us. Nice! The bastard has got to go.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Oy Vey

After 22,279 planetary rotations I'm fairly beat up and worn down, emotionally more than physically, but I suppose that's to be expected considering the lousy human coinhabitants that I share this rock with. I'm still duty bound to do my best to keep the few that I love warm, dry, fed with a few small amusements. I've hunkered down to get the job done often using every bit of rationed energy that I have left. I will endeavor to persevere until the end.

One of the few I still love is birds. I've dutifully fed my backyard friends for decades all winter long. One feeder with fancy mix for sparrows and assorted and another with sunflower seeds for cardinals and chickadees. The cardinals and chickadees need the high energy black oil sunflower seeds to survive, especially in cold weather. But feeding the birds has gotten much more expensive this year as the cost of sunflower seeds has doubled due to the global food crisis and wet spring conditions.

The wholesale cost of sunflower seeds has increased from $15 per 100lb to $29 per 100lb with retail prices shooting to $39 per 50lbs! Farmers grew more corn, soybeans and wheat this year due to higher grain prices so less sunflowers were grown. And the wet spring denied sunflowers the long growing season that they need, reducing yield significantly. So I spent 50 cents a day to feed instead of a quarter a day feeding sunflower seed. Since the fancy seed mix has some sunflowers mixed in, this cost has increased as well. So overall, I spend about $1.10 per day feeding birds compared to 55 cents per day last year. It adds up!

God is helping me and the birds by providing a relatively mild winter so far. Birds eat less and my seasonal cost should come in at about $200 this year. Hopefully farmers will have better growing conditions next year and prices will come down. But then again, human greed might make sunflowers permanently more expensive, especially in a world of 7 billion human mouths to feed. Oy vey!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The future will be cold, brutish and nasty

A recent NIE report calls the war in Afghanistan a stalemate. I don't think I could argue against that assessment even though I don't trust any "intelligence" coming out of US sources. The US may have toppled the Taliban government, and the Iraqi government as well, after invading these Muslim shitholes but both are in the process of reverting right back where they started.

I think that the US fell into the miscalculation that every country that you go to war with can be rehabilitated like Japan and Germany into a peaceful, allied place that loves you forever. But Japan and Germany were exceptions principally because we utterly destroyed them and then occupied them for a generation. Also, we never won hearts and minds in either country. We told them what they were going to do with the threat that we'd destroy them completely.

The fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan had barely ended with minimal casualties before the US was trying to win hearts and minds. Sunnis and Afghans were paid billions of dollars to stop fighting and promised that the US would withdraw from the country if they asked us to. Most of the locals took the money, stood down and left a few die-hards to kill americans with bombs until we left. We did in Iraq and soon will in Afghanistan. Iraq has already resumed their civil war and no matter what we "negotiate" in Afghanistan the civil war will re-start after we leave. Muslims will hate us no matter what we say or do, even if we surrender to them.

The wars changed both the US and Iraq/Afghanistan, the former negatively and the latter for the better. The US will likely never go to war again no matter what anyone does to americans while the Muslims now have a brutal model of how to run infidels away. Oh we may have drones fire rockets from afar or drop small teams in to shoot people in the head. But no invasions by BCTs or armor. That's part of history now.

Americans thought they understood the world after WW2 and arrogantly pushed their thought processes onto foreign minds thinking the US was superior in everything. In the early 21st century it became clear that the US, and Western emperors were naked. Both our military and economic power was really false and was defeatable as is being demonstrated globally today

Brutal China and the inhuman Caliphate will be teaching the lessons going forward. A billion americans and Europeans will hold out a bit longer but 6 billion peasants see the writing on the wall. Submit or be brutalized. The future will be cold, brutish and nasty.

Now, you kids get back to searching the normal distribution curves. Where does the modern US fit? The median or on the tail going forward? Extra credit if you can place the West on the line.

Local Mystery

A guy I went to high school with, and ran in the same circle of friends with, died this week under mysterious circumstances. He always was an oddball and I generally steered clear of him. He had an explosives fetish and got in trouble for blowing up country church outhouses with dynamite as a teenager. How he acquired dynamite as a teen was beyond my comprehension. Frankly, I didn't want to know.

I broke contact with most everyone in my small school during my senior year. The rural school was just to inbred for me and as a rock musician who hung out with city kids I was just too weird for them. I didn't keep track of anyone after school and only ran into Dynamite Dave once in the 42 years after I graduated. We ran into each other and he stopped over for a beer and some catching up about a decade ago. He struck me as a run of the mill drunk, otherwise a pretty normal blue collar guy.

Apparently last week there was an explosion and fire in a garage out in the rural area of the county. Neighbors heard a boom then the building went up in flames. By the time firefighters arrived the building and cars inside were engulfed in flames. Later they found an unrecognizable body behind the wheel of one of the cars. Family and authorities suspect it is Dave.

The mystery involves the newspaper article that says that firefighters evacuated the neighbor who alerted them of the fire because he said that there were explosives in the garage. He heard a boom and there were explosives in the garage? How did he know there were explosives in the garage? Why were there explosives in the garage? Dave had no professional reason to have explosives. Did Dave continue his explosives fetish on into his adult life? How could he do this without the notice of authorities?

Did Dave suffer an unplanned, accidental detonation in his garage as he parked his car? Did he commit suicide with an IED? Police say the fire is under investigation. Maybe we'll know or maybe not.

I guess this got me to thinking about just how odd people really are. 47 years ago I thought Dave an oddball and generally gave him a wide berth in junior high school. The older I got, the more people I added to the "avoidance list". Now at age 61 everyone but my wife is just an acquaintance. People are just odd and you never know what they might do. I don't really trust anybody but my wife.

What kind of world do we live in? Ahmadinejad, Corzine, Lady Gaga, Charles Manson , Obama and Dave. We're all dead or dying, what do we do while we're here and alive? I just don't know about this life.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Class Warfare in America

A Pew survey found that 66% of americans see rich vs. poor conflict. Yeah. The top 13.2% that comprise the  upper middle class through the upper class and control 56% of all wealth in the country. The elites, the leaders, the bosses that make all the decisions and run everything. The bastards that laid you off and shipped your job to China so they could make a few more cents for themselves.

It's not just that they make and have more than you. it's not about you coveting their wealth. It's more about them making decisions that ruins opportunity for you, your children and grandchildren to make anything. They would ruin futures to make a few more pennies that's at the root of the conflict.

The 86.8% of us in the lower through lower middle class and control the remaining 44% of the wealth watch the american dream falling apart for us and our children are angry. And we should be. Not only are we getting poorer but elites tell us to STFU, our opinions don't matter. Many of us have shrugged, show up but don't care anymore. Why care when the bosses won't listen to you anymore.

The top 13.2% can hide themselves away in the secured, gated enclaves. Who are the lower 58.5% that have basically no wealth going to go after when the shit hits the fan? I'm guessing the 28.8% of lower middle class living in their midst. We have no influence or power but we're available so will take the burden of the mob's wrath.

Tis much better to live in the lower class neighborhood, drive the used car and keep your head down so you might trick the mob into believing you have no them. Conspicuous displays of wealth could get you killed when real class warfare comes. And it will. The politicians are selling it this year.

More Why

The US Navy floated the carrier Vinson into the Arabian Sea to support the Stennis, which Iran has banned from the Persian Gulf. Meanwhile the Lincoln is steaming in the direction of the unwelcome pair. Nothing will come from it under Obama unless he can harm america.

In other news, the Navy is preparing to keep the sea lanes open to international shipping by countering Chinese attempts to limit access in the Pacific. What? Obama is going to war with China? Yeah right. Absurd.

Marines are contributing to Obama's war efforts, seen here pissing on dead Taliban.

You have to love the masculine emotion of it all but this is so Iranian, as this is the same crap that they did to our dead soldiers after the failed hostage mission in 1979. But then again, this is so Obama third world behavior. The video is awful because there's no urine splashing on the Taliban faces. I think they're faking the whole thing.

Speaking of Obama, Angelina's dildo showed up at the Whitehouse for an audience with The One today.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Goodbye Lame Cherry

Lame Cherry seems to have gone. Her last postings eluded to a departure from the blogosphere as she said she had found her Star, her spiritual meaning in life and could offer no more through her musings. I'll miss her odd but thoughtful postings. The world will be darker without her.


My beliefs about this life have changed dramatically these past few years. As I look back I feel shamefully naive about them and ponder how could I have been so wrong for so long. Oh, I recognize that the world has changed but in hindsight, I was wrong.

As a younger man I thought that we were all born with equal opportunities and that mostly one could expect to be treated fairly by your fellow humans. I thought that if you behaved yourself and tried, making the most of your natural born opportunities, that most others would help you become all that you could be. This behavior, of course, would help humanity be all it could be. I was a fool!

As an old man I know that we live in a jungle, more savage than any in the animal kingdom. Inequality begins in the womb and fairness is but a word. Behaving and trying will only help if you're tall enough, pretty enough or jam your head up someone's ass at the right moment. All humans covet power and that is what life is all about. Everything people do is about gaining power over you or power for themselves by their actions. There are no selfless acts based upon kindness or fairness in the human world.

I've been a part of so many instances where I thought someone was giving me good advice or actually helping me then found that they were trying to benefit only themselves. Many were inflating their own ego or sense of worth, most were trying to build a kingdom of power. All were eventually destroyed as more powerful people crushed their doings and dreams.

I never shoved my head in anyone's ass as I considered it undignified and thought it destructive behavior. I could never respect anyone who kissed my ass so how could anyone else. It always seemed to end badly for ass kissers.

So as we stumble through this life as children, young adults, adults and eventually old folks, we're living lies based upon lies. If you don't end up a picked over, festering corpse sooner rather than eventually, it's only because you didn't attract attention to yourself. Most of humanity are livestock used to harvest our offspring, milk, fur and eventually our meat by more powerful members of our species.

I spent most of my life mostly behaving, trying to be fair and doing the right things. I stood up for principles and values every time. What did it get me? Nothing except blank stares and giggles from those who apparently understood the game far better than I.


Iran Sanction Effects

SocGen issued a report on the effects of sanctions on Iran and oil price. We could see $4.50 to $5.19 per gallon gasoline in the US in these scenarios. My daily commute cost would rise from $13/day to $20 or $23 per day. The alternative is a nuclear armed Iran. I like Israel but I don't think that I'd pay $7-10 per work day to keep them around in this modern world. Maybe it's best that Iran chucks nukes at Israel, contaminating the entire Middle East and killing a large chunk of the population of that part of the world. Dunno.

Insourcing Dream

Obama wants to bring jobs back to the US. Good for him. What little success he has won't help!

Firstly, those who bring jobs back will use extensive automation. Instead of many good paying jobs you'll see a few decent paying support jobs with even fewer labor jobs that pay little better than minimum wage. Secondly, US labor costs are 15% higher than Korea or Japan, and a whopping 40% higher than China. The only chance american manufacturers have is through superior labor saving automation. That's costly in itself.

A case in point, the green cleantech industry that was supposed to create a new work landscape in the US according to Obama. Solar manufacturers are being run out of business by the Chinese. US electric car sales are abysmal and with them Li-on battery sales. Only the Japanese are successful with selling hybrid electric cars. Most of the wind turbine generators are made in China. Cleantech is dying in infancy in the US as a market shakeout works it's way through manufacturers.

Most successful manufacturers in the world these days are global players. They have no allegiance to the US or americans. They can make and sell their products in China for next to nothing and ship them to stupid americans who'll not think a thing about the Made in China embossed on the bottom. It is suicide for americans but who cares?

Killer Apps

Another Sunday morning in the dying empire of lies. It will be deceptively, unseasonably warm and sunny today, matching the state of the state. The apparent calm hides the malevolence brewing under it all.

The two biggest stories of the new year are the exuberance underlying the market gains and jobs reports AND the Persian drama.

Apparently some major players moved into equities early this week driving the DOW higher. Who and why I can't fathom. Nothing changed for the better since the market ended in December. The Euro is lower and oil prices went higher but all of that is based upon bad news about Greece and Iran. The Greek economy is still dying and Iran will somehow retaliate against sanctions. Neither will be good for the DOW in the long run. Or the economy.

The job gains touted for December are nonsense, especially the claim that unemployment had dropped to 8.4%, the best in three years. The bottom line is that the workforce has permanently shrunk and shifted to low paying jobs. The government claiming that 42,000 minimum wage, temporary Christmas gift delivering couriers employment is cause for optimism is absurd.

Everything coming out of the government this year will be about employing Obama for another 4 years. That's all that matters. The rest of us can just die.

What we have is 80% of the 146 million american workforce playing musical chairs with decent paying jobs while the the other 20% struggles to find work that will barely keep them alive. If you're one of the lucky 117 million, life is Ok to good, if you're one of the 29 million, sorry about you luck.

The MSM has turned the unemployment/underemployment crisis into a problem of lacking job skills, AKA education credentials. If only the 29 million unemployed would get some skills, they'd be working and making good pay. That's utter bullshit because I know lots of people with degrees who can't find work or make decent wages. Much of that has to do with the modern online hiring process that screens good people into permanent unemployment. The system couldn't assess skills if companies lives depended on it. It's broke.

Five weeks after my boss left the company I still don't have a boss as the company goes through "reorganization". There is no communication from senior management and over half the employees have left the company. Those of us who remain go through the motions every day but there is no direction. We still get paid but wonder how long that will continue with few customers and no path forward.

I applied for a couple of jobs this weekend that current employees said I was well qualified to perform. I used the online application tool that corporate HR required as referrals are not allowed. I prepared my resume and cover letter then used the online screening tool. I'm fairly certain I'll be rejected based upon the screening tool as my "credentials" don't precisely match the job.

The jobs have been open for more than 6 months and apparently no-one qualifies! Even though I know of at least a hundred people, including myself, who qualify closely enough. Instead the companies are killing their current employees trying to cover the unstaffed tasks. It's a mindless mystery.

I turn 61 in a week. I'll keep showing up at work with my existing "employer" until the doors are locked one morning. Then I'll decide what to do. Unemployment until early retirement? Drive two hours one way to work every day? Fly to Beijing every month to do contract work? Drive and fly all over the country doing field service work? Not anything that I want to do for the last few years of my work life.

Maybe I should retire then let the government pay for me to go back to school to get my "credentials". Then when I graduate at age 65 I could re-apply for the jobs I can already perform. Do you think employers would consider me? More important, would the MSM and government consider me a "success story" even if employers laugh at me?

It's the damnest thing every morning when I drive to work. Hundreds of cars heading north while me and hundreds of other cars drive south 50 miles to work. Why? Some want to live where they want to live. Most can't sell their house. So we commute. $13 worth of gasoline a day. Most people say I could do the two jobs open for 6 months where I live. But corporate HR geniuses with their killer apps beg to differ.

It's all lies, all the time now in the dying empire. But we have killer apps.

Friday, January 06, 2012


Scientists have created genetically altered, giant soldier ants! This is a nightmare come true for a lad who grew up in the 1950s and 60s watching Friday night horror movies. One of my favorites.... Enjoy!

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Coming US Troop Cuts

The US Army and Marines have 766,000 ground troops with about 110,000 points of spears. If the Pentagon reduces 10% of Army and Marine forces the US forces will decrease to 689,000 with 99,000 warriors. That's about 25 combat brigades, a loss of 3 BCTs. Not a terrible loss.

Real savings will come when the gigantic civilian corps at DOD is reduced. Let's hope these non-warriors see the biggest and quickest force reductions.

Idiots at The Independent in the UK prattled...

"President plans to cut half a million troops and says US can't afford to wage two wars at once"

Rupert Cornwell is a fucking idiot! A half a million cut would eliminate the entire US Army.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The Beginning of the End of Empire

The economic realities of 21st century america have come home to roost on the US military. Tomorrow the Pentagon will announce plans to slow defense budget growth by reducing ground forces while boosting naval and air assets. That might be believable if one actually thought that ships and planes were cheaper than men. No sane person would ever believe such an idea.

We'll hear two major themes tomorrow. Instead of the US military decades long policy of being able to fight and win battles on two fronts, the military will shrink to a one front entity. And the battle better be in Asia because that's where the military will focus it's limited efforts. Europe, Africa and Latin America will have to look after themselves.

Ships are very expensive so I don't expect to hear about many more coming online. Most likely we'll hear of upgrades that "increase capability". What I expect to hear about is dramatic increases in drones to remotely patrol to gather intelligence and kill targets.

Effectively, the US will deploy SkyNet for global strategic defense. But what about tactical defense or offensive US forces? Apparently that's where National Guard and Reserve forces will come into play. These changes would limit, if not rule out altogether, many types of operations in the future. An Iraq style invasion would take much longer to put together, if not rule it out completely, because of mobilization and training issues.

Feel safer?

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Load em up

Reuters Stella Dawson is concerned that political dysfunction may lead the global economy into a 1930s style crisis. Everyone knows that the economic system is broke but in the US the competing narratives prevent any resolution. Stella says...

"The left casts the banker as the prime villain, unpunished by the political elite who allowed CEOs to violate all the principles of fiduciary and moral responsibility in pursuit of personal gain, which fuels the perception of a political system in collusion with a criminal financial elite it is unwilling to punish."


"The right-wing narrative casts big government as the villain for exploiting the crisis to expand its regulatory powers that intrude on free markets, and to spend money on huge bailouts and social welfare programs that have only exploded the budget deficit."


"In both narratives, the victim is the average citizen who is left paying a gigantic bill - through high unemployment, higher taxes and lost economic opportunity. Either way, the compact between political governance and economic life has broken." 

The analysis of effect is on the money but analysis of narrative creates an illusion of difference. The truth is that both left and right wings of the leadership elites have violated the principles of responsibility in pursuit of personal gain while expanding government powers. The illusion of freedom and free markets fails when GE pays no taxes, TSA peeks in grandma's colostomy bag, the government hands GM to the UAW while borrowing trillions of dollars on behalf of private americans which are given to banks.

And how was it in individual american's best interest to allow companies to give the Chinese half of the US manufacturing capability? Wouldn't that be an act of treason if leaders were considered to be americans? Instead we allowed these greedy internationalist, crony capitalists to conspire with political leadership to move wealth out of the US so they could increase their personal wealth, trusting that they were doing "the right thing".

The only way to dig ourselves out of this mess is to send semi trucks with trailers around the country to round up political and business leaders, load them up and ship them to China! Use their resources to repay the debts incurred on their behalf and start over again. Elect new leaders and announce a RESET with a new social contract. America first.

If your first thought when you wake in the morning is Europe, China, Mexico or anywhere but the US then you need to get the hell out of america. It's Ok to make money, but not if it hurts fellow americans. Hiring Juan to mow grass is probably a bad idea. Find a Bob or Tony and pay him a decent wage.

Find ways to hire americans. Everyone doesn't need a goddamned Bachelors degree to do most of the jobs in america today. Interview people, find their skills and train them to do a job. Then pay them a decent wage. It worked for generations and it will work again.

Promote and gives raises based upon merit instead of union place-holding, zoo diversity and sexiness. We're all sick of reporting to brainless pretty human specimens with good fashion sense and golf skills. Real talent shows and most people respond to fairness.

Everyone will work. No exceptions. If you won't work then starve, it's your choice. Want to feed your herd of fatherless children? Work. Disabled because you're obese? Starve the weight off then work. No village ever succeeded with half the population sitting around getting fat watching the other half work. Find something productive to do to earn your keep.

Stella observed correctly that distrust has reached critical mass. Our leadership elites want to continue to extend and pretend. It can't go on. There will be blood. The elites want to divide americans and spill their blood. It's time to get the semis moving and pack these bastards off to China before good people bleed.

You know who they are. Load em up!