Friday, April 30, 2010

Government Pretends to be Useful...Again

The dictator has ordered SWAT to stop the oil spill in the Gulf. Are they gonna yell at it, shoot it or just take it into custody? The full weight of the US government is freaking useless against this accident. All the government can do is point the finger of blame and watch as the spill continues. But appearances are everything in this modern world, so the politicians must appear to be angry, use crisis language while accomplishing absolutely ususal.

Although I love brown pelicans, the human impact will be just another reason not to drill off the coast. This will lead to further dependence on foreign oil with it's trade deficeit problems. Just another nail in the coffin for america.

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday- Worked my ass off this week- Tab Dump

Just some odds and ends...

All the sound and fury regarding illegal immigration is meaningless. The elites have already decided that they need slave labor. That is why the borders have been open, are open and always will be open.

Today I drove through the wealthiest community in my Midwest state, with million dollar homes and landscaped traffic dividers...maintained by dozens of brown skinned, young men who could never afford to live in the community. Basically slaves!

Meanwhile Bloomberg said we are committing national suicide.Geez yourhonor, just wake up? We're already dead! This Jew loves his slave labor and will never give it up. "Just get over it" he sneers.
Our elites need slave labor and will never let it go. Learn to live with it.

The dictator spoketh today, saying unto the people "I do think, at some point, you've made enough money". Gee Obuma, at some point, you've got enough power OR you've done enough damage OR eat shit and die american pigs.

I'm glad we can't afford to vacation on the Gulf. It would be an oily mess and oily beaches are no fun. But I'm just not caring so much anymore. The headlines scream Devastion! Worse than Exxon Valdez! I yawn. The rest of the country destroyed my manufacturing environment and future by buying foreign stuff. They never thought once about me, why should I give one flying shit about them. Enjoy your oily swim.

Meanwhile, not only Russians can do a flyby on a US carrier, apparently Iranian aircraft can fly right over the deck of a carrier 3x and the Navy will only say there was nothing unusual, just ignore it. No wonder the world laughs at us. We beclown ourselves daily.

And finally, here is an oracle speaking at a crook's banquet. This genius says that excessive sovereign debt is bad. Can you believe that they pay this guy for this stuff? And both schleps think the gubmint should increase carbon tax on fuel because we're too fat, living large like we are and all. Milken should've been shanked in prison and Roubini should choke on a crepe. Asshats.

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ahmadenijad Coming To america?

Will Obowma bow to Mahmoud? Feisty Ahmadenijad is way short, our dictator may have to bow on bended knee. T'would be great if Mahmoud grabbed those big ole ears or rubbed his head for luck. Ya gotta laugh....

Will Greece Collapse the Global Economy?

I don't claim to know much about global economies or high finance BUT the Greek financial crisis is very troubling. Basically, Greece is bankrupt with obligations greater than 114% of their GDP. Now THAT'S bankrupt! Greece can't meet it's May 5th payment and will default. Anyone holding Greek notes will lose bigtime, as will the Euro.

Spain and Portugal face similar problems that also threaten the Euro. Germany and France could rescue Greece, Spain and Portugal but have been reluctant to do so as the latter won't agree to reforms to deal with this fiscal crisis. This developing crisis could destroy the EU.

The US will not be immune to any of the effects of this crisis. In fact, this could be the next wave of the ongoing collapse of the global economy. I hope the economic skeptics are wrong on this. But this is scary. Buckle up.


Latino Protests are Absurd

I don't have anything against Latinos. Most of them that I've known are decent, honest hardworking folks. I wouldn't have any objections to allowing screened immigrants from latin america to come to america, so long as they wanted to become citizens. But I don't want an uncontrolled invasion of america.

Mexico controls their southern border and deports illegal immigrants. Why is it unfair that we control our borders? I find the outrage of Latinos over Arizona's recent crackdown on illegal immigrants to be hypocritical. Further I'm sick of latinos in america protesting in support of the criminal activity of entering this country illegally and then looting government resources such as welfare, health care, education while lowering our standard of living by working for slave wages. I believe that every one of these protesters should be required to prove citizenship. If they can't they should be deported.

Mexicans are responsible for the mess that Mexico has become. I don't want Mexican corruption and crime in my neighborhood. Mexicans should go back to Mexico and fix their shithole before whining in america.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Chicago More Dangerous Than Combat Zones

Chicago...113 people murdered so far this year. Meanwhile 113 US soldiers have died in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan so far this year. In some parts of Chicago it is more dangerous than combat in a war zone. Nice.
This america is rapidly becoming a failed state, and the cities are failing first.

Democrats run Chicago, always have and always will. When will the community organizing, Nobel prize winning dictator bring peace to Chicago?


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Are We So Different Anymore?

Half a world and a couple of weeks apart two white elderly men were beaten and hacked to death by blacks. Both were murdered because of their ignorant comments and wage disputes. The message is powerful, if you are white and make ignorant comments the consequence just might be horrific death by fist, club and machete. Many folks would say that both white men got what they deserved. If that is so then civilization is failed. We are back to the law of the jungle.

The people of the US believe that we are an exception in the world. A place where law makes everyone equal and one can speak and live without fear of being hacked to death.
But are we so different from the rest of the world anymore? If an ignorant man can be hacked to death in rural Mississippi just like an ignorant man in South Africa, just how are we exceptional?  Blacks run their mouths about racism all the time but they aren't being hacked and beaten to death by whites in either america or South Africa today. Blacks steal money from whites daily without fear of being beaten to death in either place. There is clearly a double standard in play these days and it is just disturbing.

The message being sent to white folks is keep your distance from blacks. If you make them angry they might just beat and hack you to death, even if you are an old man.

Just take a look at this paroled felon who murdered the old fella in Mississippi. Does he look remorseful? ashamed? This tattooed face looks defiant. In fact, this face looks resolved to spend the rest of his life in a cage. There is no soul in this body at all.

Would you hire this thuggish looking punk to do yard work? I don't think so. I keep my distance from anybody who has this look, no matter the color of their skin.

State of nature is deeply embedded in some cultures. Generations of exposure to other cultures doesn't appear to affect cultural strings. Can we learn anything from these two murders in April 2010 or do we just consider both as isolated events without meaning?


No Climate Change Bill Unveiling Monday

Awww...John "Hero" Kerry just announced that he has to delay the unveiling of his climate change bill. Seems that Lindsay "RINO" Graham doesn't like the immigration bill competing with attention of the climate change bill. After all, passing legislation that will destroy the US is hard work. All this treason will exhaust lawmakers.

Graham insists that the climate change bill will give the US energy from nuclear reactors and off-shore drilling. I'm calling bullshit on this claim because we haven't had either in 30 years and the lying democrats and bureaucrats never will permit either. We'll end up with the economic drag of carbon taxes and less energy while the environwhackos tie up reactors and off-shore oil rigs in court for another three decades.

Our government is full of pathological liars who neither know nor care one bit about americans. I trust Putin and Ahmadinejad with the truth more than I trust anyone in the US government.

I tell ya what Lindsay, John and Joe, just sit in your office and surf the web for porn and leave us alone.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

The House That Built Me

Miranda Lambert is a beautiful and talented young woman noted for her fire and spunk. Her latest song is a touching memory of her lost childhood. Enjoy.


My Hometown is Dead

My hometown used to be a significant manufacturing site in the US but the last decade has seen 13,000 manufacturing jobs disappear. None of those jobs will ever be back. This would be a major blow to any city, but for a city with a population of 47,000 souls, the job losses are killing the city.

The last few years have continued the job losses due to the Great Recession. The table below is revealing.

Report Date: September 2009
Sector                               2007       2008       2009     %Total
Manufacturing                14,100     12,000     9,600     23.4
Government                     7,700      7,800      7,800     19.0
Retail                                   5,700      5,600      5,400     13.2
Education & Health        4,100      4,200      4,500     11.0
Leisure & Hospitality     4,500      4,500      4,300     10.5

Total                                  36,100    34,100     31,600

Notice that 4,500 manufacturing jobs have vanished since 2007.  Those jobs provided living wages that powered government, retail, health, education and leisure spending. The loss of those jobs resulted in lost retail and leisure related employment. Only government, education and health related employment increased over the past few years, as the government pumped money into the community to keep our heads above the water of the economic deluge.

But how long will government from outside the community continue to pump money into the city? How can the government continue to subsidize a dying city when bankrupt themselves?

Since the Fall of 2008, the government has been retraining laid-off workers for jobs that don't (and won't) exist in the community. Many are training for management and health care jobs. But both fields are saturated here so the newly trained will have to go elsewhere to find work. Where is this magical elsewhere?

Exacerbating all these problems is the housing dilemma. Many of these displaced workers owned homes in the community. The median home price has fallen from $110,000 to $70,000 in the past few years as there are no home buyers, only sellers. Those who are lucky enough to have kept their home and have been retrained will not be able to sell their home to relocate where jobs exist. The community is full of abandoned homes that have been on the market for years. Without jobs that pay living wages, those houses will never be sold or even rented, as there is insufficient income for mortgages or rent. So almost every neighborhood has houses that are slowly falling into overgrown trash piles.

The local tax base is collapsing and only outside money keeps essential services going. The local government is forced to beg for state and federal funds that cannot go on indefinitely. The local economic development commission grasps at any venture that expresses interest but all want massive tax abatement that the city can't begin to afford.

The only business that is growing in the city is the booming drug and crime business. Methmakers and their criminal customers are popping up everywhere. A guy four houses down from mine was arrested last week for brewing meth at a church parking lot. There is nothing else for most of the youth to do but have sex, get high and hang around. Zero future for these young people.

It feels like the end here in my hometown. One of my daughters will graduate from college this May and will be looking for work somewhere else. There is nothing here for her. Another daughter will graduate next May and will probably have to go elsewhere to find work. That will leave me and the wife trapped in our house that we can never sell in a dying american city. Me, grandma and 40,000 unemployed meth makers with their customers. Sounds grand eh? That's what I worked 40 years for.


Your Government Hates your Shitty Guts

The Kerry/Graham/Leiberman Immigration Reform Bill says to americans, "Eat Shit"! From no back taxes, to immediate earned income credit, to free tuition, to gang member amnesty, to cut in line, to free legal defense, to no english language requirements, to no border enforcement, to american funding for Mexican education and Health Care...this legislation is truly a peice of shit. It reads like legislation written by Mexicans, for Mexicans.

This legislation is truly a piece of shit, as are those who proposed and would vote for it. This bill tells americans, we don't care one twit about you. Learn to live with peons and like it. Pay for it too because you deserve to live like mestizo peons.

Meanwhile the dictator, who also is an illegal alien, called Arizona's new illegal immigration law "misguided". He wants to fast track the Senate bill to buy votes. But the dictator, who hates americans, is going to have the Justice Department, led by racist hack Eric Holder, look into civil rights abuses by Arizona. They will find them because that is what racists like Obama and Holder do

And if you want to read what many of the beneficiaries of american liberty think, read this article. One Mexican leader said " Police in Arizona already treat migrants worse than animals...there is already a hunt for migrants, and now it will be open season under the cover of a law." Really Francisco? We treat even illegal immigrants better than you treat your fellow Mexicans, who kidnap, murder, rape and even behead you randomly like pigs. Want freedom, law and everything we have in america, then fight for it at home you lazy fuckhead. I don't want your failed state lawlessness here.

Your Government hates your shitty guts!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Ruining Lives and Nations

John Paulson and Goldman Sachs are being investigated by the SEC (while not otherwise surfing the web for porn). It doesn't look too good for GS at this point, but it may get worse. The financial meltdown may have been created by design AND since no-one will be tarred and feathered, we may see this kinda stuff again.
AND if that isn't bad enough then read this. We're basically passed out drunk while lying buns up naked on a bench in a San Francisco bathhouse. Everybody knows what's gonna happen, it's just a matter of who and when.

We need to know and hang the guilty. They've ruined lives and maybe the nation.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day and Gaia Is Trying to Kill Me

The tree pollen count is very high around the bruig and I'm suffering immune system hyper-response. I woke up this morning with chills, then sweats followed by an aching body. Of course a river is draining out of my head, down my throat and into my lungs, which brings hacking and sore throat. I'm just miserable.

I never used to react to pollen but the past few years the tree pollen has really tore me up every spring. My immune system must be supercharged in my near old age. I don't like it one bit. So while all the hippies celebrate earth day, I'm wondering why gaia is making me miserable. I'll have to ask the hippie at work. Maybe he will chant and play his bongos to heal me. In the meantime, I'll take the Claritin and suffer.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Who Broke Allee's Leg and Who Covered It Up?

Speaking of communist hate groups, Scott McKay wrote that the group that was protesting the dinner where Alle Bautsch and her friend were beaten is called the Iron Rail Book Collective. Did they break a young woman's leg because of her political beliefs? We probably will never know because the corrupt New Orleans police just sat on the case.
The police called it a fight! Five men jump a man and woman after hours of protest and these cops call it a fight? I call it an assault, and a hate assault to boot because it was based on political beliefs. If New Orleans won't deal with this hate crime, where is the FBI?
Where is the MSM on this story? Did you read about it in the NYT or hear about it on ABCNews? Nope. If some gayboy, black or hispanic had been beaten it would have been on the frontpage of every paper and lead story on every network for days. But, she was a white republican, so the story never even was reported except by blogs. The non-reporting itself is a hate crime commited by democrat media.

Don't go to New Orleans. It is a dangerous place and the police just don't care if anarchist-communists break women's legs. It's just not on their democrat-union list of things to care about.

Bag of Shit Speaks Out

Big Bertha, former CEO of ACORN recently discussed the Tea Party movement and called it a bag of shit. The smelly ole ho says she embraces any communist no matter what dey believe and dat dem baggers is comin to get em.

I'm betting that Big Bertha is afraid she's gonna lose "the check" and won't get free bags of ho-hos and 64 ounce drinks, which she clearly consumes in quantity and often. She might just have to drag her smelly fat ass off the couch and go wash toilets for minimum wage. Shit bag? You betcha.

Regime Ponders VAT Tax

The Obama regime have put their thinking caps on and, pondering how to pay for their binge spending and payoffs for votes policies, have not ruled out a VAT tax. Any talk of spending cuts? Nope.

Value added tax can generate a lot of cash for democrats to spend because it affects everything and everybody. The government could tax seed corn, fertilizer, fuel, corn then finally corn flakes. A horde of new unionized bureaucrats would be needed to decide what to tax and how much. If the government wanted to reduce the consumption of a given item they could just raise the tax until most people couldn't afford it. Cigarettes is a perfect example. Eventually you end up with a planned economy, which is basically a Soviet style economy where the government decided what items the masses would or could purchase and at what price.

So much for taxing the rich. This tax would clobber anybody who bought anything. The progressives would probably try to pay off their victim constituency by offering pile-o-tax deductions like earned income credit. The middle class who make more than poverty level would get clobbered by much higher taxes.

But the real killer with this kind of tax is the effect on manufacturers, who would purchase raw materials with VAT added, which would increase their costs. Then the manufacturer would have his products further taxed as they are built into a final product, once again adding cost. Finally his product would be taxed as it went out the door to be sold. These tax costs might be the difference between profit or loss and reduce the competetiveness of american manufacturers compared to products built in countries that don't have a VAT tax.

In the end VAT tax will drive more manufacturers overseas where they don't have to deal with the tax. That's the ticket to keep unemployment permanently high.

Tuesday Tab Dump

Busy week for me, work, wrapping up estate and odds and ends. I've been reading this stuff today.

FT has a financial oped titled America's Disasterous Debt.

Best maps of Eyjafjallajokull ash flows.

Interesting discussions at Belmont Club.

Victor David Hanson has been on fire the past few weeks.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No Credibility on Iran

All this talk about Iran pursuing nuclear technology and missiles to deliver weapons at distance while threatening Israel and the US coupled with our inability to do anything to about it has led me to believe that our government is  full of crap.
Last weekend the media reported that the US has plans to attack Iran's nuclear program. Well of course they have operational plans, but we won't do it and Iran knows this simple fact. All this talk of sanctions is just talk and Iran knows it.
Now the DOD says Iran may be able of hitting the US with a missile by 2015. I can't believe that we pay people for this kind of analysis. What is the story here? With some help from their friends, Iran is developing nuclear weapon and delivery vehicles. They have been working on this capability for a decade.

The only thing that has changed about this matter is that we no longer support Israel. This regime would not support Israel except to call on Iran to use restraint as they committed genocide. The Israelis have every reason be depressed because they can neither thwart Iran's weapons program directly nor expect help from the US.

My eyes glaze over when I read comments from our government about Iran. The US no longer has the clout or power to do anything but watch events unfold. Iran is in the drivers seat and they know it. It will end badly.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bend Over, This Is Gonna Hurt BAAADDD

I knew it was coming and here it is. We're gonna get a brand new case of whoop ass tax before summer based on the lie of anthropomorphic global warming. Analysts say fuel prices will increase 10%, so you can expect a general 10% increase in everything you buy that is transported. Heating and cooling costs will probably increase even more, especially if you rely on coal generated power. So ya'll just lost say, 12 % of your net income to new taxes and fees passed on by producers.

The government will take this money and use it to save the earth pay off their friends. They will give it to a victim class that they define, including poor people around the world who need to be compensated for our rapine. In other words, third world dictators pillage the funds and Western elites skim as they launder the money. And so it goes, round and round.

This is really going to harm the US economic recovery as it stumbles from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Consumers aren't spending now and once this TAX goes into effect it can only further depress weak consumer spending. The middle class will be broken leaving haves and have nots.

We are so screwed.

I Demand My Human Rights

The EU enterprise and industry Cheif says that vacations are a human right. Even peasants deserve a nice vacation at taxpayer expense. Except, the vacations for some might be "youth exploring abandoned factories and power plants in Manchester".  Those Euros are just crazy cool.

Kinda makes you root for Eyjafjallajokull to just put the whole freaking continent out of it's pathetic misery. Cause you just know that the demotards will want to start the policy here, and I'll be "vacationing" at some outhouse where Rosa Parks took a dump once. Woo Hoo, smell the freedom brother.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saudi Arabia Going Nuclear

Saudi Arabia is building nuclear reactors. The US...not so much. We're gonna conserve our way to energy independence with the help of windmills, solar panels and batteries. And we'll beat our nuclear weapons into fuel to power muslim reactors to boot. We are so green and good and well....freaking stupid as an inbred Pakistani goat herder!

Gaia Commits Suicide

Hey Algore, what's the carbon footprint of this eco-criminal? Does Gaia have a carbon credit indulgance? I think mother earth is giving the AGW cultists the raspberry.

Pot Calls Kettle Black

Today Bill Clinton said on ABC This Week,

"Doesn't make any sense. The only point I tried to make was that we ought to have a lot of political dissent  -- a lot of political argument.  Nobody is right all the time.  But we also have to take responsibility for the possible consequences of what we say. 
And we shouldn't demonize the government or its public employees or its elected officials.  We can disagree with them.  We can harshly criticize them.  But when we turn them into an object of demonization, you know, you -- you increase the number of threats.
I worry about these threats against the president and the Congress.  And I worry about more careless language even against -- some of which we've seen against the Republican governor in New Jersey, Governor Christie.   I just think we all have to be careful.  We ought to remember after Oklahoma City, we learned something about the difference in disagreement and demonization."

Hey Bubba, ya'll were'nt too concerned when democrats were threatening to kill President Bush, even making movies about their fantasy. And I still read comments from demotards that Vice President Cheney should be put in jail or worse. No Bubba, you never said a word then. But ya'll drippin sugar from those lyin lips now. What is "is" bubba?

The Uneasy Standoff

I am generally not big on conspiracy theories, especially big conspiracies involving large numbers of people. Most humans are just too curious and just can't keep a secret, especially these days. That doesn't mean that I suffer from a failure of imagination by out right rejecting the possibility of conspiracy. I also know that most people are self-serving and are capable of evil, given opportunity. Almost anything is possible now.

The world has changed completely in the past ten years. Cultural norms in america have all been swept away, we have suffered a mass terror attack, we are under an invasion by aliens, corporations have abandoned american jobs, we have suffered catastropic financial ruin and elected politicians who seem to hate the american people. I barely recognize the country that I was born and raised in and I don't know what might happen next.

This much change in a decade is quite unusual historically. It is difficult for me to believe that such change just happens spontaneously, there must be some driver of change to create this huge transformation. I don't know who or what this change agent is. But the tendency seems bad and seems to be getting worse faster.

In the decade that I've been reading and writing on the internet I have never seen such displeasure with the leadership elite and government in america as I have observed in the past 18 months. During the Bush years, the progressives suffering from BDS went off the deep end often, falsely accusing the administration of being Nazis or worse. The pronouncements of the socialists have been mostly proved false by the facts.
Now we have conservatives saying this regime is becoming a communist totalitarian entity but also having hard facts to back up their claims.
The fact that democrats passed health care legislation that is unpopular, partisan, unconstitutional, unread, not understood and passed with controversial methods on a fast track schedule is very troubling. What do these legislators think will happen in the November 2010 elections? These politicains spent their life getting their seats in Congress. Why would they just throw it all away?

Many pundits are saying that there will not be an election next November. Obama will declare a national emergency, martial law and suspend elections. This would be a startling event, a turning point for america and the world. I have read pundits predictions that SEIU/ACORN thugs will incite violence, financial collapse will cause a breakdown in order or some internal/external mass casualty event will trigger martial law.
The regime has made vague claims of something bad coming in our near future. Does the regime have the power to cause a crisis? Has the democrat thug machine tried to incite violence at conservative gatherings? Does the regime have sufficient control of the banking industry to crash the economy? Are there groups in the world that possess WMD that could inflict mass casualty attacks on america? Would this regime allow a crisis to go to waste? Does this president respect the Constitution, America and the american people?

After 9/11 the Bush administration established the US Northern Command to provide federal troops to use as first reponders in the event of a mass casualty attack on the nation. This was a reasonable action. However the current regime has trained this unit for crowd control, which is clearly in violation of the Posse-Comitatus Act. Some people are worried what this is all about.

I don't know what to make of any of this. Right now we have an uneasy standoff in this country, a heavily armed populace who want the Constitution upheld and a bolshevik regime that believes it has a mandate to do whatever it wants. Most of these unorganized citizen militia would rather die defending the Constitution than live in a totalitarian state.
The question is, if the regime declared martial law would law enforcement and the military support the dictator or the people? I just don't know the answer. My instincts tell me that those who swore an oath to the Constitution would abide by their oath as the mostly moral folk that they are. In certain locales, unionized police would follow union leadership advice and enforce martial law. So the results would be non-uniform.

I don't want to see a civil war in america but I also would not tolerate a totalitarian state. The power of the Constitution is only maintained by 2nd amendment rights. Otherwise it is a piece of paper that a sneering tyrant would wipe his ass with.

Our sneering tyrant had better take care, lest he miscalculate and step over the line and unleash hell. There is little trust left in this country. The Tea Party goers are the Better Angels, hoping against hope that there will be fair elections come November. There are many who support the party goers but spend their time instead honing skills that they pray will never be needed.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Live for Today Culture.

I've been pondering what is going on in this country and recently arrived at the conclusion that we have sucumbed to the idea that all that matters is today. There is no tomorrow in modern america.

The concept that all we have is this moment is common among children. A young child only knows that he is hungry, happy or sad this moment. There is no later. All needs must be met at the moment. As a child matures he doesn't like later but can understand that dinner will come in a while. Later a child begins to understand the concept of an event that will come in a few days or weeks, Santa will bring gifts next week or you can have a bike next spring. The child learns to set expectations and plan accordingly as trust is built that tomorrow will come.

Some cultures seem to be permanent childish cultures. Trust is never established in tomorrow so all these cultures know is today. In these cultures a full belly, a compliant woman, and a place to sleep today is all that matters. One could be eaten by a tiger or killed by a landslide today so tomorrow is just impossible to consider. Get what you need today and worry about tomorrow if it comes. The third world is third world because they have no future.

Most young adults in america only think about today and that is not unusual. These mature children only think about what movie to watch, what intoxicant to consume, where the next orgasm will come from or how to differentiate themselves from the herd to appear to be cool. They don't consider career, pregnancy, disease, debt, arrest as a possibility because they just don't think about tomorrow. So they get the tatoo or piercing, buy the expensive cell phone and service plan, have unprotetced sex with the hot gangsta and don't learn anything at school. They are blindsided when tomorrow comes with no job because of the lip piercing, the cell pnone bill they can't pay, the herpes and baby, as well as being utterly unprepared to perform meaningful work for living pay.

Many american adults behave like children, buying the big house and SUV that they can't quite afford trying to look cool today, ignoring tomorrow. They save nothing for retirement because tomorrow will have to take care of itself. They too are blindsided when tomorrow arrives and they have to pay back the loans and provide for themselves in their old age.

The US government is acting just like children, living large today and acting like there is no tomorrow. Annual trillion dollar deficit spending with 100 trillion dollars in unfunded yet mandated social spending over the next 50 years. Who will pay for it? Politicians neither know nor care. There is no tomorrow, all that matters is that we look cool and party today.

Our forebears left us factories, farms, aqueducts, systems of family and governance...and a future. They planned for tomorrow and did without today so the culture would thrive and live on. This generation and culture has no faith nor trust in any future. There is no tomorrow to save or plan for. Without trust or faith in tomorrow, america will look like any one of the third world shitholes in the near future.

Ghettos don't cause culture but culture causes ghettos. Too many people in america have embraced a culture of live for today that results in ghettos that scream THERE IS NO TOMORROW. Our dictator's mantra of hope and change cannot and will not deliver either as his party organs destroy all remaining trust in our society. I see little hope that american adults can turn this around before it destroys us forever. Another generation or two of this thinking and the concept of a trust based society will fall into the memory hole never to re-emerge.

Friday, April 16, 2010

This will end badly for us all

Joe Brown says "he's unsure whether protester were responsible for attacking the couple". Ok Joe, technically speaking you are not certain who the perps were. But c'mon. How many people are randomly beat up outside of Brennans immediately after a political event with protesters outside? How many women in america suffer a broken leg from random acts of violence?

The police report does not say what the protest was about. Or who was protesting? Police cover up in a city recently deemed one of the 20 most dangerous cities in the world? Nothing to see here folks just move along.

New Orleans is a third world shithole created by corrupt democrats, so the police just vote their interest and ignore this crime. A young woman gets a broken leg and the police shrug, claim they know nothing then pick up their paycheck.

Here we are in 2010 and Nazi brown shirts are prowling the streets putting down dissidents while the media screeches about right wing violence. Bill Clinton chimed in with a sermon about the dangers of anti-government rhetoric. Well, Bubba, is there danger of your party members thugs breaking the opposition's womenfolks legs? This from a leader who burned women and children alive in Waco when he wasn't busy super soaking young women on his staff.

The democrats are just as evil as Nazis and bolsheviks. This will end badly for us all if we don't nip it in the bud.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Democrat Thugs At Work?

This can't be good. Was the beating of Alle Butsch and her friend political? I don't know but I'm looking for tendencies from here out. If this becomes common then it's on. I was raised to protect womenfolk. The idea that a man would intentionally break a woman's leg is just unacceptable. If this was democrat thugs in action they had better look over their shoulders because when everyday decent men are riled...well remember what US citizen soldiers accomplished everytime they were riled to arms.

Terrible Stirring in the time/space continuum

Over at Belmont Club user programmer made an unusual comment today. He said "I woke last night around 4:00 in the morning with a feeling that something terrible was stirring in the time/space continuum." Further he said that he felt that he was requested to do something about pray.

I've felt the same phenomena over the past few months. It has never awoken me but rather bears upon my being that something in our world is badly out of balance. I have had a strong feeling of foreboding that something terrible is coming that cannot be slowed or stopped. The small voice has told me to prepare to endure it.

Often I've wondered if I have stumbled through a passage into The Otherworld of Celtic mythology, where shadows of our world create a caricature world. I sleep, get up, shower, eat, go to work and kiss my wife but nothing is quite normal. Everything is the same but everything is different. I don't know how long I've been here but, in hindsight, it has been a long while.

I've come to know that God never gives any of us the unendurable. I pray in thanks everyday for the many blessings God has bestowed upon me and my family. He will provide the future that He wills. My duty is to faithfully discharge the obligations defined by my culture.

We're all under the bus now

The Persians are a Russian proxy and the point is to cause the West, the US specifically, to suffer. That is why the Russians are helping the Persians develop nuclear capability. The Chinese support this torment because it diminishes the US power.

The Persians need Israel to distract muslims from the problems in Iran and throughout the ummah. Our dictator believes that by turning his back on Israel and diminishing US power hisself, that Russia, China and Persia will leave us alone. He is a fool.

Iran will get the bomb and probably use it to threaten or worse. Persia has it's proxys as well. That is why the government is chatting up the idea of a US city being a radioactive pile of rubbish. It will happen, sooner or later.
Life in america will never be the same afterwards.

Monday, April 12, 2010

american Shortie

That's right bitch. Bow to me for the cameras. Later, in my room,  you can lay your lay your head in my lap.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Iran's Supreme Ass Maggot Speaks

Iran intends to protest our dictator's threat of nuclear retaliation to the UN. And then there is this bizarre statement by Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameni;

"This statement is very strange and the world should not ignore it since in the 21st century, which is the era of support for human rights and campaigning against terrorism, the head of a country is threatening to use nuclear war."

This ass maggot cites human rights? This leader who buries women to their neck and has them stoned to death? The same leader of a nation that provides weapons and cash to Hezbollah terrorists. This spiritual leader who gleefully threatens to incinerate Jews and destroy america?  The 6th century nazi who tortures and murders dissidents in his own country? Shut up and go bugger your goat you bearded freak.

Crash or Regime Decapitation

I just don't know what to make of the crash of Poland's presidential aircraft. The Russians claim pilot error but that doesn't seem quite right. Afterall, they don't let just any pilot fly a nation's political and military elite around. The TU-154 was a modern aircraft with a good safety record and the aircraft was serviced last December. We'll just have to see what the aircraft's black box tells us (if we ever know).

If Putin weren't Putin we wouldn't question this crash. But the man has a record of killing anyone who annoys him. So we talk about conspiracies. Meanwhile, it sure looks like the New Soviet Empire is reforming right before our eyes.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Muslims Are Just Too Funny The hell with it, this is just too funny to pass. Burka, go-cart. What could possibly go wrong. Do you suppose the track will ban burkas? Will muslims go crazy and call the ban oppression?

Another crappy week for america

Another crappy week for america. The dictator takes down american defenses and future development, signalling the world that it's ok to kill my family. More job losses and no hope that the un/under-employed will find employment in the next few years. Oil prices rising, threatening to stall the tentative economic improvements with $4 per gallon gas that will also make my commute cost increase 25%.

Meanwhile in the land of my bruig, local government wants to provide a $50 MILLION tax abatement to a local manufacturer that wants to keep/create 200 jobs. That's $250,000 in abatement to create jobs that will pay $62,000! Oh, and most of those employees will live and spend in another county. Brilliant!
Also this company has a history of bankruptcy, reneging on agreements with employees and government and moving operations overseas once the production bugs are worked out. The company is having trouble keeping and acquiring talent because ...well...they suck.
But our local economic development brains are chomping at the bit to pass an enabling ordinance even as they crow about their development skills.

I'm gonna clear the garden plot of leaves and debris to prepare for our Depression Garden. The work will clear my mind and help me sleep better in my rapidly declining america.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Putin's Bitches

Just two bolsheviks signing some papers. What could possibly go wrong here? After all, both just want peace; a world without nuclear weapons, for the children, of course.

Obama thinks that he is making a deal with a partner to reduce nuclear weapons, on both sides. He hopes to get a deal with Russia to not veto sanctions on Iran for their nuclear weapons development program. He will get neither. Russia will do what Obama can't bring himself to do. Russia will look out for Russian interests. The US will be the only party that decommissions nuclear weapons. Russia will move to parity with the US.

Meanwhile Wednesday, the zany Ahmadenijad commented that Obama was a cowboy. Are you serious? The only kinda cowboy that Obama is the Hollywood fudge packer found in Brokeback Mountain.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Just Another Day in the Receeding Empire

Let's face it, the US is now viewed as a loser and a weakling in the world. Our economy and currency is weak and dying, our leadership is feckless and weak and now we are no longer either a space or a nuclear power. In a little over a year the democrats have destroyed america's standing in the world.

Today Ahmadinejad  ridiculed the american dictator as an ineffective and inexperienced leader. Yep. He called our leader a boy. And the democrats and media didn't even whine about the clearly racist insult.

Even Uruguay recognizes the strong horse and joins the herd.The entire world recognizes that there is little or no value in allying themselves with the US. This regime has betrayed every ally, ignored every thug and demonstrated utter weakness.

If I were a thug dictator I would make my move now. The US would only whine and cry. What exactly is the downside for starting a nuclear weapons development or acquisition program? What would this regime do if Chavez invaded Columbia, Putin invaded Georgia or Ukraine or China invaded Taiwan? I suspect that our girlie-boy leader would only bluster for 17 minutes then  go back to remaking america in the mold of Kenya.

It's embarrassing to be an american these days.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Obamacare Epic Fail-Corporate america Responds

A host of US companies have reported accounting charges for the recently passed legislation. AT&T, Catepiller, John Deere and other big names are writing off about a BILLION dollars each due to Obamacare. Job losses and benefit cuts are sure to follow. The demotards told us that Obamacare was revenue neutral and would only bring sweetness and light. WTF? Did Obama and friends lie to us?

The democrats just dumped a ginormous load of crap all over themselves. Let's hope the voters remember the reason for the stink come November.

Russian Values

Anyone who thinks this is meaningless and will not have an impact on your life is deluded. The Soviet Union didn't just collapse, it reorganized to survive. Just as the Roman Empire reorganized as the Roman Catholic Church.

Russia has been trying to destroy the West for almost a century. This effort has not abated. The trouble in the middle east, terrorism, oil intrigue and social chaos in the West can all be laid at Russia's doorstep. The irony of Chechnyn muslims using terror tactics on Russians in Moscow is fitting. Birds coming home to roost eh?

Russia sells arms and provides technology to any and every thug in the world. The ideology of these barbarians is, anything to hurt the West is in Russia's interest. So they sell arms to Chavez, nuclear technology to Iran and God knows what else to whomever. Russian criminal enterprises have global scope, traffiking drugs, prostitution, arms and general theft.

Russians have had nuclear missiles aimed at the bruig since I was born and will still be trying to kill my grandsons long after I'm gone. These miserable sons-of-bitches have never contributed anything to the world that is good or decent, and never will.

Here we see Putin chumming up his dictator buddy Chavez as both dream of enslaving as many people around the world as they can. If the current marxist-american regime had any morals the Monroe doctrine would be upheld. But that is so...yesterday. Don't be surprised if Obama invites blue-helmeted Venezualian troops to your neighborhood to rape your daughters and steal your stuff restore order.

Maybe we should all Panic

My brother is a commercial roofing professional with 30 years experience in all aspects of the business. The past ten years he was an estimator for a local roofing contractor. Last fall business dwindled and the company laid off most of their staff but anticipated business to pick up once the weather improved. My brother had experienced winter slowdowns before so he wasn't particularly alarmed by the layoffs. Normally the company allowed him to keep the company truck and cell phone in case a customer wanted an estimate. However this time the company wanted both truck and phone kept at the office.

The weather broke in early March and my brother hasn't been called back to work. No customers have called the business for estimates. The company is uncertain of their future. My brother doesn't know if the company will survive.

He called around to his extensive contacts around the state to see if there were any openings. He was able to get a couple of interviews but in both cases he was told that business was very depressed and they would have to "wait and see what happens". My brother is in a panic now.

Maybe we should all panic. Every commercial building has a roof and all roofs deteriorate with time. Exposure to sunlight and weather cause the ever-exposed roofing materials to break down. Eventually the roof will leak and destroy the building.
A certain number of roofs will begin to fail every year. The demand never changes, except to grow as the number of buildings grows. The number of commercial roofing companies in existence has grown to meet the demand over the years. Suddenly there are far too many roofing companies to meet demand. What has happened?
My brother tells me that there hasn't been any technological break-throughs that increase roof life. Weather and sunlight conditions haven't changed. So something else has destroyed demand for roofing work.

It appears that the owners of commercial buildings just don't have the resources to maintain the roof of their buildings and have deferred maintenance. They are rolling the dice and betting that whatever damage occurs can be repaired in better economic times. Some buildings will be permanently damaged and their value will decline significantly, perhaps to nothing.

I see this disturbing tendency as a marker of serious decline of US asset structure. Building owners seem to be willing to let the value of these buildings go to zero. That indicates that they believe that there are too many commercial buildings, the buildings are worth less than nominal value and they are not worth investing more money in them. In other words, we won't need as many commercial buildings in the future. This suggests that the US economy is in near permanent decline.

Maybe we should join my brother in panic.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Something Has to Give

The US has the third largest population in the world with 307 million people. Only China and India have larger populations. The US workforce is nominally 155 million people, with 31 million people either unemployed or under-employed in March 2010. In other words, one in five americans who want full time work either can't find any work or are only working part time. Staggering!

These unemployed and under-employed are not paying taxes nor participating in the economy, except as a drain on economic resources. These folks still generate waste, drive on our roads, require police and fire protection, require health care and all other government services. No wonder the city, state and federal governments are drowning in a sea of red ink.
Since the US economy is principally a service based economy and the unemployed and under-employed aren't able to participate, the service based economy has slowed significantly. Thus, fewer service based jobs are available.

The 124 million americans who are lucky enough to be working full time can't support the remaining 183 million who aren't and maintain the american standard of living.