Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday Web Walk

Nice scalping in the DOW today! Investors lost all their gains for the year on above average trading volume. The market has bought the double dip in this depression no matter what the government and banksters say.

A few interesting commentaries on the US financial Ponzi scheme and bankruptcy here, here and here if you like that sort of thing. Nothing new really, just restating what I've been saying with far more data and finesse.

The Congress thinks it might want to rethink the government's role in home ownership. That will work out well, perhaps the government will put homeless people in the millions of empty foreclosed homes or make payments for unemployed homeowners.

Second quarter growth was far worse than recently announced by the administration. It turns out that Q2 GDP was probably only 1%. Obama and gang keep pitching lies but they just won't stick anymore. Even the press is turning on the magic negro these days.

Al Gore still thinks we're all gonna die from global warming that the global elites can earn fantastic profits and gain total power over the people of the earth, but not this year. Man-bear-pig is going to have his chakra rubbed some more by unwilling massage therapists and try again next year. Maybe a dad or boyfriend will stab this piece of shit in the heart too. We can always hope!
And speaking of groping and molesting, where was Al in May 2008. This sounds like the former VPs modus operandi. That's some groping when it causes "severe physical injury". That duck must have wrung her titty with his wing pretty good.

Russia and China told the US to piss up a rope today as they delivered gasoline to Iran despite american sanctions. It's funny watching america's "global partners" insult americans even while they are helping Iran create a weapon that will harm them. Insult then injury is so human nature.

Stupid americans thought they lived in a diverse, post-history world where they could all live like gods without fear from anyone or anything. Well history is still being written and some sense opportunity. It excites them and makes them dream. Dreams of the smell of burnt american cities and watching humbled americans suffer as they have suffered... as they rule the world.


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