Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Uneasy Standoff

I am generally not big on conspiracy theories, especially big conspiracies involving large numbers of people. Most humans are just too curious and just can't keep a secret, especially these days. That doesn't mean that I suffer from a failure of imagination by out right rejecting the possibility of conspiracy. I also know that most people are self-serving and are capable of evil, given opportunity. Almost anything is possible now.

The world has changed completely in the past ten years. Cultural norms in america have all been swept away, we have suffered a mass terror attack, we are under an invasion by aliens, corporations have abandoned american jobs, we have suffered catastropic financial ruin and elected politicians who seem to hate the american people. I barely recognize the country that I was born and raised in and I don't know what might happen next.

This much change in a decade is quite unusual historically. It is difficult for me to believe that such change just happens spontaneously, there must be some driver of change to create this huge transformation. I don't know who or what this change agent is. But the tendency seems bad and seems to be getting worse faster.

In the decade that I've been reading and writing on the internet I have never seen such displeasure with the leadership elite and government in america as I have observed in the past 18 months. During the Bush years, the progressives suffering from BDS went off the deep end often, falsely accusing the administration of being Nazis or worse. The pronouncements of the socialists have been mostly proved false by the facts.
Now we have conservatives saying this regime is becoming a communist totalitarian entity but also having hard facts to back up their claims.
The fact that democrats passed health care legislation that is unpopular, partisan, unconstitutional, unread, not understood and passed with controversial methods on a fast track schedule is very troubling. What do these legislators think will happen in the November 2010 elections? These politicains spent their life getting their seats in Congress. Why would they just throw it all away?

Many pundits are saying that there will not be an election next November. Obama will declare a national emergency, martial law and suspend elections. This would be a startling event, a turning point for america and the world. I have read pundits predictions that SEIU/ACORN thugs will incite violence, financial collapse will cause a breakdown in order or some internal/external mass casualty event will trigger martial law.
The regime has made vague claims of something bad coming in our near future. Does the regime have the power to cause a crisis? Has the democrat thug machine tried to incite violence at conservative gatherings? Does the regime have sufficient control of the banking industry to crash the economy? Are there groups in the world that possess WMD that could inflict mass casualty attacks on america? Would this regime allow a crisis to go to waste? Does this president respect the Constitution, America and the american people?

After 9/11 the Bush administration established the US Northern Command to provide federal troops to use as first reponders in the event of a mass casualty attack on the nation. This was a reasonable action. However the current regime has trained this unit for crowd control, which is clearly in violation of the Posse-Comitatus Act. Some people are worried what this is all about.

I don't know what to make of any of this. Right now we have an uneasy standoff in this country, a heavily armed populace who want the Constitution upheld and a bolshevik regime that believes it has a mandate to do whatever it wants. Most of these unorganized citizen militia would rather die defending the Constitution than live in a totalitarian state.
The question is, if the regime declared martial law would law enforcement and the military support the dictator or the people? I just don't know the answer. My instincts tell me that those who swore an oath to the Constitution would abide by their oath as the mostly moral folk that they are. In certain locales, unionized police would follow union leadership advice and enforce martial law. So the results would be non-uniform.

I don't want to see a civil war in america but I also would not tolerate a totalitarian state. The power of the Constitution is only maintained by 2nd amendment rights. Otherwise it is a piece of paper that a sneering tyrant would wipe his ass with.

Our sneering tyrant had better take care, lest he miscalculate and step over the line and unleash hell. There is little trust left in this country. The Tea Party goers are the Better Angels, hoping against hope that there will be fair elections come November. There are many who support the party goers but spend their time instead honing skills that they pray will never be needed.


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