Friday, April 16, 2010

This will end badly for us all

Joe Brown says "he's unsure whether protester were responsible for attacking the couple". Ok Joe, technically speaking you are not certain who the perps were. But c'mon. How many people are randomly beat up outside of Brennans immediately after a political event with protesters outside? How many women in america suffer a broken leg from random acts of violence?

The police report does not say what the protest was about. Or who was protesting? Police cover up in a city recently deemed one of the 20 most dangerous cities in the world? Nothing to see here folks just move along.

New Orleans is a third world shithole created by corrupt democrats, so the police just vote their interest and ignore this crime. A young woman gets a broken leg and the police shrug, claim they know nothing then pick up their paycheck.

Here we are in 2010 and Nazi brown shirts are prowling the streets putting down dissidents while the media screeches about right wing violence. Bill Clinton chimed in with a sermon about the dangers of anti-government rhetoric. Well, Bubba, is there danger of your party members thugs breaking the opposition's womenfolks legs? This from a leader who burned women and children alive in Waco when he wasn't busy super soaking young women on his staff.

The democrats are just as evil as Nazis and bolsheviks. This will end badly for us all if we don't nip it in the bud.


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