Sunday, April 04, 2010

Russian Values

Anyone who thinks this is meaningless and will not have an impact on your life is deluded. The Soviet Union didn't just collapse, it reorganized to survive. Just as the Roman Empire reorganized as the Roman Catholic Church.

Russia has been trying to destroy the West for almost a century. This effort has not abated. The trouble in the middle east, terrorism, oil intrigue and social chaos in the West can all be laid at Russia's doorstep. The irony of Chechnyn muslims using terror tactics on Russians in Moscow is fitting. Birds coming home to roost eh?

Russia sells arms and provides technology to any and every thug in the world. The ideology of these barbarians is, anything to hurt the West is in Russia's interest. So they sell arms to Chavez, nuclear technology to Iran and God knows what else to whomever. Russian criminal enterprises have global scope, traffiking drugs, prostitution, arms and general theft.

Russians have had nuclear missiles aimed at the bruig since I was born and will still be trying to kill my grandsons long after I'm gone. These miserable sons-of-bitches have never contributed anything to the world that is good or decent, and never will.

Here we see Putin chumming up his dictator buddy Chavez as both dream of enslaving as many people around the world as they can. If the current marxist-american regime had any morals the Monroe doctrine would be upheld. But that is so...yesterday. Don't be surprised if Obama invites blue-helmeted Venezualian troops to your neighborhood to rape your daughters and steal your stuff restore order.


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