Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Latino Protests are Absurd

I don't have anything against Latinos. Most of them that I've known are decent, honest hardworking folks. I wouldn't have any objections to allowing screened immigrants from latin america to come to america, so long as they wanted to become citizens. But I don't want an uncontrolled invasion of america.

Mexico controls their southern border and deports illegal immigrants. Why is it unfair that we control our borders? I find the outrage of Latinos over Arizona's recent crackdown on illegal immigrants to be hypocritical. Further I'm sick of latinos in america protesting in support of the criminal activity of entering this country illegally and then looting government resources such as welfare, health care, education while lowering our standard of living by working for slave wages. I believe that every one of these protesters should be required to prove citizenship. If they can't they should be deported.

Mexicans are responsible for the mess that Mexico has become. I don't want Mexican corruption and crime in my neighborhood. Mexicans should go back to Mexico and fix their shithole before whining in america.



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