Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Who Broke Allee's Leg and Who Covered It Up?

Speaking of communist hate groups, Scott McKay wrote that the group that was protesting the dinner where Alle Bautsch and her friend were beaten is called the Iron Rail Book Collective. Did they break a young woman's leg because of her political beliefs? We probably will never know because the corrupt New Orleans police just sat on the case.
The police called it a fight! Five men jump a man and woman after hours of protest and these cops call it a fight? I call it an assault, and a hate assault to boot because it was based on political beliefs. If New Orleans won't deal with this hate crime, where is the FBI?
Where is the MSM on this story? Did you read about it in the NYT or hear about it on ABCNews? Nope. If some gayboy, black or hispanic had been beaten it would have been on the frontpage of every paper and lead story on every network for days. But, she was a white republican, so the story never even was reported except by blogs. The non-reporting itself is a hate crime commited by democrat media.

Don't go to New Orleans. It is a dangerous place and the police just don't care if anarchist-communists break women's legs. It's just not on their democrat-union list of things to care about.


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