Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Just Another Day in the Receeding Empire

Let's face it, the US is now viewed as a loser and a weakling in the world. Our economy and currency is weak and dying, our leadership is feckless and weak and now we are no longer either a space or a nuclear power. In a little over a year the democrats have destroyed america's standing in the world.

Today Ahmadinejad  ridiculed the american dictator as an ineffective and inexperienced leader. Yep. He called our leader a boy. And the democrats and media didn't even whine about the clearly racist insult.

Even Uruguay recognizes the strong horse and joins the herd.The entire world recognizes that there is little or no value in allying themselves with the US. This regime has betrayed every ally, ignored every thug and demonstrated utter weakness.

If I were a thug dictator I would make my move now. The US would only whine and cry. What exactly is the downside for starting a nuclear weapons development or acquisition program? What would this regime do if Chavez invaded Columbia, Putin invaded Georgia or Ukraine or China invaded Taiwan? I suspect that our girlie-boy leader would only bluster for 17 minutes then  go back to remaking america in the mold of Kenya.

It's embarrassing to be an american these days.


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