Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No Credibility on Iran

All this talk about Iran pursuing nuclear technology and missiles to deliver weapons at distance while threatening Israel and the US coupled with our inability to do anything to about it has led me to believe that our government is  full of crap.
Last weekend the media reported that the US has plans to attack Iran's nuclear program. Well of course they have operational plans, but we won't do it and Iran knows this simple fact. All this talk of sanctions is just talk and Iran knows it.
Now the DOD says Iran may be able of hitting the US with a missile by 2015. I can't believe that we pay people for this kind of analysis. What is the story here? With some help from their friends, Iran is developing nuclear weapon and delivery vehicles. They have been working on this capability for a decade.

The only thing that has changed about this matter is that we no longer support Israel. This regime would not support Israel except to call on Iran to use restraint as they committed genocide. The Israelis have every reason be depressed because they can neither thwart Iran's weapons program directly nor expect help from the US.

My eyes glaze over when I read comments from our government about Iran. The US no longer has the clout or power to do anything but watch events unfold. Iran is in the drivers seat and they know it. It will end badly.


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