Saturday, April 10, 2010

Another crappy week for america

Another crappy week for america. The dictator takes down american defenses and future development, signalling the world that it's ok to kill my family. More job losses and no hope that the un/under-employed will find employment in the next few years. Oil prices rising, threatening to stall the tentative economic improvements with $4 per gallon gas that will also make my commute cost increase 25%.

Meanwhile in the land of my bruig, local government wants to provide a $50 MILLION tax abatement to a local manufacturer that wants to keep/create 200 jobs. That's $250,000 in abatement to create jobs that will pay $62,000! Oh, and most of those employees will live and spend in another county. Brilliant!
Also this company has a history of bankruptcy, reneging on agreements with employees and government and moving operations overseas once the production bugs are worked out. The company is having trouble keeping and acquiring talent because ...well...they suck.
But our local economic development brains are chomping at the bit to pass an enabling ordinance even as they crow about their development skills.

I'm gonna clear the garden plot of leaves and debris to prepare for our Depression Garden. The work will clear my mind and help me sleep better in my rapidly declining america.


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