Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday- Worked my ass off this week- Tab Dump

Just some odds and ends...

All the sound and fury regarding illegal immigration is meaningless. The elites have already decided that they need slave labor. That is why the borders have been open, are open and always will be open.

Today I drove through the wealthiest community in my Midwest state, with million dollar homes and landscaped traffic dividers...maintained by dozens of brown skinned, young men who could never afford to live in the community. Basically slaves!

Meanwhile Bloomberg said we are committing national suicide.Geez yourhonor, just wake up? We're already dead! This Jew loves his slave labor and will never give it up. "Just get over it" he sneers.
Our elites need slave labor and will never let it go. Learn to live with it.

The dictator spoketh today, saying unto the people "I do think, at some point, you've made enough money". Gee Obuma, at some point, you've got enough power OR you've done enough damage OR eat shit and die american pigs.

I'm glad we can't afford to vacation on the Gulf. It would be an oily mess and oily beaches are no fun. But I'm just not caring so much anymore. The headlines scream Devastion! Worse than Exxon Valdez! I yawn. The rest of the country destroyed my manufacturing environment and future by buying foreign stuff. They never thought once about me, why should I give one flying shit about them. Enjoy your oily swim.

Meanwhile, not only Russians can do a flyby on a US carrier, apparently Iranian aircraft can fly right over the deck of a carrier 3x and the Navy will only say there was nothing unusual, just ignore it. No wonder the world laughs at us. We beclown ourselves daily.

And finally, here is an oracle speaking at a crook's banquet. This genius says that excessive sovereign debt is bad. Can you believe that they pay this guy for this stuff? And both schleps think the gubmint should increase carbon tax on fuel because we're too fat, living large like we are and all. Milken should've been shanked in prison and Roubini should choke on a crepe. Asshats.

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