Monday, May 31, 2010

The World is Morally Bankrupt

We live in a morally bankrupt world. Palestinians in Gaza can elect a radical government that shells it's neighbor, Israel. Iran can arm it's military proxy, Hezbollah, while threatening to exterminate Israel with the nuclear weapons it is developing. Tiny Israel is surrounded by millions of hostile muslims, who have attacked Israel in modern memory yet Israel is reviled because it is thought to possess nuclear weapons and has the audacity to defend itself.
This morning the world press is criticizing Israel for stopping a Turkish led flotilla that was running the Israeli blockade of Gaza. The blockade is meant to keep weapons from the Palestinians, who have used weapons to attack Israel. Turkey and "international activists" claim that Israel is preventing food and medicine from reaching the Palestinians. This is a lie because Israel has allowed both to be delivered to the Palestinians after inspection. "Activists" resisted Israeli commandos who boarded the ships and died in the process. The world considers this a massacre.
These "activists" get what the want and deserve when they attack Israel. They get dead. And I'm happy that they depart this world. Anyone who would defend a people whose only defining trait is terrorism need to die.

Meanwhile Obumba and the UN want to disarm Israel. This pretty much sums up what both are all about. Both coddle thugs and terrorists and hate civilization. Maybe Obumba will choke on a weenie this weekend thereby relieving the world of another thug-tyrant. We can always hope.

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mestizo Invasion Continues Unabated

As I drove home yesterday evening I came upon a convoy of overloaded vans with plastic covered baggage crammed on trailer hitch platforms jutting from the rear of the vehicles. I thought, campers going for a long weekend, holiday. As I got closer I noticed the Texas license plates. When I passed the convoy I saw that the vans were full of brown skinned mestizos. Nice.

I was horrified when they turned west and followed me towards Bruigville. This platoon of Mexican invaders was heading into my hometown to do the work that americans won't do. Great. Unemployment here is still 15% and some of my neighbors have decided that they'll save some labor cost by hiring mestizos. That's neighborly!

Last week a subcontractor for the company adding on to my employers facility brought in a crew of mestizo laborers. Apparently there are no american construction laborers in the local labor pool so the subcontractor sought Mexican labor. What the hell is wrong with people? Is money more important than everything else?

This is exactly why I feel zero kinship with americans. Far too many americans would willfully harm their neighbors to make a few more pennies. If I could get at the son-of-a-bitches that make the decision to use foreign slave labor I would personally gut them like a fish.

Meanwhile our government is just blind to all of this. They just don't care at all. Your government hates you and your children.

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Good News of the Week

I look for good news every day but it's hard to find. The Russians made me smile today when they called Ahmadinejad a demagogue and effectively told him "we kicked your ass once and we'll do it again". I wish that america had such leaders, such men that aren't afraid to speak plainly. Our leaders sound like old women mostly.

Never mind that Russia has been helping Iran develop nuclear weapons. They keep their Persian dog on a short leash and make it sit and be quiet on command. Ahmadinejad will do as he is told. You have to admire that!

The neanderthals in North Korea roared today that they would start "immediate war" if anyone messes with them. Yawn. The Chinese will keep Kim on his leash even as Obumba grovels to Wen Xiaboa for help with the hermit kingdom.
The real story is that China, South Korea and Japan are having a talk about the sinking of the Cheonan. The US wasn't invited because we are irrelevant. China is the rising power in the world and both South Korea and Japan understand this reality. They also understand that the US is bankrupt, failing and soon to be as relevant as the UK on the world stage.

Thanks Vladmir and Wen for being men and making me smile!

Who Needs Oil in a Recession?

The US economy is sliding back into recession and with US debt at 90% of GDP the government doesn't have the juice to produce another stimulus. Spain's credit rating was downgraded today and the Dow responded by diving at the close for the worst May performance since 1940. Obumba and the democrat congress are still hell-bent to turn america into Marxist Spain despite the fact that the Iberian experiment is an utter failure. Who could argue that the president and congress aren't actively destroying america?

The magic negro has set his sights on destroying the oil exploration industry by suspending off-shore oil exploration operations indefinitely. All of those soon to be laid off oil workers will certainly help an economy slipping back into recession. But lawyers will make fortunes suing BP and Transocean, so Obumba and the congress won't care. Obumba gets two wins out of the oil spill, the gulf population becomes wards of the welfare state and the US will be dependent on foreign oil forever.

The president won't be honoring fallen American heroes this weekend but instead will be celebrating the coming death of america on another vacation.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Market Links

The DOW looks like this Arizona illegal immigrant trail. The market just can't find it's bottom and this fellow thinks the worst is yet to come. The Chinese are spooked too. Where is the bottom?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Odds and Ends

The alleged recovery from the Great Recession is failing. The stock market is falling, states are deeply in debt while tax receipts continue to decline, the federal government is trying to keep the recovery going by printing and borrowing money and unemployment is increasing. The global economy is drifting towards deflation, depression and, ultimately, collapse.
Governments are desperately moving imaginary money around trying to keep the Ponzi scheme from collapsing but the game can't continue. No one believes a word falling from a bureaucrats quivering lips. The jig is up and everyone knows it.
What can anyone do about it? Nothing at this point. It has gone too far for too long.


The United States of America became a failed state last week when the federal government announced that they wouldn't take custody of illegal aliens handed over to ICE for deportation. Any nation that fails to enforce it's own border and laws is no longer a functioning nation. The bickering by states reveals that we anything but united.
The federal government has sided with Mexico and against Arizona with regard to illegal immigration. Several Mexifornian cities are basically in a state of civil war with Arizona, engaging in economic warfare with an american state.
Tis interesting to me that more folks don't clearly see that the democrat controlled federal government and many urban areas have abandoned the Constitution and law to join some UN inspired, socialist one world entity that makes up rules as it goes. And this entity encourages slavery, as that is what illegal immigrants and beneficiaries of the welfare state become.
The United States of America is gone and can only be restored by a civil war. And That won't happen.


In Winter it is difficult to determine ruins because the snow obscures the details. But Spring brings growing grass which highlights the abandoned structures. I have never seen so many overgrown lawns on residential and commercial properties in my life. Grass stands over a foot tall on properties throughout the county. In some cases you can find three or four adjacent properties that are clearly abandoned that would have fetched $150,000 just four years ago. Now they are rotting ruins that the banks don't even consider worth saving.

It is as if some great plague swept the land, killing twenty percent of the population and making these homes and businesses unnecessary. Where have the people gone who once worked and lived in these ruins? How does it serve mankind that we allow these buildings that were built at great cost to just rot away until they have to be bulldozed to preserve public safety and health?

I am disappointed and saddened by the systematic collapse of our civilization. We have failed ourselves, our ancestors and our children.


It now appears that North Korea attacked and sank the South Korean corvette Cheonan. Another victory for ruthless thugs and a defeat for the West. Our tyrant's response shows that he embraces thugs and despises free people everywhere.
Iran will develop and deploy nuclear weapons in the near future with Russian help. The West will do nothing to thwart this program. Iran will become the guarantor of muslims globally insuring the world becomes a more barbaric place.
The US and NATO will withdraw from Afghanistan, leaving the place in the hands of Taliban thugs that will continue to export drugs and terrorism. Bin Laden was correct. The West is weak and will topple.

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Doc's Take on Obumbacare

I made my semi-annual visit to my doctor on Wednesday. I asked her opinion on US hwealth care reform and she said that she was disappointed with Medicare reimbursement. Many doctors have stopped taking Medicare patients and she wonders who's going to look after us boomers.

Her practice in Bruigville has declined markedly since the start of the Great Recession. When you're unemployed or forced into early retirement with no insurance, health care is low priority. She worries that many people are going to suffer and die from otherwise manageable health problems.

But her biggest worry remains insurance companies practicing medicine in defining treatment regimens for individual patients. Doctors have become eyes, ears and hands for insurance companies who decide what kind of care patients will receive. Medicine has become a bureaucracy, with care too often being defined by the skill in coding disease so insurers will provide treatment. This can only get worse with national health care.

Like me, doc says she will have to work until she dies. So we're in a race to see who goes first. At least I'll have a doctor in old age who will look after me.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

A pair of Rodents

What horror have they wrought now?

After an incredibly stinky week on Wall Street the Senate probably started a stampede of panic selling with their financial reform bill. Similar legislation by Germany on Wednesday helped trigger a 376 point fall in the Dow today and the market has been losing all week on fears of the future of the Euro. Tomorrow could be a bloodbath.

These two bolsheviks caused part of the Great Recession of 2008. What horror have they wrought now?


Monday, May 17, 2010

US Apologizes to China for Our Laws

The US has immigration laws. I know this because I helped my son-in-law complete the necessary forms to become a citizen of the US. He is still waiting to become a citizen as he works, pays his taxes and pays his bills. It is unfair that my son-in-law plays by the rules while over 12 million others are allowed to ignore our laws by crossing the border illegally. Arizona is to be commended for enforcing the immigration laws that the US government ignores.

Meanwhile we have Assistant Secretary of State, Michael Posner, apologizing to China for Arizona enforcing both state and federal law. This Berkeley lawyer said "We brought it up early and often.  It was mentioned in the first session and as a troubling trend in our society, and an indication that we have to deal with issues of discrimination or potential discrimination.  And these are issues very much being debated in our own society,”

Since when do people have a "human right" to break into a country, work for slave wages without paying taxes, misrepresent yourself as a citizen to get public services while claiming discrimination when asked to show ID?
I have been asked to show ID by police officers, hospitals, banks, employers and numerous others. There is nothing inherently discriminatory about being asked to show an ID. It's the law. Me and my son-in-law show ID when asked. Are illegal immigrants above the law and discriminated against when asked to show an ID?

The human rights and discrimination issues are a smokescreen used by people with a dishonest agenda. Those who spout this nonsense either want slave labor or are buying a constituency to stay in power. Both agendas are un-american, un-Constitutional and illegal.

Michael Posner is a statist buffoon for apologizing to the Communist Chinese for US or Arizona laws. The Chinese will do whatever they want to do regarding human rights irregardless of what the Berkeley lawyer says. Even the village idiot knows that. Michael Posner and his bosses are either stupid, or evil.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Oh Goodie...GM IPO Coming

I've always been fond on GM automobiles, having owned a number of them over the years. I've worked for GM and Delphi and appreciated the opportunity to make a decent wage while working on cutting edge technology. Up until 2008 I considered both companies to be upstanding corporate citizens. Now, not so much.

GM is considering an IPO. This government and union owned company claims it has paid back 18% of it's government debt and can pay back the balance, returning to profitability. GM really used more government loans to repay the original government loan. So they're lying.

Even if GM did repay $8B in government bailouts, they stuck taxpayers with $6.7B in salaried pensions by handing them over to PBGC which is already $22B in the hole this year. GM and Delphi's 70,000 salaried pensioners stand to lose 30-70% of their pension which was part of their compensation package while working. UAW members continue to receive full pensions, medical and life insurance in retirement. So both GM and Delphi pillaged the salary workers that ran their plants to survive. Immoral? You betcha.

GM and Delphi stock and bond holders lost their investments when both companies came out of bankruptcy. Many parts suppliers got next to nothing either. The only parties that benefited from these bankruptcies were lawyers and the UAW. Everybody else, including the US taxpayer, got raped.

GM and Delphi both lied to and screwed everyone involved in the bankruptcy except the UAW.  So who is going to line up to buy GM IPO stock? Masochists? Can anyone trust the people that run this company?

I'm not buying anything from GM or Delphi. I'm learning to like Ford.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Slow Motion Train Wreck

The chart above shows US debt as a percent of US GDP. The IMF believes the US faces a huge budget crunch in the near future. Probably so if we can't grow our way out of it. And how can we grow our way out of debt as we simultaneously face boomer retirement while implementing national health care?

The US carried a high percentage of debt relative to GDP  to rebuild much of the world's economies after WW2. But then the US had the only standing manufacturing base in the world and cheap energy. Now our manufacturing base has been sent overseas and the age of cheap energy is over. Further, the US has no national energy policy to address the coming energy crisis.

The leadership failures of this nation are just shameful. Not one of the problems are being confronted by either party. Academics fail to provide ideas as well while the media provides cover for the dunces that lead us. The population gets fatter and dumber by the minute as they sit around watching idiotic television shows. I feel like I'm watching a slow motion train wreck.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Ban Trade Unions Now

Philadelphia has lots of problems and the most recent problem that is killing the city is it's crushing debt. The mayor wants to increase property taxes by 10% to fund the city's $3.9B budget. But even that might not be enough to cover "unforeseen costs like snow removal and newly negotiated union contracts".

Excuse me mayor. Snow removal might be an "unforeseen cost" but newly negotiated union contracts? C'mon yerhonor. Did you actually "negotiate" a fixed contract or just open the vault for the union to plunder? How could you negotiate a contract and not know how much it will cost?

This is the problem facing america in this age of mafioso unions that use government and corporations to extort money from the common man. The unions don't care if they bankrupt companies, cities, states or the nation. They just want their social justice, which means screwing everybody else.

There was a time when trade unions were necessary entities that raised compensation, provided better working conditions and improved safety for workers. I have been a union member and have been neutral regarding unions for decades. However unions have evolved into mafias that shakedown common people with no regard for the effects of their actions.

In the past decade unions have become bolshevik organizations where the membership believes that they are elites that deserve to be compensated like lawyers and doctors. For example, your local letter carrier makes about $80,000 per year to deliver letters. This is absurd!

If compensation by extortion weren't bad enough, unions use coercion and slush funds to elect representatives to political positions that pay off the unions. Then these bastards loot every dollar in sight. Recently the SEIU has been using violence, just like the mob, to silence opposition.

I am no longer neutral on trade unions. They must be banned if the nation is to prosper again, or maybe just survive.

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Thank You Russia

I have trouble finding good news stories that make me believe that civilization still exists. The capture of the Russian tanker Moscow University by somali pirates last week is becoming a far too common event. But the Russian response was both quite uncommon and correct.

The International Maritime Bureau claims that 217 ships were attacked by somali pirates in 2009, with 47 hijackings. Most of these hijackings were resolved when shipping companies paid huge ransoms, which only encouraged more hijackings. Ransom money is just priced into shipping costs and we pay for the criminal behavior when we purchase goods.

The Russians took a more manly approach to the problem. They boarded the ship, subdued the pirates with force and then had to decide what to do with the pirates. Since the ship was by then in somali waters, the Russians were required by international law to turn the pirates over to somali authorities. But there are no somali authorities in this failed state, the pirates would have been home preparing for their next plundering within hours.

The Russians could have shot or hung the pirates on the spot (and maybe they did) but according to Russian military reports they took their weapons and nav gear then put them back in their boat before releasing them at sea 300 miles from shore. The Russian military said that the pirates never made it home. I assume they know whether the pirates made it to shore or maybe they just made a PC press statement.

It's things like this that make me admire the Russians. While the rest of the world dithers over how to deal with scumbags, the Russians just handle it and move on. The US would have been wringing their hands for months over this and still been scolded for their actions. No one makes a peep when Russia acts boldly and decisively.

Personally I hope the Russians shot the pirates and dumped them overboard. Eleven less pirates will be plying the waters of the Gulf of Aden. Russian ships will henceforth pass through somali waters unmolested. Life is good today.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 13th Follies

Business executives say US economy sucks too. The Bank of England thinks the US and Greece have a lot in common (even as they miss their own failings). Those of you who thought that sooner or later you might get back to work ought to think again. Nobody is buying the bullshit this administration is selling.

Kagan is a anti-gun dyke. The only gun she wants anyone to have is the one she straps on for her "friends". This regime is an ongoing freak show. Obumba and Caligula are surely soulmates separated by a couple of millenia.

El Presidente of the failed state of Mexico said of Arizona's illegal immigration law "It contains elements that are frankly discriminatory, terribly backward". Calderon plans to protest to Obumba about it. Mexico deports border crossers on it's southern border while drug cartels rape, torture and murder with impunity and this chupacabra talks about backward? Kiss my anglo-celtic ass you burro humping oligarch. Fix your failed state and shut up.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mad Governing Skilz

Sheesh, I just can't keep up. And more and more, I just don't want to keep up. The DOW closed today just shy of 11000 even with news that the US monthly budget deficit in April was 4x higher than forecast and tax receipts were way down from last year. No wonder considering that 20% of america's workforce is sitting around on the dole.

Oh, and a couple polls suggest that the recovery has stalled since US manufacturing is almost flat and economic activity is flat according to trucking data. Employment can't increase until the economy grows at a 15% rate! In other words, NEVER under this regime.

Then the CBO reported today that Obumbacare would cost more than $1T in the next decade. Since the dictator said he would veto portions of his health care legislation that approached the magical $1T, it looks like this economic vampire will have to veto parts of his own freakin bill. Indiana is discussing dumping Medicaid because of unfunded federally mandated costs that would break the state budget.

And three polls confirm that 2/3 of americans support Arizona's immigration law (which, incidently is US law that isn't enforced at all). But that won't stop the US Senate from introducing their AMNESTY bill. Nope.
This Congress is ignoring american voters and doing as it pleases.

Greek unions plan to strike on May 20 to rescind the EU/IMF rescue plan and restore the worker's paradise in the birthplace of democracy. Like Obumba and the bolsheviks in Congress they know that being broke is no reason to stop spending like crazy.

So I don't understand Wall Street's optimism. I'm not optimistic. Are you?

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm Proud of You Baby

Our youngest daughter graduates from college today. She did it like she does everything, full on. She worked damn near full time, paid for much of her classwork with cash and still graduated with honors. I'm a proud father.

The job outlook here in Bruigville is bleak. She would like to live here but that depends on finding work. She may have to soldier on at Best Buy until she can find something. She will be successful because she always has.

In Denial

The WSJ gives us a peek inside the stock collapse last Thursday. The hedge fund that Nassim Taleb, of Black Swan fame, advises may have created it's own impossible event that triggered the plunge. Ok. But this kind of volatility is only possible if investors have little trust in the underlying market.

It looks like the markets are likely to lose gains after yesterday's sucker's rally based on the $1T Greek bailout. More and more it strikes me that investors are just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The debt problem isn't being addressed and we're just partying until the bitter end. We're all in denial.


Monday, May 10, 2010

No wonder the global economy is a mess

I was pleased to see the rebound in the financial markets today but it is still troubling that no one can explain the sudden decline last week. Risk is the friend of investors but volatility is the enemy. Today's 400 point gain could become tomorrow's 1000 point plunge.

Greece and the EU are not out of the woods and some think the bailout is only a temporary fix. The fix doesn't correct the systematic problems embedded in sovereign debt. Nations, just as people, that spend beyond their means are eventually called to account.

This story is just frightening. Global stock market capital is ~ $70T and the world GDP is ~$61T yet the derivatives market is ~ $700T! WTF?!? How can speculation on $70T worth of equity be worth ten times the value of capital? And derivatives don't represent any productive capacity or capital, just speculation about whether capacity or capital is growing or declining. In other words, gambling on how things might turn out.

No wonder the global economy is a mess.


Sunday, May 09, 2010

To Mothers

Randy Travis says it better than me...

Me and some of the boys were sitting around the other night
Started talking about politics, religion, love and life
And what a shame it was about 9/11
And what about hell and what about heaven
And is there or isn't there angels on earth
And then one guy said
Well you can take that for what it's worth
If it's something I can see or something I can touch
Well I might believe in all that stuff
So I just had to say to him

Are you telling me that you've never seen an angel?
Never felt the presence of one standing by?
No robe of white
No halo in site
Well you missed the most obvious thing
Man, are you blind?
Just look in your mothers eyes

And then I said who went through the pain
And smiled through the tears on the day of your birth?
She counted your fingers and toes and thank god you were whole
Son you outta know who loved you first, that's right
And who always came running everytime you cried out
And how many more things have you forgotten about
And who tried their best to teach you wrong from right
And how many nights did she leave on the light
While she waited and prayed that you came in
And who'd be there for you right up to the end
Think about it tonight

Are you telling me that you've never seen an angel?
Never felt the presence of one standing by?
No robe of white
No halo in site
Well you missed the most obvious thing
Aww Man, are you blind?
Just look in your mothers eyes

Aww Man, are you blind?
Just look in your mothers eyes
That's right

Or just watch it. Thanks Mom.

Ground Zero Mosque

NYC Freedom Tower is going to have a new neighbor just two blocks away when it opens in 2013. The Cordoba mosque will provide muslims an opportunity to worship Allah and honor the mujahadeen who murdered 2500 americans on 9/11. Mohammed Atta will have a shrine somewhere in that 13 story building. And New York's elites are Ok with that. This is just wrong.

Obumba Budget Plan Appears to be Insolvency

When 18% of your income goes to interest you might be in real financial trouble. Obumba isn't worried though because he is magical. He will float above it all as rainbows and unicorns shoot out of his tan ass. So, will it all come crashing down sooner or later. In 2018 if we're lucky or maybe 2013 if not. Or maybe Monday.


Saturday, May 08, 2010


LA History teacher and racist, Marxist revolutionary Ron Gochez speaking at a La Raza rally calling for revolution in the US. I can translate the rant from this little bitch as "gimme yo shit cause I'm too stupid to create anything". Capitalist Mexican drug cartel thugs would have this bitch's head sawed off in about three minutes. Whatever goatboy.

If you're bored you might want to drop a line to his bosses in Mexifornia.

Here is his H.S.:
Phone: (213) 763-1000
Los Angeles Unified School District
Tel: 213-241-7000
Los Angeles Board of Education:
Tel: 213-241-6389


Drop, Ripple, Tsunami

The Greek financial problem is being blamed for the tsunami that washed over the Dow this week. But that strikes me as wrong. The real problem is the vote of no confidence that caused the panic. And this lack of trust and confidence goes far deeper than finance. The West has lost it's confidence in the Western Way of life.

For 2000 years the West embraced Christianity, which formed the cultural core that drove the individual, family, community and nations. All things radiated from the certainty that Christian belief was the only True Way. The West could disagree on details but the fundamental truth that God was sovereign was agreed upon. This shared belief allowed the West to maintain cohesion in family, nation and allied nations.

After WW2 belief in the Christian God began to crumble and with it Western unity faltered. The tendency has accelerated during the past generation until less than half of adults are Christian. Godless technocrats now run most corporations and states, only interested in wealth and power. There is no sense of either community or even family as much of Western humanity procreates like beasts of the field. The modern faith of Western civilization is mostly Consumerism. It is difficult to rally a people around the banner of conspicuous consumption, where losers far outnumber winners.

So we segregate as a people into narrow sub-groups of class, race, religion, sexual preference that cannot relate to one another except in the most expedient manner. As this civilizational fracturing proceeds we disengage to the lowest common denominator, which is self. At this point, we are no different than non-herding animals. Our only interest is self.

Once you reach this state,  you no longer care how your actions affect others. In fact, others become just props in your life. You would destroy the global economy and the lives of billions to make an extra dollar or demonstrate your power. The concepts of family, community and nations are meaningless constructs that can be abandoned in milliseconds for personal gain. There is no God to judge me so I can do whatever I can get away with.

This weekend US VP Joe Biden met with Spanish President Jose Zapatero. Joe said "We agreed on the importance of a resolute European action to strengthen the European economy and to build confidence in the markets." Yes we do need to build confidence in the markets. More importantly the West needs to build trust back into it's civilization because without trust there is nothing. 
Do I envision the West embracing Christianity again? Not really. I expect the nihilism to drive the West into oblivion, utterly overwhelmed by cultures and civilizations that believe in something. Something always trumps nothing.

We are all waiting for some small drop to fall into the basin, triggering a ripple that becomes The Tsunami that washes away the hollow shell that is the West.

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Friday, May 07, 2010

Mimi Goes Wise Latina

This overfed wise latino wants your respect. Thursday she skipped school to march for respect with a Mexican flag draped over her ample shoulders. So respect her. Respect her for her Mexican heritage. But above all, respect her for her impersonation of Mimi from the Drew Carey Show. It's not easy getting this big and selecting the right face art and the right color fingernail polish that won't clash with a Mexican flag while marching to gain respect in the US. No. That takes a wise latina indeed.


Collapse Is Inevitable Now

The plunge in US equities remains a mystery according to FT. Now THAT inspires confidence. The same geniuses that crashed the US economy in 2008 don't have one damn idea why the market plunged 1100 points yesterday, devouring a trillion dollars in equity. And they wonder why the mob wants to restrain their behavior.

In response to the chaos, the EU is going to have a meeting. That's reassuring. Meetings always give everyone a chance to share their feelings while appearing to do something about a problem while kicking the problem down the road. It was announced today that the EU and IMF will provide Greece with140 billion imaginary dollars and Greece will pretend to cut spending. The crisis will be delayed until it comes back later.

Back in america, the regime reported that April unemployment was 9.9% even as 290,000 imaginary jobs were added. We are supposed to believe that suddenly the persistently unemployed have suddenly decided to go look for work even though the regime has consistently denied that the true unemployment rate was near 20%. Nor is there any mention that most of these new jobs are low pay, no benefit contract jobs that cannot support a family.

Stocks lost 7% of their value this week as the Dow fell from 11,100 to 10,400. The market has lost all of it's gains for the year demonstrating a clear lack of confidence in the government and financial sector. The speed of the plunge Thursday shows that no one has any confidence in the system. There is no trust whatsoever. It appears that this time, the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) of the NY Fed, JP Morgan and friends stepped in to stop the crash before the stop loss system kicked in. Eventually the system will fail and the entire house of cards will collapse.
This fraud that calls itself the global economy cannot go on without any trust or faith in the system. The EU and the UK are failed states and the US is a failing state. Increasingly these governments are considered illegitimate because of their inability to rule which will eventually result in the people just turning their back and walking away. I already did.

Whether the problem is greed or incompetence, we are witnessing the collapse of Western civilization and there are no sane voices or leadership prepared to step into the gap and stop it. The US regime can't stop lying now or it will collapse sooner rather than later. But collapse is inevitable now.

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Thursday, May 06, 2010

Do you feel the earth moving?

What a terrifying ride that Wall Street took us on this afternoon. I came out of the final estate planning meeting with our barrister to hear that the Dow was collapsing. This was not the news that I wanted to hear as we planned to split the estate stock account and liquidate some shares.
News organizations proposed several models for the loss from a fat fingered keyboard to fear of the Greek default to high frequency computer trading. I haven't a clue. The only lessons that I've gleaned from all of the economic madness the past few years is that there is very little confidence in the system and that the markets are betting against solutions.
Gold price jumped to a near record while oil prices declined, the dollar is up relative to the Euro even as retail sales in the US stumbled and employment edged up even as productivity drooped. If these gyrations were experienced in a structure, one would conclude that it was about to come crashing down. Watching the meltdown today, I expected to hear someone yell in the background "run for your life".

Meanwhile in random news:

Students in California sent home from school on Cinco de Maya for wearing US flag colored apparel. Apparently it might offend latinos on their holiday. Ummm...kiss my brown spot juan.

Black students in Michigan got to go on a blacks only field trip this week in a clearly racist, segregated stunt by a black principal. Imagine if a white principal planned a whites only function. How would that play?

Be careful about commenting on the size of a fellow worker's equipment. Otherwise he might beat you with another tool of the trade. Dems fightin words hombre!

Events continue to show the collapse of post-modern america. There is no tomorrow, no right, no wrong and absolutely no trust. Today at my work we had a two hour meeting to discuss boring minutiae while failing to discuss the 800 pound gorillas that were kicking the company's ass. There was strutting, preening and posturing but no gorillas were mentioned.

Do you feel the earth moving?

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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Michigan is Sad

I travelled on business to the People's Republic of Michigan this week and visited Government Motors. The landscape was beautiful as usual. So much thinly populated open space in between the cities ghettos. The vast empty parking lots and buildings are visual testimony of how far GM has fallen.

Michigan's highways are literally falling apart and the road noise was deafening. Empty commerercial property was abundant. Michigan is almost bankrupt and it shows. It was sad to see a great manufacturing state in it's death throes.


US Economy Dips

Reuters says that americans shouldn't get too smug about the Greek/Euro financial chaos. We may well be engulfed by the fire too. With the DOW falling to below 11,000 it looks like we're heading into another inferno. And this time the country is ruled by bolshevik dunces and their union sycophants.

Smug? Our america is heading down the same road as Greece, Portugal, Spain and the UK. We're just taking the scenic route rather than the autobahn. Both roads lead to utter financial destruction and probably the collapse of civilization as we know it. You cannot eat more food than you have nor can you spend more wealth than you have. Always been so, always will be so.


Greece Overrun by Barbarians

I've been fond of the idea of opening fire on anarchist crowds that destroy property. Yeah! Just shoot them. Every police department has snipers or, better yet, just muster a company of police with M4s and just volley fire into the crowd until it disperses.

This crowd, with masked anarchists out front, set a bank on fire and killed three workers. Not the president or senior management. Just tellers. That's "sticking it to the man".  Three working stiffs won't come home ever again. Why? Because these anti-social losers want to act up.

Remember this photo. When the harvest of government entitlement fails we will see this on the streets of america. Once the Greeks defended the West from Persian barbarians. Now they are the barbarians.


Monday, May 03, 2010

Gulf Recession?

Oh oh. This guy thinks the oil spill in the Gulf could trigger billions in costs and a double dip recession. I don't know, sounds far-fetched to me. But what do I know?

I will miss the beautiful white beaches of the Gulf if contaminated for a generation. Our family had some fine vacations in Panama City Beach. I'd like to take the grandsons there when they get a little older and can tolerate a long drive. We've vacationed with tar balls before. Had to rinse our feet in mineral spirits before we went indoors. It wasn't awful but it wasn't great either.

The good news is that mother nature knows how to clean up messes. A good hurricane could scatter the oil about and hasten dilution. The Gulf will recover quicker than most believe.


Sunday, May 02, 2010

Oil Rig Blew Accidentally

Apparently the Deepwater Explorer exploded during the cementing process. Mother nature is in charge.

Car Bomb in NYC

We knew it was coming, there was no way that we wouldn't join the rest of the world and get our own. New York City experienced their first failed car bomb attack tonight. I just wonder what took so long. I fully expect these horrors to become quite common, to the point that we just take them in stride, like traffic accidents.

Since there is no more War On Terror we shouldn't expect much from the government. Homeland security will pat down granny Smith and create hassles. Unlucky folk will get blown to bits but we will just get used to it. Just another day in the life of america.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

There Ain't No "us" Anymore

This afternoon dictator Obuma spoke at a commencement ceremony where he decried anti-government rhetoric. The sociopath said, "government is us." I wonder who this "us" is because I don't believe that their is an "us" anymore.

I can't relate to many people living in this country at all. The shameless sluts who have children out of wedlock and expect me to support her and them. The drugged lay-abouts who father children only to abandon them. The self-centered homosexuals who exclusively define themsleves by their perverted behaviors. The criminals who demand their rights under State of Law yet live under State of Nature. Foreigners here only to plunder the economy then send their earnings "home". Trade Unionists who only care that they get all they can while destroying the economy. Elites that use their power to tell everyone else what to do, where to do it and when it can be done. No, I can't relate to any of those people at all. Nor would I want to.

Obuma said, " Government is the roads we drive on and the speed limits that keep us safe. It's the men and women in the military, the inspectors in our mines, the pioneering researchers in public universities." True enough, but government has decided that is far more than that. It has become the transfer of wealth, the arbiter of abnormal behavior, treason to the ideals and intent of the Constitution and a tyranny by the few. Perhaps the government is still good but not when run by the tyrants controlling it today.

This government has been hijacked by people who are not "us" but them. As they say, the ones we have been waiting for. I do not consider Obuma, Reid, Pelosi, Van Jones, Dodd, Frank and the rest of the perverted leadership of this government to be part of any "us". The "us" that I have known do not steal people's money and livlihood, destroy families, engage in perverted acts, undermine the defense of the nation, embrace thuggish dictators nor order people around like slaves.

I have paid my way and lived a principled life. I never asked for more than roads to drive on and common defense against those who would destroy us. If you want to live in a commune, puff peckers, become a dope addict, slut around and have illegitimate children or be lazy and not work, fine. Do it. I won't stop you from living an unprincipled life. But I won't pay for it. And I won't consider you as part of "us".

I believe the days of "us" and compromise are over. Apparently the current leadership of the country does as well, because they are prepared to ram change down our throats just like Obuma did to Larry Sinclair. Well, I ain't Larry and I got me a Constitution. I don't want to be part of your us. I'm done with your "compromise", which consists of you telling me what I get. Violate our Constitution and "us" will make you regret your treason.


Celebrate Beltaine Tonight

This Beltaine weekend be sure to participate in some fertility rite to create abundance in your family, livestock or land. In ancient Celtic lands this ritual was considered the most functional of the four high days of the wheel. With the passing of agrarian society, the day became a lesser holiday principally celebrated by Marxists.

Marxists will celebrate today by assembling mobs that will march about US cities demanding their "rights". These ignorant mobs want the right to ignore the law of the land. Apparently they don't understand that the enforcement of their rights comes from law. If they overcome and get what they want they will lose the law which secures their rights!

I wish these Marxists could just be honest and protest for what they really want, which is kill all the white men, enslave white women and take all their stuff. That is their goal and I could deal with that. But instead they lie and scream about their rights. That's why I favor gassing these mobs on the street and using the corpses to build a fence on our southern border.

If these noble mestizos and their fellow travellers would just be patient, they will take the land they covet in just a couple of generations. These ignorant peasants still celebrate the fertility rituals of Beltaine throughout the entire year, producing an abundance of offspring that will simply overwhelm the white race in north america. Once the mestizos are a majority they can establish their Mexican paradise here.

Of course, once the white man's wealth is consumed and rule of law overthrown, america will not be the wealthy, orderly place that is has been. It will become Mexico.

None of this will affect me directly, as I will me moulding in a grave. But it troubles me that my race is commiting suicide by ignoring the threats looming in plain site. Whites need to spend more time engaging in fertility rites with their own kind. So all you white breeders need to get busy. Girls, throw those pills away and spread those legs for a white man tonight. Boys, throw the bottle and dope away and offer a white woman a stiff and hard ride tonight. Do it for the future abundance of your race. Celebrate Beltaine tonight.
