Monday, May 31, 2010

The World is Morally Bankrupt

We live in a morally bankrupt world. Palestinians in Gaza can elect a radical government that shells it's neighbor, Israel. Iran can arm it's military proxy, Hezbollah, while threatening to exterminate Israel with the nuclear weapons it is developing. Tiny Israel is surrounded by millions of hostile muslims, who have attacked Israel in modern memory yet Israel is reviled because it is thought to possess nuclear weapons and has the audacity to defend itself.
This morning the world press is criticizing Israel for stopping a Turkish led flotilla that was running the Israeli blockade of Gaza. The blockade is meant to keep weapons from the Palestinians, who have used weapons to attack Israel. Turkey and "international activists" claim that Israel is preventing food and medicine from reaching the Palestinians. This is a lie because Israel has allowed both to be delivered to the Palestinians after inspection. "Activists" resisted Israeli commandos who boarded the ships and died in the process. The world considers this a massacre.
These "activists" get what the want and deserve when they attack Israel. They get dead. And I'm happy that they depart this world. Anyone who would defend a people whose only defining trait is terrorism need to die.

Meanwhile Obumba and the UN want to disarm Israel. This pretty much sums up what both are all about. Both coddle thugs and terrorists and hate civilization. Maybe Obumba will choke on a weenie this weekend thereby relieving the world of another thug-tyrant. We can always hope.

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