Saturday, May 01, 2010

Celebrate Beltaine Tonight

This Beltaine weekend be sure to participate in some fertility rite to create abundance in your family, livestock or land. In ancient Celtic lands this ritual was considered the most functional of the four high days of the wheel. With the passing of agrarian society, the day became a lesser holiday principally celebrated by Marxists.

Marxists will celebrate today by assembling mobs that will march about US cities demanding their "rights". These ignorant mobs want the right to ignore the law of the land. Apparently they don't understand that the enforcement of their rights comes from law. If they overcome and get what they want they will lose the law which secures their rights!

I wish these Marxists could just be honest and protest for what they really want, which is kill all the white men, enslave white women and take all their stuff. That is their goal and I could deal with that. But instead they lie and scream about their rights. That's why I favor gassing these mobs on the street and using the corpses to build a fence on our southern border.

If these noble mestizos and their fellow travellers would just be patient, they will take the land they covet in just a couple of generations. These ignorant peasants still celebrate the fertility rituals of Beltaine throughout the entire year, producing an abundance of offspring that will simply overwhelm the white race in north america. Once the mestizos are a majority they can establish their Mexican paradise here.

Of course, once the white man's wealth is consumed and rule of law overthrown, america will not be the wealthy, orderly place that is has been. It will become Mexico.

None of this will affect me directly, as I will me moulding in a grave. But it troubles me that my race is commiting suicide by ignoring the threats looming in plain site. Whites need to spend more time engaging in fertility rites with their own kind. So all you white breeders need to get busy. Girls, throw those pills away and spread those legs for a white man tonight. Boys, throw the bottle and dope away and offer a white woman a stiff and hard ride tonight. Do it for the future abundance of your race. Celebrate Beltaine tonight.



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