Friday, May 14, 2010

Ban Trade Unions Now

Philadelphia has lots of problems and the most recent problem that is killing the city is it's crushing debt. The mayor wants to increase property taxes by 10% to fund the city's $3.9B budget. But even that might not be enough to cover "unforeseen costs like snow removal and newly negotiated union contracts".

Excuse me mayor. Snow removal might be an "unforeseen cost" but newly negotiated union contracts? C'mon yerhonor. Did you actually "negotiate" a fixed contract or just open the vault for the union to plunder? How could you negotiate a contract and not know how much it will cost?

This is the problem facing america in this age of mafioso unions that use government and corporations to extort money from the common man. The unions don't care if they bankrupt companies, cities, states or the nation. They just want their social justice, which means screwing everybody else.

There was a time when trade unions were necessary entities that raised compensation, provided better working conditions and improved safety for workers. I have been a union member and have been neutral regarding unions for decades. However unions have evolved into mafias that shakedown common people with no regard for the effects of their actions.

In the past decade unions have become bolshevik organizations where the membership believes that they are elites that deserve to be compensated like lawyers and doctors. For example, your local letter carrier makes about $80,000 per year to deliver letters. This is absurd!

If compensation by extortion weren't bad enough, unions use coercion and slush funds to elect representatives to political positions that pay off the unions. Then these bastards loot every dollar in sight. Recently the SEIU has been using violence, just like the mob, to silence opposition.

I am no longer neutral on trade unions. They must be banned if the nation is to prosper again, or maybe just survive.

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