Saturday, May 01, 2010

There Ain't No "us" Anymore

This afternoon dictator Obuma spoke at a commencement ceremony where he decried anti-government rhetoric. The sociopath said, "government is us." I wonder who this "us" is because I don't believe that their is an "us" anymore.

I can't relate to many people living in this country at all. The shameless sluts who have children out of wedlock and expect me to support her and them. The drugged lay-abouts who father children only to abandon them. The self-centered homosexuals who exclusively define themsleves by their perverted behaviors. The criminals who demand their rights under State of Law yet live under State of Nature. Foreigners here only to plunder the economy then send their earnings "home". Trade Unionists who only care that they get all they can while destroying the economy. Elites that use their power to tell everyone else what to do, where to do it and when it can be done. No, I can't relate to any of those people at all. Nor would I want to.

Obuma said, " Government is the roads we drive on and the speed limits that keep us safe. It's the men and women in the military, the inspectors in our mines, the pioneering researchers in public universities." True enough, but government has decided that is far more than that. It has become the transfer of wealth, the arbiter of abnormal behavior, treason to the ideals and intent of the Constitution and a tyranny by the few. Perhaps the government is still good but not when run by the tyrants controlling it today.

This government has been hijacked by people who are not "us" but them. As they say, the ones we have been waiting for. I do not consider Obuma, Reid, Pelosi, Van Jones, Dodd, Frank and the rest of the perverted leadership of this government to be part of any "us". The "us" that I have known do not steal people's money and livlihood, destroy families, engage in perverted acts, undermine the defense of the nation, embrace thuggish dictators nor order people around like slaves.

I have paid my way and lived a principled life. I never asked for more than roads to drive on and common defense against those who would destroy us. If you want to live in a commune, puff peckers, become a dope addict, slut around and have illegitimate children or be lazy and not work, fine. Do it. I won't stop you from living an unprincipled life. But I won't pay for it. And I won't consider you as part of "us".

I believe the days of "us" and compromise are over. Apparently the current leadership of the country does as well, because they are prepared to ram change down our throats just like Obuma did to Larry Sinclair. Well, I ain't Larry and I got me a Constitution. I don't want to be part of your us. I'm done with your "compromise", which consists of you telling me what I get. Violate our Constitution and "us" will make you regret your treason.



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