Friday, May 07, 2010

Collapse Is Inevitable Now

The plunge in US equities remains a mystery according to FT. Now THAT inspires confidence. The same geniuses that crashed the US economy in 2008 don't have one damn idea why the market plunged 1100 points yesterday, devouring a trillion dollars in equity. And they wonder why the mob wants to restrain their behavior.

In response to the chaos, the EU is going to have a meeting. That's reassuring. Meetings always give everyone a chance to share their feelings while appearing to do something about a problem while kicking the problem down the road. It was announced today that the EU and IMF will provide Greece with140 billion imaginary dollars and Greece will pretend to cut spending. The crisis will be delayed until it comes back later.

Back in america, the regime reported that April unemployment was 9.9% even as 290,000 imaginary jobs were added. We are supposed to believe that suddenly the persistently unemployed have suddenly decided to go look for work even though the regime has consistently denied that the true unemployment rate was near 20%. Nor is there any mention that most of these new jobs are low pay, no benefit contract jobs that cannot support a family.

Stocks lost 7% of their value this week as the Dow fell from 11,100 to 10,400. The market has lost all of it's gains for the year demonstrating a clear lack of confidence in the government and financial sector. The speed of the plunge Thursday shows that no one has any confidence in the system. There is no trust whatsoever. It appears that this time, the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) of the NY Fed, JP Morgan and friends stepped in to stop the crash before the stop loss system kicked in. Eventually the system will fail and the entire house of cards will collapse.
This fraud that calls itself the global economy cannot go on without any trust or faith in the system. The EU and the UK are failed states and the US is a failing state. Increasingly these governments are considered illegitimate because of their inability to rule which will eventually result in the people just turning their back and walking away. I already did.

Whether the problem is greed or incompetence, we are witnessing the collapse of Western civilization and there are no sane voices or leadership prepared to step into the gap and stop it. The US regime can't stop lying now or it will collapse sooner rather than later. But collapse is inevitable now.

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