Sunday, January 29, 2012

Falling Apart

Everything is falling apart everywhere. I think the fact that everything is based upon lies these days make it impossible for ordinary people to figure out what they're supposed to do in almost any case.

I've had no specific direction or management since a boss quit in mid 2010. The replacement boss understood little about what our department did so he let us run it as we saw fit. But except for general operation we didn't know specifically what we were supposed to accomplish. So we carried on based upon a 18 month old assignment. When the replacement boss quit two months ago we carried on until a replacement was announced. But the replacement has no interest in the department, not even bothering to email or meet any of the staff. He won't respond to needs or even involve hisself in projects. Now what?

Obama inspired the overthrow of Mubarak in the Arab Spring. Eqypt elected an Islamist government that has taken americans hostage by not allowing them to leave the country. The country is broke and soon will be starving. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were bungled by consecutive administrations costing trillions without destroying the enemy or leaving an outcome that might be peaceful in the world. Islamists of various species are taking control everywhere. The US is even negotiating with the Taliban.

Incompetent, lying governments take ever more control, micromanaging every detail of our lives. But they show no ability to manage anything. How are ordinary people to figure out how to survive? How can children even figure out how to play without being arrested by malevolent authorities? Jon Corzine can steal billions of dollars without being arrested while ordinary people serve years in prison for stealing just a few dollars. Nothing makes sense anymore.

I'll not be one bit surprised if the the world comes to an end next December. It might even be a mercy if the the planets align and destroy mankind. We can't seem to shake the great evil that has blossomed and grown in the 20th century. I can't see a starting place to clean house in this miserable world.


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