Monday, January 30, 2012

Obambi Swallows Whole

Her husband is a semiconductor engineer. I'm a semiconductor engineer. He has 10 years experience. I have 25 years experience. He can't find work in the semiconductor field, neither can I. Obambi finds that "interesting" because CEOs tell him they need skilled engineers. Well, they're lying Mr. President. The CEOs can't find engineers who'll work for ultra-low wages, no benefits and on contract, renewable every year like H1B1 slaves. I've talked to numerous Chinese, Korean and Japanese engineers who get this treatment.

You see Mr. Obambi, every CEO in the country is a fucking liar! They pull down multi-million dollar salaries, bonuses and endless perks for rat fucking their employees in this surplus labor market. Some day they'll need loyal, hardworking employees. I'm teaching my grandsons that management are all liars, you owe them no loyalty and give them as little work as you can for as much money as you get. Fuck them all!

My generation could have taught the next generation good things. Instead we're teaching them to never, ever trust a company or it's leaders. 


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