Thursday, December 13, 2007

Al Gore: Global Stalinist

You can always tell a real Stalinst by his words. Today Al revealed his Marxist/Stalinist roots when he declared "My own country, the United States is principally responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali. We all know that," Gore said to loud applause. "But my country is not the only one that can take steps to ensure that we move forward from Bali with progress and with hope."

There you have the magical Marxist word, progress. Every Marxist/Stalinist of every stripe always invokes their holy mantle of progress.

But progress for whom? Why themselves of course. Marxists know that they are smarter and far more important than anyone else on this planet. All of us commoners need to defer to their superior intellect and judgment. The progress must always be moving towards their total control over the masses.
If not, well the gulag for you.

Al doesn't have the power to physically put his critics in gulag. But, he can declare that anyone who disagrees with his views is somehow against the planet and hence all of humankind. Only Al and his cult members are smart enough to save the planet and humanity. All that us prols need to do is defer to their superior Stalinist planning and give them control over our wealth. They will save us and take care of us. Just like old mass-murdering uncle Joe Stalin.

Al Gore is a power hungry fraud, just like Joe Stalin. He is mad for power and would say or do anything for power. I can only hope that he will suffer a fatal aneurysm during one of his rage speeches to hasten the day when I can make a pilgrimage to Tennessee to piss on his snowy grave.


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