Saturday, December 15, 2007

Brave New World

The Bush41 policy crew has taken back US foreign policy as seen by recent events.

In Iraq the military has struck deals with the tribal leaders to give them official blessings to run their area as they see fit. In return they are expected to stop attacks on American troops and stop collaborating with Al Qaeda.

Israel has to make accommodations with it's muslim neighbors without any expectations of civility. The US will buy arms for both sides and hector both sides evenly even though the muslims are clearly terrorists.

North Korea will be trusted to stop their nuclear weapons program even as they proliferate WMD and engage in global criminal conspiracies.

Iran will be treated as just another nation pursuing lawful national policies. No sanctions for developing long range, ballistic nuclear missiles, threatening and meddling in other nation's affairs or terrorism.

The US will concede sovereignty to global government in support of the carbon induced global warming fraud at the upcoming Copenhagen conference in 2009.

The war against the axis of evil is over. There will no more moral accountability for the thugs that run the world's thugocracies. No leadership, just go along to get along to make the world safe for commerce.

The leadership elites of the world have decided that individual humans are no longer worth caring about. All that matters is money and power. Individuals are just resources to be managed and used to further their wealth and power. Welcome to our Brave New World.


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