Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Clintons Reach Out to the Global Elites

Bill Clinton told a reporter today that when Hillary is elected "Well, the first thing she intends to do, because you can do this without passing a bill, the first thing she intends to do is to send me and former President Bush and a number of other people around the world to tell them that America is open for business and cooperation again,"

No news here. It sounds like Hillary plans on getting her philandering, spotlight hogging, big-mouthed husband out of the country so she can bask in the power of the presidency. No surprises there. Bill wouldn't make a good hostess considering his inability to keep his hands off the hired help.

America will be open to business when Hillary becomes el presidente? I'm confused. Is America closed now? Perhaps Bill means that American technology will be available for the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Maybe the Clintons intends to import more foreign goods while exporting more jobs. How does this help the American people?

And what about this cooperation that Bill is ready to restore. Do the Clintons intend to cooperate with Islamists and let them run wild blowing up embassies, ships and barracks as they were wont to do during Bill's reign? Should we expect to see North Korea restart their nuclear weapons program? Or will Hillary just defer to the UN on every issue, every time? Is this in the best interest of John and Jane America?

And by the way, what is wrong with Bush41? Why is George the Elder hanging out with the former molester and perjurer in chief? Has the old boy gone senile or has he been beguiled by Bill's charisma? Hasn't George learned that you are judged by the company you keep?

Update: Bush41 spokeman says he wasn't consulted nor is he interested in Bill's roadtrip.

I'm not surprised that the Clintons are already reaching out to the global elites. They have no interest in the dreams and aspirations of common Americans. We are but pawns in their power games.


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