Friday, December 14, 2007

The US Military Wins America Loses

It appears that the US military has won the war in Iraq. No thanks to the fickle American people and their elected representatives.

Casualties are down, refugees are returning and commerce is increasing. Al Qaeda has been militarily and politically defeated in the Iraqi theater. But America has lost the war as the government of Iraq will be some Islamic, tribal thugocracy that will perpetuate hatred for the West.

We have kicked the can down the road for awhile but the West will have to deal irreconcilable islam eventually.

History will decide if toppling a tyrant to fight Al Qaeda in the heart of the middle east was a positive or negative approach in the war against barbarism. It will be a history of a few uniformed Americans who cared enough to lay it all on the line so the self-centered billions can play with their toys. God bless them all.


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