Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Biden is an Idiot

Joe is an imbecile. Speaking to cops and firemen he said:

"The first guy who’s going to have a problem is the guy whose $3 million home is on fire and you can’t get a truck out there. The first guy that’s going to have a problem is the person who has real assets and finds their house burglarized or robbed, or their Porsche is stolen"

Huh? Does the clown think that firemen will be on the scene before the fire or cops on the scene before the house is robbed? Nope. That's what home owner's insurance is for. Firemen and cops always show up after the fact.

And what the hell is going on with Joe and the use of "ya'll"? Oh, that's right. He's speaking to them in their "native language". Blow me Joe.


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