Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Suicidal Nation: Part 2


A society will not thrive nor even continue to exist without a set of societal norms, in other words a common culture. Modern America is developing a new culture which is a complete break from the culture that America was founded upon.

Where shall I begin? Perhaps marriage and family. For generations, marriage between and man and woman that produced children was the rock that society was built upon. Marriage produced a stable environment for the raising of children, providing for material, emotional, disciplinary and spiritual needs. Typically a man did not marry until he had the means to support children, so the parents were adults before they brought children into the world.
Nowadays, too often children have sex and produce children that these child-parents cannot provide for materially nor emotionally. Marriage is becoming rare and often ends in failure. Self-centered 'parents' dump their spouse and family at the slightest inconvenience and make another disposable family. Children learn that nothing is permanent and nothing matters.

For generations, most Americans believed in a sovereign God and accepted His laws. The Constitution added a few rights under God and a few laws to clarify detail. Most folks knew and followed the law because it would be shameful to do otherwise.
Too many Americans don't know God and don't accept His sovereignty. Modern America has so many laws that no one could know and understand all of them. The law is used by our political and business elites to plunder the citizens breeding contempt for law and order. Justice in America has become a joke.

Western art and music has historically been used to elevate mankind above the harsh reality of everyday life. Both were a force for good. Now we substitute pornography, gangsta rap et al for Rembrandt and Bach, depicting man as a common beast. Music and art are dead in modern America.

Generations of Americans strove for a lifetime to rise above their base status and bring a sense of dignity to their life. They would wash and put on their meager Sunday best whenever they could for public appearance. Notoriety was shameful.
These days Americans can barely dress with dignity for church or a funeral. The body is exposed, tattooed, pierced and it is not surprising for people to go out in public wearing pajamas. Notoriety is the goal and nothing is shameful.

America's new culture is imploding and with it the country will implode. Nihilism appears to be the name of this new culture. God help us.

Who Caused the Crash of 2008?

I'm no economist but it sure looks like our socialist-democrat friends have caused the worst economic meltdown that I've seen in my lifetime. I have a little more than a passing interest in this debacle since I've lost my job and my retirement is in jeopardy.

The libtards have been screeching about social justice for decades, charging racism is responsible for appalling living conditions in black and poor neighborhoods. If we would just make it possible for these victims to buy a house they would live just like we do in the suburbs. So banks started providing no money down, variable rate mortgages for people who bought far more house than they could afford. A few years later these folks suddenly figure out that they can't pay and give the keys back to the bank. And here we are today staring at the abyss.

It's clear to me that Congress pressured the banks to make these loans and the derivatives market was created mitigate the risk. Of course the weasels got in the mix, selling mortgages to suckers to get their commissions and bonuses.

Greed, power and a something for nothing mentality is the root cause of this debacle.
Congress wanted to buy votes to get power, brokers and money managers wanted the commissions and bonuses and people wanted a house or a high rate of return on their investments because they're entitled to the good life. So, theres plenty of blame to go around.

So, we had better do the government bailout and jump start the economy before we end up repeating the lifestyle of the 1930s. Nobody likes the idea but it's better than the alternatives.

Let's also make sure that justice is served and vote the socialist-democrats out of office. Then we can make sure that the new Congress and Justice department investigates the Raines, Johnsons, Dodds and the other lying thieves that got us into this mess and send the guilty to prison.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Israeli Drones in Georgia

I was taken by surprise by the Russian invasion of Georgia. The invasion seemed to be completely out of proportion and will damage Russian interests in the long run. So what were the Russians up to?

I've read reports that the Israeli military had been cooperating with the government of Georgia, perhaps supplying military hardware or training. More specifically, I've read that Israel had provided drones to Georgia. Debkafile recently reported that Russians raided two airbases and confiscated Israeli drones.

What is going on here? Could the purpose of the Russian invasion of Georgia be to aid it's ally Iran? Why would Russia take such a risk to support Iran? Why would Russia care if the Israelis attacked Iran's nuclear weapons program?

There's more to this story than what is revealed in news reports. Is this just the Great Game revived in the 21st century? Or is the hand of God moving Gog and Magog towards Armegedon?

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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Thank God for Sarah Palin

Sarah accomplished the impossible, she has got me excited about voting for McCain. Before Sarah was selected as MCain's running mate, I was prepared to vote against Obama by voting for either Barr or McCain. Barr was probably a better match with my views but I feared that a vote for Barr might translate into a vote for Obama. Now I can vote for McCain/Palin with enthusiasm.

I just like Sarah. She is a tough conservative built of far sturdier stuff than than the Bushes and many of the candidates running on the GOP side. Sarah speaks like someone you might work with or a neighbor on your street. She strikes me as a decent, ordinary American who lives like the rest of us.

Sarah's endorsement of McCain means a lot to a guy like me. If a decent, ordinary American can support McCain then I can too. It says a lot about McCain that he would choose a Sarah Palin as his running mate.

If America has a brain it will elect McCain/Palin in November. Sarah will learn how to be President and in 2012 America will elect a decent, ordinary American as the first woman President of the United States.

Thank you God for the gift of Sarah Palin.