Saturday, September 06, 2008

Thank God for Sarah Palin

Sarah accomplished the impossible, she has got me excited about voting for McCain. Before Sarah was selected as MCain's running mate, I was prepared to vote against Obama by voting for either Barr or McCain. Barr was probably a better match with my views but I feared that a vote for Barr might translate into a vote for Obama. Now I can vote for McCain/Palin with enthusiasm.

I just like Sarah. She is a tough conservative built of far sturdier stuff than than the Bushes and many of the candidates running on the GOP side. Sarah speaks like someone you might work with or a neighbor on your street. She strikes me as a decent, ordinary American who lives like the rest of us.

Sarah's endorsement of McCain means a lot to a guy like me. If a decent, ordinary American can support McCain then I can too. It says a lot about McCain that he would choose a Sarah Palin as his running mate.

If America has a brain it will elect McCain/Palin in November. Sarah will learn how to be President and in 2012 America will elect a decent, ordinary American as the first woman President of the United States.

Thank you God for the gift of Sarah Palin.


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