Monday, June 21, 2010

Couple of Things on Monday Morning

Hanson tears into Obama again pretty good listing the straws that broke america's back. I agree with most of the deficiencies that he cites. But as a commenter remarks, Obama is but a detail in this disaster in governance. The Congress is the entity that passed all of those extra-Constitutional bills that are realigning wealth and power in america. Obama couldn't enact this destruction of america without a complicit Congress. Then we have federal, state and local bureacracies that will enforce all of this without question. These bureacracies are mostly democrat and feed at the trough of tax and spend by nanny government. All of this is possible because of an ignorant, lazy, spoiled electorate that wants governemnt to "fix" everything so they can eat Ho-Hos and watch reality TV.

The rot is deep in america.

For 190 years america has been the number 1 manufacturer of the world, creating wealth while building the stuff that consumers want. China is on track to take the lead in 2011. The wealth generated by manufacturing created a robust society with a middle class lifestyle and enabled freedoms unimaginable to most people. What is a post-manufactuing america going to look like? Can america create wealth shuffling papers and selling Chinese manufactured goods?

For three generations me and my ancestors have manufactured goods that provided a decnet living for our families. There won't be another generation in my line that manufactures stuff. It is the end of the line. And I suspect it is the end of the line for america. We're on track now to become the pitiful UK.

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