Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obama Exploits Oil Spill

Obama is down in Florida hustling his PR scam that he's in control of the BP oil spill, preparing to kick BP's ass and he really, really, really cares about americans harmed by the spill. He ate, drank and golfed then told americans to come to the Gulf and do the same. Tonight the Kenyan-Indonesian will have a speech to tell us his plan. You can count on one thing from this president, he will be shoveling your money, and all the money he can print and borrow, around like Gulf beach sand. Obama will not let this crisis go to waste.

Obama wants to use the spill to push his energy program stifling carbon taxes, thinking:

"The test for him is: Does it reduce America's carbon pollution? Does it set America off on a course of energy independence? Does it meet the objective to see that America is leading in the alternative energy field? Does it lead to the creation of economic growth and jobs? Does it lead to the United States being a leader on alternative energy? Does it help the country wean itself off dependence on foreign oil?" the official said. "Those are the questions the president will ask in evaluating any legislation."

Carbon pollution is marxist dogma and excuse for taxing away a quarter of the economy. Every living thing on this planet is carbon based. So if carbon is a pollutant then the earth itself is a pollutant and every breath we take is a pollutant. Obama wants to tax us to live and breath.
Energy independence is drilling every oil and gas well, digging out every ounce of coal, building nuclear power plants while developing alternative energy in the US. The guy who graduated last in his class at any high school in the world knows THAT. Obama doesn't want the US to be energy independent because that would reduce his power over us. So shutthefuckup with that bullshit.
The US can be the technology leader in alternative energy, or any other technology, if the government would get their boot off of american business' neck. I work in an american alternative energy business and the government doesn't know anything about it except that lots of papers must be endlessly shuffled.
Alternative energy growth and jobs will only occur if the US economy grows. That isn't looking good as Obama spends us into net debtors and the world into a new dark age.
The Kenyan-Indonesian can wean us off foreign oil by taxing and spending us into oblivion. In fact, we  won't need any oil at all if the economy collapses and half the US population dies in the ensuing conflagration. And every day that looks like the plan that Obama and his gang have in  mind.

The only ass that Obama wants to kick is american ass.



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