Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Killing The Goose

The US economy is on the path to cannibalizing itself. Wealth is being siphoned off to be consumed by unproductive elements of society at an alarming rate. Meanwhile the half of american society that actually create wealth are facing stagnant or falling wages. The government is proposing to take an ever-increasing percentage of income to redistribute to those who can't pay their way.

The BP spill is a perfect example; their stock value has dived as their costs and liabilities has risen. The government snarls and threatens on the sidelines, the public boycotts BP and the stock value dives lower until BP approaches collapse. Then who will pay for the cleanup? You guessed it, the taxpayer.

It makes little sense to kill the goose that lays the golden egg, whether it be BP or the private sector worker. The US is killing both remorselessly.

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