Thursday, June 17, 2010

Russian T-50 vs. American Stupidity

The Russians have a new 5th generation fighter called the T-50 built by Sukhoi. Some say this aircraft is superior to both the US F-22 and F-35. The T-50 is probably both less complicated and tougher than the US aircraft just by the nature of Russian designs. And it is going into production soon.

The US cancelled the F-22 Raptor after 187 were built because the Russians didn't have a 5th generation fighter in the pipeline? How did US intelligence miss that? Obama's Pentagon is also clueless about defense. Ask them why queer soldiers are important or why Islamists are not the enemy and they can cite chapter and verse. National defense? Winning a war? Not so much.

And the F-35 Joint Strike fighter is so complicated, so expensive, so over-budget and so far behind schedule that no one can say when, or even if, it ever will go into service. The US planned to have 3000 of these warbirds in service before 2014, when the aged, worn-out F-16 and F-18 reach end of service life. Now everything is uncertain. Maybe we should ask the Chinese to build them for us.

Can americans do anything right any more? I'm really starting to wonder. For all of our college educated citizens we can't defeat a bunch of primitive goatherds in Afghanistan, run a profitable company that makes money in the US, sustain a space program or even educate the few native children that are born in this country. In this post-american world, americans can't seem to get anything right.

It's embarrassing. We outsourced so much of our work that fully 20% of our workforce is permanently unemployed while importing 13 million mestizos to work at slave wages. We even outsourced the presidency to a Kenyan/Indonesian islamocommunist. Our policies resemble the late Roman empire just before the fall.

The government wants everybody to get post-secondary education to fill $10/hour jobs at Walmart that can never begin to pay the student loans. Why do I need a BA degreed clerk to tell me which aisle the toilet paper is located? And just how useful is this education indoctrination?

Just recently we had an MBA blow up a $563M oil exploration rig, kill 11 of his crew, pollute the Gulf of Mexico for a generation, destroy the livelihood of millions of people and end any prospect of energy independence in the US. Other educated imbeciles ran the US auto and banking industries into the ground. Why do we need more of these educated dimwits with no fucking common sense?

This country is like an endless episode of the Three Stooges, without Moe to keep Larry and Curly from killing themselves. In another decade don't be surprised to see those T-50s flying over your house, piloted by revolutionary Venezualian, Bolivian and Iranian pilots who come to liberate the mestizo slaves.

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