Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mideast Gets Hotter

The Iranians are doing everything they can to start a war in the Mideast. The latest stunt is sending a pair of "humanitarian aid" ships to break the blockade of Gaza by the Israelis. The ships are carrying "toys" for the Philistine children. Probably little AK-47s and Revolutionary Guards uniforms.

The US just moved the USS Truman and her escorts, plus an Israeli warship through the Suez canal to the Red Sea. Wouldn't it be refreshing if the US ships stopped, boarded and searched the Iranian ships? Perhaps the female Iranian martyrs could resist and get their wish. But the US president is a metrosexual islamocommunist so I'm not expecting anything but posturing from the US.

Iran, Turkey, Syria and their proxys Hamas and Hezbollah have sized up the US president and deemed him a limp wristed pansy who is, at best, ambivelent towards Israel. Obama would be more at home organizing the Save Hamas flotilla than stopping it. Iran wants nuclear weapons and war with Israel. Turkey and Syria have both told Obama that he's a bitch and they will ally themselves with Iran. It's only a matter of finding a pretext for the shooting war to start.

The post-american world that Obama has created is a far more dangerous world. 

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