Saturday, June 12, 2010

Thoughts on 911 in 2010

As I drank my morning coffee and checked email I was directed to a slow-motion ballistics video by a friend. I watched this video then noticed a slow-mo 911 WTC video in the sidebar. I watched it and some others then stopped and checked my feelings.

Nothing. No shock, anger, sadness or pride in my country's response. Just emptiness.

So I got another cup of coffee and pondered my feelings. I was surprised at what I discovered.

By evening on 911 the shock had wore off and I had decided how the US should respond to the attack..

No prominent muslims had apologized nor really distanced themselves from the attack. Many muslims celebrated the attack.

Al Qaeda was the military arm of Islam, financed and directed by muslim nations and islamic clerics. The attack was a culminating act of war by means of terrorism. But the enemy was Saudi Wahabist Islam. That is where the money, political and religious guidance originated.

The 911 attack was a brilliant assault on the american center. Money is the american god for most americans. The attack on the WTC was meant to destroy our god, mammon, while undermining trust in our civilization. The attack on the pentagon and the possible failed attack on either the whitehouse or congress was a demonstration that no place and nobody was safe anymore. The goal was to kill national leadership and destroy the US and global economy by undermining trust and faith in america.

I had decided that we must attack Islam's center and the retaliation must be orders of magnitude greater than the attack on WTC. Mecca must be utterly destroyed.

Instead we declared war on terror, the equivalent of hunting down Zero pilots and aircraft carrier captains rather than fighting Japan during WW2. It was clear that national leadership had no idea how to respond to the attack let alone the war that islam had been engaged in since it appeared in the desert 1300 years ago. Nothing had changed in all those years but the technology available to use against infidels who had lost their religion and culture.

We pissed away trillions of dollars chasing ghosts, sacrificing our best young men while destroying our freedoms. Islam is strong as ever, perhaps even stronger today, as muslims rally round their culture. Islam is growing even in kuffir lands as Christianity shrivels and dies in the West.

US and Western economies never recovered from the 911 attack and are strangling while trust in leadership is utterly destroyed. Going through a homeland security checkpoint confirms that we have lost security and freedom. We all know that more attacks are coming and there is nothing that can stop them.

Iraq and Afghanistan are lost to Islam. The moment the troops leave both will revert to what they have always been. The West doesn't have the resources to buy them off. Iran has become more dangerous to the West since 911 and shapes the oil patch far more than the West. Meanwhile the West has failed to establish alternative energy sources and is just as dependent on ME oil as before 911. In short, they got us by the balls.

The West failed to define the enemy and lost the war. Killing some jihadi in Waziristan with a $68,000 missile doesn't make me feel safer but makes me decidedly poorer. You have to destroy the center to defeat an enemy. We are just negotiating by sending messages that we might kill you if you continue aggression. If we had an economy that could support these messages forever, it might make sense. But we're broke and this strategy is unsustainable.

Now we're not fighting them over there while fighting them here at Fort Hood, in the sky over Detroit and in Manhattan. Only their incompetence, not our brilliance, has prevented mass casualties on american soil. At least we don't have nail clippers or bottled water on board aircraft and TSA employees know what we look like naked. 

2819 people died in the 911 attack on the US. A total of 72,000 americans have died or been seriously wounded fighting the war on terror. Islamists are still attacking america and killing americans. Nine years later the war continues. Now Obama won't mention terrorism and is ending the war on undefined criminal/victims/whatever. No victory by any means. We just wander off the battlefield like we did in Vietnam.

Next year Western combat forces will be withdrawn from muslim lands even as enemy forces remain in the field capable of inflicting greivious harm on the West. By historical standards of warfare, Western forces did not prevail by causing enemy forces to stand down and desist armed aggression. In reality, hostilities will continue but the West will only react defensively and passively to specific incidents. In other words, crimes will be investigated and documented in the course of law enforcement after americans are dead. But we dare not define those who commit the crimes.

I feel nothing because we lost. I could get angry but that won't change anything. I feel ashamed that we faced a test, just like my parents faced during WW2, and we failed. We let everybody down, both those who went before us and those who follow.

Now NYC is going to allow muslims to build a mosque just two blocks from where several hundred New Yorkers jumped to their death rather than be burnt alive after the Islamist attack. I don't care what anyone says, this is a memorial for Islam. An insult to americans who were murdered that day. Is there any chance that in 1950 a shinto shrine would be built 440 yards from Pearl Harbor? I don't think so.

I don't ever want to hear another New Yorker complain about what happened to them on 911. You've insulted those who died and shamed yourself by allowing a mosque to be built anywhere near what should be sacred ground. New York will be ground zero for another Islamist attack, as will DC. Both nutopolises are bringing death down on their heads by appeasing Islamists. It would be hard to feel too much sympathy for people who cause their own grief.

I am personally ashamed that I didn't do more to prevent the government from soft pedaling the war on terror bullshit and that I encouraged young people to enlist to fight for their country. So I guess I do feel shame. But that is all.

Any anger I have is for the failed leadership and many citizens of this nation. Any sadness I had for the 911 victims has been replaced by the larger sadness caused by the death of my nation. I am no longer shocked by any event, whether it be a muslim boy sawing off a man's head or a woman slowly stoned to death for being raped. 911 isn't even shocking to me any longer. I  have lost all trust in most of my neighbors and government/business leadership. At least Islamists are trustworthy to be bloodthirsty totalitarians. My countrymen lie to me and only consider my temporary utility to their immediate needs.

The Islamists won, the West lost and the US is radiply failing. There is nothing united about the bankrupt states in this country.  At least muslims believe in something and have cultural cohesion. All many americans believe in is their McMansion, their new Toyota, their iPad and how cool they are. We can't even agree on the definition of marriage, what personal property is or if we have national borders. Many americans don't know or even care who is their child or what becomes of them (if they don't murder the child in a womb that is nothing more than a semen spitoon). There is no culture or cohesion in the moral vacumn that is post-modern america. Our god, mammon, is dying and there is nothing to take it's place.

I'm afraid that Bin Laden was right, my descendants will be muslims. And they will live a short, brutish, nasty life in a dreary, dark age world.


Blogger Linda P said...

Dear Mr. Lampfhota:
With this post, you've managed to top yourself in getting me depressed! Yet all your insights here are true and correct. I agree with you that we should have attacked Mecca after 9/11. This would have been the correct response. To hell with the unattainable goal of bringing democracy to Islamic countries. Just for your information, there was a large demonstration near the former WTC on June 6 protesting the mosque. I was there. It went totally uncovered by the mainstream media. Yet, you are right -- some so-called intelligent New Yorkers, including our mayor, support this atrocity. Haven't they ever picked up a history book? Don't they know that symbolism is very important to Muslims and they will see this heinous mosque overlooking Ground Zero as a great triumph of their vile religion?

Linda P.
Bronx, NY

9:46 PM  

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