Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Insanity or the Hidden Agenda

Interesting comments over at Belmont Club this evening, especially 124. It sure makes you wonder if conspiracy theorists aren't onto something.

Take the run up of oil prices in 2007-2008 for example. With the economy going into recession, how can gasoline prices oscillate between $2.25 and $3.00 then peg at $4.00 per gallon right before the election? How can the US economy, already in recession, just collapse in October 2008, right before the election?

Or, how can very knowledgable market analysts ignore Enron, Lehman and other companies as they steal investor's money in plain sight? How can Freddie and Fannie and other banks make bad loans, bundle these bad loans as derivative tranches then sell these things as legitimate investments to professional investors? How come nobody except a couple of fall guys get indicted or go to prison?

How can the oil giant BP help write the global warming scam carbon cap and trade legislation, drill a deep water ocean while ignoring basic procedures, pollute an entire coastline then end up meeting with the president represented by Jamie Gorelick, who seems to be involved with seemingly failed missions that seem to end in disasters for america wherever she goes? Is this all just happenstance? Makes you wonder.

Sometimes I wonder if all the news isn't just a distraction to cover the real workings of this world. What if terrorism, democrats and republicans, communists and capitalists, racism and every other emotional issue isn't just a cover for a pack of evil bastards that are playing a power game while using us as sheep to fleece. Do insane events just happen out of the blue? Or is there rational, hidden agendas being run in the background being covered by insane news stories to distract us?

Is it possible that BP intentionally pumped well fomation mud from the top of the wellbore directly bypassing instrumentation to cause an enviromental disaster on Earth Day to enable the president and congress to pass cap and trade legislation? Impossible? Monsterous? I'd like to believe that no human could commit such heinous acts and to even think such thoughts would be insane.

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