Thursday, December 22, 2011

Class Warfare

GOP didn't cover themselves in glory with their capitulation on the 2% tax withholding relief compromise. No one was at the water cooler to acknowledge their charity late in the day. So their entire movement went into the Christmas holiday looking like a bunch of Scrooges. Good work.

The dems did an outstanding job of selling class warfare heading into the 2012 election. I'm even buying it, even though I know the dems are lying too. The GOP doesn't give a flying shit about anyone who makes less than $80k a year. Neither do the dems but they pretend better.

$85 a month is a lot of money to me these days. It covers the monthly health insurance payroll deduction increases and keeps my take home pay the same. That's important going into my fourth year without a raise. Anyone making $80k or more a year wouldn't "get it".

With US sovereign debt over $15.124T there's nothing I can do to pay it down. Those making over $80k are going to have to do that heavy lifting. I'm just trying to hang on to what's left of my lower middle class lifestyle. A couple more years of no raises will break my grip, sending us into lower class.

I'm not buying the whole small businessmen create jobs crap. I've seen no evidence of the jobs but plenty of evidence of the McMansions, Lexus' and fancy lifestyle. So I'm starting to get bought in on taxing the wealthy snobs. Let the leadership elites pay for their fucked up leadership.


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