Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday Tab Dump...and More

Maybe I'm guilty of reading reptile-alien invasion websites. I dunno. I don't trust the MSM anymore, nor the government. BP is under legal assault so they couldn't tell the truth if they wanted to. So I look and try to find something that makes sense.

I stumbled on the real danger to humans of the Macondo prospect well today and it makes sense. Oil is chock full of volatile organics like benzene. These VOCs are distilled from oil and gas then packaged for human use. Some of these VOCs are very dangerous to humans, such as benzene. These VOCs evaporate and collect in clouds only to be rained down in rivers and on land where they are taken up in the food chain, eventually ending up in human food. Then in humans where some are known to cause cancer.

So we go out with a whimper perhaps. I dunno.

A New Orleans federal judge ruled that Obama and gang misled the public and oversteped it's power with the moratorium on offshore drilling. I wish the judge would have ordered Obama and his thugs be arrested and tried for treason.
Meanwhile one writer suggests that if BP is forced into bankruptcy, the global economy gets another Lehman Brothers type beating. BP is an important player in the global oil carry trade. If BP goes down so does everyone in it's chain.

But Obama and his Marxist pals don't care about carcinogens, failed economies, unemployed workers or any of that nonsense. They just want to control the cash flow...and you. Obama is going to push cap and trade. The masses can ride their bicycles to their jobs pick up their unemployment and welfare checks.

John Voight wrote a damning letter to Obama today. If the magical negro could be shamed it would be a knife in his black heart. But Obama has thrown the Jews under the bus and needs Mestizo slaves to keep the economy from collapsing under his feet.


My favorite story today was the report that General McChrystal dissed the president who wants to kick his ass. Perhaps McChrystal will resign. Maybe Obama will go gangsta on McChrystal and cap him wid a Nine. Ya just don't know what a crazy nigga from da hood Columbia might do.

Sorry. That's was Spike Lee's dream. Obama is a half-breed white/Kenyan muslim raised in Indonesia, politically indoctrinated in The People's Republic of Hawaii by Marxist/white slaver/pedophile  Frank Marshall Davis. Not being a trained actor Obama can't do gangsta. But he can do metrosexual. Ask Larry Sinclair about the Oboner.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. There won't be a federal budget this year. Nope. Fuck dat. The demomarxistcrats just gonna tax and spend as they go. No accountability, no Constitution, no citizens. Just a Politiboro.


Permanent middle class tax cuts are history. The Politiburo needs money so middle class taxe increases are coming in 2011. Forget Obama campaign promises. Ya'll have to pay so unionized party members and fat, lazy welfare sluts can smoke crack and fuck all day on your redistributed earnings.
Last week's sucker rally at the Dow is over. The computers are fleecing the investors who bought into the market again. Home sales crashed in May is the latest excuse.
Today Geithner told Congress "... the US economy was "still going through an incredibly difficult period," as he warned the impact of the crisis would be "lasting." "Millions of Americans are still looking for work and are suffering from the damage of a deep recession. The impact of this crisis will be lasting". Courtesy Brietbart.

Kiss my ass Tim.

Obama and Mexico have filed lawsuits against Arizona's immigration law. Meanwhile Mexican drug cartels have setup lookout posts on US soil and threatened Arizona police. We are under invasion and Obama is siding with the enemy. Treason? You betcha. Impeach the motherfucker, invade Mexico, take their women and burn their property.

If Mexico wants to protect their "citizen's rights" they can keep the bastards on their side of the border. They have no right to be here. Enforce the law you fucking moron president.


Please God, make someone order me to muster out to restore my country.

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